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因争休息座椅 4名上海游客鼓浪屿被捅伤(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室
[Xinmin net, the scoop]On May 8,,Some netizens said,Tourist destination in fujian xiamen gulangyu bloody scene,A man by four row seat stabbed with a knife injury tourists in Shanghai.Xinmin network reporters later learned from gulangyu island police station,Four of the injured with group to gulangyu island,Is currently in xiamen, the first hospital for treatment.It is understood,Four tourists is merrily merrily in Shanghai international travel service line,At present, the travel agency has sent to xiamen.Shanghai tourism administration request travel agency actively rescue/Cooperate with the investigation.
According to the xiamen city in fujian province public security bureau official weibo"Xiamen police online"reply,8, at noon,Gulangyu island in a tourists Angle caused by armed attack,The suspect was arrested xu,The injured were taken to the hospital.
It is understood,About 8, 11,A man lying outside the gulangyu McDonald's green belts alone to sleep on the bench of the atrium,Later because the passers-by also want to rest on the bench,Then an argument on both sides,Pushing each other in the process,Four passers-by hurt by the man with a knife,Lead to the abdomen/In areas such as the arm injured.Knife-wielding man immediately by the urban management law enforcement investigation officer and civilian police force uniform.
By the local police to find out,The criminal suspect xu,male,47 years old,Guizhou people,On May 7 days in xiamen,Before the crime temporarily stay in a hostel near the railway station,8 in the morning to the gulangyu island tourism.And four injured passers-by are from abroad,3 men and 1 woman,3 of them are in critical condition,Not life threatening,An injury JiaoChongZhe in active treatment.The police said,Case is under further scrutiny.
Another netizen said,In four of the injured,There is a knife behind an elderly aunt,Pale injured heavier.Tourists after the alarm,110/120 emergency,Control of the suspect and treat the wounded.A source says,The reason is caused from Shanghai asked drunk man seat in guizhou.
新民网记者从鼓浪屿派出所获悉,4名伤者均为上海游客,他们跟随旅行团来厦门旅游,目前正在厦门市第一医院进行救治。(新民网记者 胡彦珣)
The reporter learns from gulangyu island police station xinmin network,Four of the injured were tourists in Shanghai,They follow the tour group travel to xiamen,Is currently in xiamen, the first hospital for treatment.(Xinmin network reporter Hu Yanxun)
那些年,游客的不幸遭遇: In those years,Visitors' misfortunes:
Mother-daughter reservoir driving motor boats secretly play hit tower 1 killed and one wounded
Yunnan stone forest scenic spot lightning 2 die 4 injury accident caused by tourists
Two Chinese tourists died in the collision accident in Thailand
Shanghai girl symbian diving drowned
大三女生乘坐摩托艇被绳勒喉管 尚未度过危险期
Three girls on skis are rope throat has not crisis

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