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中美射击拼实力鹿死谁手? 埃蒙斯VS朱启南成看点--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网7月23日电(罗攀) 2012伦敦奥运后即将拉开帷幕,纵观赛场上将呈现的全部赛事,各项目皆高手云集,选手们已摩拳擦掌蓄势待发。射击项目是每届奥运会上不可或缺的赛事之一,吸引太多运动爱好者的关注,看点颇丰的射击比赛也定将为全世界体育迷献上一场饕餮盛宴。

Beijing, July 23 (Reuters)(LuoPan) London 2012 Olympic Games after the curtain is,Throughout all the events will present field,Each project is superior gathered,The players already were gaining momentum。Project shooting at each of the Olympic Games is one of the indispensable,Attract much attention of sports lovers,Read a lot of shooting game for the world sports fans will also offer a feeling feast。


According to understand,London Olympic Games shooting game consists of 15 events,Points rifle、Pistols and trapshooting three categories,There are nearly 400 players for the 15 gold MEDALS will be in competition。Breakdown is in the situation,rifle:Women's 10 m air rifle shooting、The men's 10 m air rifle shooting、Women's 50 m rifle three appearance(3 X20)、The men's 50 m rifle three appearance(3 X40)、The men's 50 m WoShe rifle;pistol:Women's 10 m air pistol event、The men's 10 m air pistol event、Women's 25 m sport pistol、The men's 50 m pistol true、Man 25 meters rapid fire pistol;UFO:Women learn a lot from、Woman two-way、Man learn a lot from、Man two-way、Man ShuangDuoXiang。


 中美强强对抗鹿死谁手? China and the United States against LuSiSheiShou willing?

  “悲情英雄”埃蒙斯欲伦敦雪耻? “Tragically heroic”AiMengSi slow to London?


In the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing,China has every get 51 gold、100 MEDALS good result,Occupy the first medal table。The United States is 36 gold、110 MEDALS take second place。Scored 23 gold、72 MEDALS of Russia's third ruler in the kingdom。In London on the shooting,Russia、in、The three team consists of competition,It will also be the biggest event one of the stories。


London's Olympic game will be shot on July 28, to August 5 begin,When LuSiSheiShou eventually,The answer will be announced one。


 中国军团:不乏奥运会冠军选手出征 Chinese legion:Olympic champion is on standby


China is the world in the field of sharpshooters notched shooting a strong team。Since 1984 the Los Angeles since the Olympics,Chinese sharpshooters notched in each edition of the games for his country in the many MEDALS of contribution。The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,Chinese sharpshooters notched has obtained the 5 gold, 2 silver and a bronze kneecap。


This "London Olympic Games,China not only sent the army as zhu qinan、Zhang shan's、DuLi、PangWei、ChenYing、GuoWenJun such Olympic champion players,DingFeng、duyu、TanZongLiang also followed,To London were,Oath to escort for Chinese legion。

  美国军团:埃蒙斯整装蓄势待发 The American legion:AiMengSi get ready to gaining momentum


Compared with the Chinese legion high-profile players,The United States is also sharpshooters notched people are numerous,London games,The United States will send 20 players in for the 13 events of the game。In Athens and Beijing twice lost after matt dramatic gold medal?AiMengSi the still are on the list;Woman aspects,Four th Olympic Games medal winner Jim?Roeder also of its top。

  俄罗斯军团:状况不容乐观 The Russian army:Not optimistic about


Russia sports、Tourism and youth ZhengCeBu minister vitaly?Mourinho Turk earlier time think,Currently Russia in competitive sports aspects of the situation is not optimistic,Older athletes retire gradually,And a new generation of outstanding athletes are growing of,The delegation will face in London Olympic Games is very difficult situation。


Mourinho Turk think,Russia in the swimming、kayak、bicycle、Shooting medal concentration of projects such as lag behind other countries,“If Russia can't in these projects restore original competitive level,Let alone how competitive race to the top medal table”。


奥运首金争夺:杜丽状态甚佳,夺金几率大 For the first Olympic gold:DuLi is in good condition,Gold chances


According to the London Olympics schedule of the situation,This is probably the first Olympic gold in the women's 10 m air rifle shooting this project was born。In the Athens Olympic Games,DuLi medal for China win this precious gold medal。China recently country manager wang yifu sharpshooters notched had also said:“Not long ago,British mainstream media ranks 50 at the 2012 Olympic Games the most competitive athletes,China accounted for only two,Lin Dan and DuLi。”


DuLi recent state is really good,And again the London Olympics shooting from all countries squad and see,Strength and DuLi relative to fight is not much,Plus Chinese sharpshooters notched can always in accordance with the contestants themselves,To formulate the corresponding style of play。This can be a certain degree to foresee,DuLi in London on the Olympics for Chinese legion scored the first a good chance of gold,War should not last“burning”For too long。


 “马修?埃蒙斯VS朱启南”成最大看点 “Matthew?Zhu qinan, the AiMengSi VS”Into the biggest attraction


Has been called“Shooting prodigy”Matthew?AiMengSi,In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games shine brilliantly,Win the 50 m rifle WoShe gold medal。Then he continuous in Athens、Beijing two Olympic men's rifle three appearance in the game is all the way ahead,But for a final shot error lost the champions,Two similar、Dramatic experience let AiMengSi bear too for grievance。London games,He will take part in 10 m air rifle shooting and 50 m rifle three appearance these two projects,Continue to challenge the gold medal。Coincidence is,China's zhu qinan will also take part in the two projects。Two equal players will compete for an intense,Become a disapoiting related events。


Zhu qinan won 28 th 2004 Athens Olympic Games men's 10 m air rifle shooting gold medal,In 2008 the 29 th Beijing the Olympic men's 10 m air rifle shooting silver medal。London games,He will be in the men's 10 m air rifle shooting、50 m rifle three appearance and rifle WoShe three projects in the attack,A man also play three projects,This in the history of Chinese sharpshooters notched or first time。


In three,Zhu qinan in“Men's 50 m WoShe rifle”and“Rifle three appearance”Tournament in,And will encounter AiMengSi Nemesis,The Beijing Olympic Games in Athens and the field repeatedly frustrated rifle sharpshooter is undoubtedly the biggest stumbling block on zhu qinan won。


And to encounter this powerful opponent,Zhu qinan but the truth are not afraid:“I have confidence to win over anyone,Including myself。”


英国队占据天时地利人和优势 The British team occupies climate favourable geographical position and advantage

  当地天气对欧美选手有利 Local weather to Europe and America's favor


The Olympics is a full of the unknown and the changes of the place,The British army will shoot the Olympic Games of playing at home,all、the、And advantage。


By the end of April at the end of the London Olympic test event,China“The teacher of the gold medal”Only 1 gold MEDALS booking,Ranked fifth,Coach wang yifu felt released after the Chinese sharpshooters notched the national total was interpreted after the game:Because the recent years Britain not done world-class shooting game,The shooting player,This unfamiliar feeling is fatal。The wind、The temperature is a big features of London,Athletes from Europe and America has to adapt to this,And often in the inland China is shooting range training is hard to adapt to the players。


And throughout the hosts-England squad,Though a relatively weak players and no too give prize player,Even if is a star player Richard?The cloth Kerr,Once in the 2004 Athens Olympics,Just also reap the name of the 34 achievements;Another Richard?Buddha's, DE,In the Sydney Olympic Games won the gold medal game project,The 2004 Athens Olympic Games get the name and 13 2008 Beijing Olympic Games get only sixth grades。


But for“locals”consideration,Natural conditions are more familiar with the current of the British people,Perhaps in the games also can have many MEDALS fall bags。


Shooting entry personnel,Richard?The cloth and told Paul?WoErLuo sure will enter the man ShuangDuoXiang flying saucer of the game,Jonathan?Ham's door WoShe man rifle,James?HaoKe man rifle three appearance,Peter?Wilson and Richard?Buddha's, men's participation in the flying saucer two-way。


印度“许海峰”宾德拉能否再续传奇 India“Xu haifeng”Penn Della whether renew legend

  曾力克中国“种子选手”朱启南 Was China's“seeds”Zhu qinan


Cardiff interest o?Penn is India Della Olympic history first personal champion,He is known as India“Xu haifeng”。In the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing upward,Penn Della won at men's 10 m air rifle shooting champion,India“GaoFu handsome”A word is just the perfect symbol of Penn Della。


In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games,India's best result is an army striker, the silver medal for la。so,When on August 11, 2008,Penn to 700.5 total Della ring on top at the podium,Instantly shake the local Indian,Indian national rejoicing,Very lively。At that time, the zhu qinan, with a 699.7 second behind the ring,Defeat at Penn Della。


The upcoming London Olympic Games,Will is a new journey,This is the fourth time Della's Olympic trip,Do not know the good at rewrite history is to create new legend?Just after the opening to events to know。
