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  中新社伦敦7月20日电(蒲媛)伦敦奥组委主席塞巴斯蒂安 科20日接受英国广播公司采访时表示,加上征召的军方人员和警察,奥运安保人数目标已经满足,他承诺将举办“一届安全的奥运会”。

Arriving on July 20, London(PuYuan)The London organizing committee chairman Sebastian 20 days, told BBC radio interviews that,And the military personnel and police called up,The number of Olympic security targets have been satisfied,He has pledged to hold“The safety of the Olympic Games”。


Although London in the run-up to the Olympic Games,The Olympic security problems of dark clouds always shrouded in the London organising committee head。

  塞巴斯蒂安 科说:“我们已经招募到了足够的安保人员,包括军队、警察等,这足以使我们能够有效保障奥运会的安全。” 据报道,在受雇于伦敦奥组委的私人安保公司G4S承认安保人员短缺后,已经有3500名军方人员被征召投入到奥运安保工作中,此外还有1200名军方人员随时待命。

Sebastian secco said:“We have to recruit enough security personnel,Including army、The police, etc,It's enough to make we can effectively guarantee the security of the Olympic Games。” According to the report,In the London organising committee of the employed by private security contractors G4S admits security personnel shortage,There are 3500 military personnel have been called up into the Olympic security work,In addition to the 1200 military personnel to standby。

  英国内政部安全和反恐部门官员查尔斯 法在接受采访时表示,军方人数加上G4S原有的安保人数,现在的奥运安保力量事实上比原计划的还要强大。

The home office security and counter-terrorism officials Charles method in an interview said,The number of military and security G4S original number,Now the Olympic security forces in fact than of the original plan to strong。

  查尔斯 法称,他最初获悉G4S公司安保人员招募方面出现问题是在6月初,从那个时候开始,他和各位大臣就开始密切关注这一问题,并且制定了应急预案。而直到7月11日G4S公司确认他们无法履行合约,应急预案才被启动。

Charles law says,He first learned that G4S company security personnel recruiting problems is in early June,From that time to start,He and fellow minister began to pay close attention to this problem,And make contingency plans。And until July 11 G4S company confirmed that they can't perform the contract,Emergency plan to start。

  针对G4S的问题,塞巴斯蒂安 科回应道:“事实上有一点非常重要,G4S公司提供的4000名安保人员,目前已经在奥林匹克公园工作,且工作得非常有效,”

G4S in question,Sebastian families responded:“In fact there was one very important,G4S company 4000 security personnel,At present already in the Olympic park,And very effective,”

  塞巴斯蒂安 科坦承,筹备一届奥运会的压力非常大。他认为:“没有一座城市所面临的挑战比举办一届奥运会所面对的挑战更大。”但他同时欣慰于他们的工作终于得到了很多人的认可,“每到一处,人们都会对我们的工作给予积极的评价。”

Sebastian secco admitted,Preparations for the Olympic Games very great pressure。He thinks:“There was not a city with the challenge of the host the Olympic Games than the challenges in the greater。”But he also committed to their work finally got a lot of people's approval,“In every,People will be to our work to give positive evaluation。”
