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东道主奥运开幕式旗手确定 36岁自行车名将当选--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  中新网7月24日电 据外电报道,当地时间7月23日,英国自行车运动员克里斯·霍伊爵士获选在伦敦奥运会开幕式上为英国代表团执旗。这位36岁的车手曾在2008年的北京奥运会闭幕式上为英国队执旗。

Beijing July 24, as dispatches from foreign news agencies report,July 23, local time,British cyclist Chris khodorkovsky Iraq was jazz in London on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games for the British delegation ZhiQi。The 36-year-old drivers have been at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing at the closing ceremony for the British team ZhiQi。


Britain's 542 athletes,Won four gold MEDALS cyclist Chris khodorkovsky in Iraq vote win most votes,British Olympic delegation flag-bearer was elected。“To become England won the flag-bearer of my glory,I'm very glad to。”Chris says sir。“At home in the lead England international admission,This is really a a once in a lifetime chance,I can't wait for that day to come。”


In addition to the outside Iraq,Archery's allison William's vote in the voice also is quite high,She will represent the sixth time for the British team for the Olympic Games。The London Olympics,Iraq will take part in the men's team JingSuSai and kay lindsay competition。He is the first to get the opening ceremony for the British team flag-bearer award cyclist。This Friday evening,Scottish khodorkovsky Iraq will lead the British team in the opening ceremony of the host 204 team last admission。


In the BBC radio five live in Taiwan,Khodorkovsky Iraq told reporters:“I am still very excited,It's so exciting,I'm looking forward to the coming of the Friday。”“Athletes make the vote was more fu flag-bearer special significance。This is I attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games for the first time since experience,So many reasons why all this become special。”The British team flag-bearer in Iraq in the last weekend Bradley · d jeans in the tour DE France after the British team won by and a blessing。


British bicycle association chairman Brian cook's told the BBC sports channel reporter:“Just when you think everything is good to couldn't be better,Good thing appeared again。In Sunday's general Bradley · d crowned at the tour DE France title,The good news is undoubtedly entertainments。”“Chris jazz is a very good athlete,At the same time is also a propaganda exercise bike ambassador。When the Iraq he sports career peak,So in London in the Olympic Games as the key role,He has。”

  作为苏格兰最成功的奥运选手,霍伊曾入选BBC体育频道2008年度人物。2000年,他获得悉尼奥运会银牌,2004年在雅典夺金,四年后的北京奥运会,他又一举斩获3枚金牌,风头正劲。英国奥运代表团团长安迪·亨特(Andy Hunt)说:“霍伊是英国奥运代表团旗手的最佳人选。”“这对克里斯爵士来说是一项巨大的殊荣,能够被他带领入场也是整只队伍的荣耀。他是自行车运动和英国绝佳的形象大使。”

As Scotland's most successful Olympic athletes,The BBC sports channel in Iraq has 2008 person of the year。2000 years,He won the Sydney Olympic silver medal,The gold in Athens in 2004,After four years of the Beijing Olympic Games,He and every gained ground 3 gold MEDALS,Overshadowed by。British Olympic delegation Andy hunt(Andy Hunt)said:“Iraq is the British Olympic delegation flag-bearer of the best candidate。”“The Chris jazz is a great honor,Can be he led the whole team is the glory。He is a bicycle movement and British excellent image ambassador。”
