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建信金融研究员朱磊: 利率市场化大背景下寻找优质公司--亲稳网络舆情监控室

As built letter fund financial industry researcher and strategy analyst,ZhuLei work center of gravity is mainly to the industry and the company fundamentals covered closely tracking and research,And in the industry and the company fundamental change in time for investment personnel make tips and investment advice,In his view,Rigorous research work need to be able to eliminate the interference of all kinds of market sentiment,Regression solid fundamental research.
How to do well the financial industry to the research work,ZhuLei think,First of all need to macro economic environment to correct judgment,Financial itself is big cycle/Long cycle industry,The correct understanding to the financial industry is in the period of operation which stage is the research work can be the key to success;secondly,Need to each company in this industry to carry on the concrete analysis and judgment,Including the company's strategy to be whether appropriate/Management is proactive,Mechanism is agile,How execution and so on.
Big financial investment generally adopt top-down strategies,But ZhuLei think,With the interest rate market advancement,Bottom-up stock selection effect will be more and more big.
"See big this year is the background of the interest rate marketization,Not only is this year,And even in the coming years,Think about financial investment should be based on market-oriented interest rate as a starting point."ZhuLei explain,Interest rate marketization is the logic behind the financial industry of son between fusion,Interest rate marketization is essential for capital gradually achieve optimal allocation,To break up the monopoly in administration.so,This year is the main investment opportunities that can actively respond to,And in strategic/implementation/Resource level can in the course of interest rate liberalization distinguishing company.
In ZhuLei seems,The so-called"distinguishing"The company needs to have four conditions,Mechanism science agile/Management is enterprising/Strategic layout properly/Shareholders rich resources.In the future market competition,Business relative single company,If you don't change in time,So the future competition will be more and more big,Licence relatively complete,With large financial platform company stand out more easily.
Specific to see,The financial industry and contains the bank/insurance/Brokers DengZi industry,For each is trade needs from different perspective of research and analysis,It also test a researcher skills.With rich experience ZhuLei for research,Analysis up particularly easy.
For bank shares,The present market for this year's profit growth there are certain differences,ZhuLei analysis,This mainly comes from this year to carry judgment,Carry this year the magnitude of the drop will directly decide the bank profit growth.After the early rise sharply,Currently, the bank stock valuations generally back to times more than PB,The future bank shares rose needs to observe whether two factors:One is the presence of economy rebounded situation,If there,The market for bank stock valuations naturally will improve;The second is,The bank's income situation and carry,If better than expected,So the performance is improved.Now due to the trend of the monetary policy is not very clear,So these two factors need to continue to look at.
Theory for insurance will be damaged in the interest rate marketization,In the stock market is not particularly good,Insurance fundamentals can compare light this year,But insurance stock valuations are very cheap,In this context,Relative value has comprehensive financial advantage of the company.If the future interest rates down,The insurance company's products appeal will be promoted step by step,Insurance stocks investment opportunities will also increased.
Stock brokers in,Last year brokers share valuations ascension fully reflect the reform expected,Out of a wave quotation,The next two to three years ZhuLei will pay more attention to the innovation of the securities listed companies under the expected performance of the process of cash,Including the policy implementation/Brokers in innovation in business situation.If performance gradually to cash,So brokers shares will be upward,and,Brokers strands of future existence pressure.
Through the study on how to avoid from the financial sector"Black swan",ZhuLei think,No matter any industry research are need to avoid potential"Black swan",But in different market environment research work has the stress should be.Market bad/Economic growth fall,Research work is focused on the remove the existing performance"mines"/There is a big risk management of the company;When the market recovery is better should focus on mining has the potential for growth of the company.Built for inquiry letter with team closely,Researchers from the research information and insights of the first time can be passed to the fund manager,A complete set of mechanism system ensures that the research can provide support for investment in time,Also built letter fund to maintain steady growth performance,Don't appear on thunder event to provide the safeguard.(CaoShuYan)
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