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王义夫盛赞两女将首金表现 喻丹洒泪喊“雄起”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
中新社伦敦7月28日电(记者 宋方灿)伦敦奥运会女子十米气步枪的比赛,让中国射击队总教练王义夫和喻丹都倍感压力。不过,喻丹和另外一名小将易思玲发挥出色,分别摘取铜牌和金牌,为中国队的首金争夺画上了一个完美的句号。
London arriving on July 28--(Reporter SongFangCan)London Olympic women's 10 m air rifle shooting game,Coach wang yifu felt released after the Chinese sharpshooters notched to total and YuDan am always pressure。but,YuDan and another teenager YiSiLing played very well,Gather the bronze and gold respectively,For China's first gold painted for a perfect end。
中国射击队赢开门红 戴秉国表扬王义夫 Chinese sharpshooters notched a win DaiBingGuo praise yifu wang
London Olympic Games for the first gold has aroused great concern,National Olympic committee (ioc) President Jacques rogge himself for the medal winner。Chinese state councilor DaiBingGuo also came to the scene,For China's cheer。
YiSiLing played very well,In the final gold at v。YuDan also have performing well,Get a bronze medal。To accept the award after the ceremony,DaiBingGuo came to the court,Congratulations to YiSiLing。In the venue,DaiBingGuo to Chinese sharpshooters notched in the fighting spirit of after praised,Also singled out Chinese sharpshooters notched manager wang yifu:“You decades dedicated the sport,For countries argue the light,Also made contributions for the Olympic movement。”
State general administration of sports liu peng also very happy,Embraced wang yifu。Wang yifu has revealed,“Preparatio requirements Chinese sharpshooters notched win game,According to the guide preparatio spirit,Today we finished the task opener。”
王义夫:队员表现非常好 年轻战略对头 Wang yifu:Players were very good young the correct strategy
From the start of the qualifying,Wang yifu much attention to the game,Almost all stand see out game。Yifu wang said,Prepare for the Olympic Games is a very long process,On the day to get up to,To qualify and then to the final,The final one shot to each in a planned way and tactics。“Today the two players played very well,In the key can grasp the opportunity,Insist on to the last one,”He said。
Took the first gold,Chinese sharpshooters notched the first gold for the Chinese delegation to open a good start,Wang yifu does not think that reducing the pressure:“This is not,Can't say so。Take the first gold is just the start,In fact all level are similar,Including Poland's silver medal,Just today we luck a little better。”
China for the first time in the last few games sending out two new first gold impact,A JinYiTong scores well。Wang yifu young people about their ideas:“No young athlete to appear,Won't have that year of DuLi and today's YiSiLing。We must have the young athletes continue to fill up,To maintain a high level。”
喻丹不知“换人”传闻 泪流满面喊“雄起” YuDan don't know“substitution”Speculation was in tears shout“Shows up”
YuDan is the games Chinese sharpshooters notched the biggest concern contestant,Before the game about her DuLi will be replaced the news of the all over the place。In the bronze medal cracked under pressure after capture,YuDan first published his views:“Thanks to the motherland's development to me,Thank coach and leadership,No homeland of the students,Won't have me in here to accept the award。”
qualifying,YuDan hit 398 ring personal best contest results,In the final against the defending champion she also katrina AiMengSi · the after pressure,Won a medal precious bronze MEDALS。“Thank you for the concern,”She said,“I didn't know these things change,Because I am in isolation,Should grasp of each day's training。”
Experienced too much questioned and injustice,And the pressure from all sides,YuDan says now the miss family,Go off first to make a phone call to his family:“I'm support for the family,In order not to let me worry,Bad things don't say with me。Dad: I also very hard in order to。”Say to the place of estrogen,She was in tears,In front of television cameras,In sichuan dialect loudly:“Shows up!”
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