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  中新网伦敦7月26日电 题:伦敦奥运开幕式三大看点展现“英伦范”

London on July 26 problem:The London games opening ceremony three big attraction show“British fan”


Reporter ShenJia


Although the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in London by the media“spoilers”After little more than a secret,But some have seen a rehearsal audience or serious Suggestions:Please local time in the evening of May 27 put the remote control locked in the set,You have a treat in store and have additional surprises!

  据相信,这将会是一场充满英伦元素的盛大表演。用开幕式总导演丹尼尔 博伊尔的话说,它能展现“英国人的创意和神奇”。

According to believe,This will be a full British element of the grand performance。The opening ceremony with total director Danny Boyle as saying,It can show“The British creative and magic”。

  看点一:英国元素讲述英国故事 A contingent:British elements about British story


Britain's most iconic few faces will appear in the opening ceremony,This basic already certain。

  007系列电影中的主角詹姆士 邦德将在开幕式当晚执行一项新的任务,由白金汉宫乘飞机来到奥运主场馆“伦敦碗”上空。与此同时一口重达27吨的大钟将会被敲响,揭开奥运大幕。

Series 007 film the protagonist in the James Bond in the opening night will carry out a new task,The Buckingham Palace by plane came to the Olympic venues“London bowl”over。At the same time a weighed 27 tons of the clock will be warned,Opened the curtain。


In the opening ceremony is divided into three ACTS,For 2.5 hours,Theme were“Green and pleasant”,“The darkness of the devil mills”and“Towards the future”(With the opening show official name shall prevail),Will the viewers to all kinds of authentic English elements:British island、rural、In different periods of the British and the culture......oh,And animals-12 horse、3 cows、70 sheep and three dogs,It is said that it is to show a way of British humor。


The British element is rich、Let a person dazzling but not is kept in random order。According to media reports said to dress rehearsal,These elements will be cleverly series up,Britain is how to be together tells the story of the UK。

  在开幕式的后半段,观众们还将看到《哈利 波特》、《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》、《彼得 潘》等经典电影的场景,哈利 波特的扮演者丹尼尔 拉德克利夫以及英国戏骨朱迪 丹奇都将亮相。

In the second half of the opening ceremony,The audience will also see《Harry potter》、《Alice roaming wonderland to remember》、《Peter pan》The classic movie scene,Harry potter actor Daniel Radcliffe, and British play bone DanJi Judy will appear。

  压轴节目将由前披头士(The Beatles)成员保罗 麦卡特尼带来。他将引领全场唱响乐队经典歌曲《Hey Jude》,这也将是开幕式中观众参与的重要互动环节之一。

Press an axis program will be by a former the beatles(The Beatles)Member Paul McCartney brought。He will lead a classic songs made the band《Hey Jude》,This will be the opening ceremony of the important audience participation interaction part one。

  看点二:皇室范儿 Contingent two:Royal stylish rider


This year is the British queen Elizabeth ii was 60 years ago,The queen's drill jubilee celebration is considered to be one of the Olympic Games in 2012 with two big event。These two elements added together,Of course is the Olympic opening ceremony missed on scene。


According to understand,Opening ceremony that night,The 86-year-old Elizabeth ii will be announced the London Olympic Games。In addition,The queen and the 007 actor also in Buckingham Palace in advance record the film,Ready to play in the opening,The film content also hanging person appetite。


Of course from the fashion Angle said,People to the queen's dress code,The members of the royal family and other style also is full of expect。


The royal three generations are active in the London games,As a unique scenery line。The daughter of the queen, princess Anne, will be as the British Olympic committee President attend the games activities。But prince William and harry couple is considered price snore“Most active”,They is Britain's Olympic ambassador,will“Always appear in among athletes”。

  看点三:点火选手和点火方式 The third:Ignition player and ignition pattern


The opening ceremony of the games about London ignition pattern and the main torch bearers will probably keep the secret for the opening ceremony of the last moment。


According to the latest story is the British media,No British team star Beckham will participate in sports field of the torch relay,Organizers may to fit him a new plate。


Fans may want to see the last lit the torch candidate is David Beckham,This is probably a ignition pattern to remember“Circle month machetes”。But it's a pity,This is the one that has been authorities deny that。


At present the scheme is high reliability,Will probably end up using the way people ignition,With such as five people,Of the Olympic rings,To light the flame。

  当然殊荣也有可能属于个人——那些奥运英雄和超级巨星们。目前最热门的主火炬手人选是赢得过5枚奥运会赛艇金牌的史蒂夫 雷德格雷夫爵士,曾在1980和1984两届奥运中赢得男子10项全能金牌的戴利 汤普森,以及平时热爱和支持体育运动的威廉王子等等。

Of course award may also have personal-those who belong to the Olympic heroes and super stars。At present the most popular Lord torch bearers candidate is won the gold medal in the Olympics five rowing sir Steve redgrave,Once in 1980 and 1984 in two games to win the gold medal of men's 10 pentathlon Daly Thompson,And love and support sport at ordinary times the prince William and so on。


Either way,Will be a unique British originality,To shock people,May have moved。
