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于洋暂不回国要为队友加油 与父母通话情绪低落--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Reporters today that,Although for“Negative game”Be unable to compete,But in oceanic recently won't return home,She is still to be in London for his team-mates go、support。

  “因为中国羽毛球队不住在奥运村里,所以到目前为止,我还没有见到于洋。 ”辽宁省体育局局长孙永言今天中午向记者介绍说,“事情已经过去一天了,于洋现在的情绪平稳了许多,她之前所说的退出羽坛的说法显然只是一时的气话。于洋近期不会回国,仍将留在奥运赛场,为队友助威。 ”

“Because Chinese athletes don't live in the Olympic village,So far,I haven't seen in oceanic。 ”By the director of the liaoning province at noon today SunYongYan introduces to the reporter said,“It had been for a day,The mood of the oceanic now smooth many,She said before exit YuTan statement obviously is just a temporary angry words。Your recent won't return home,Will still stay at the Olympics,Support for his team-mates。 ”

  于洋被取消参赛资格,辽宁选手的冲金点也随之少了一个。就此,孙永言直言,“现在,我只能说很遗憾。坦率地讲,于洋/王晓理那场球确实打得很难看,确实违背了体育精神,所以,我们还是要服从大局,接受这一事实。 ”

In oceanic be disqualified,Liaoning player of blunt gold points also less then a。on,SunYongYan the truth,“now,I can only say it。To be frank,WangXiaoLi oceanic/the ball really played very ugly,Do against the spirit of sports,so,We still have to obey the overall situation,Accept the fact。 ”

  孙永言同时强调,“但若站在队员的角度,这样的结果的确很遗憾,她们为备战伦敦奥运会付出了那么多努力和汗水,我们还是要安慰队员。 ”据记者了解,于洋今天中午在伦敦给鞍山的家人打了一个电话电话中,于洋向父母确认了自己被取消参赛资格的消息。通话过程中,于洋语气低沉,在父母面前,孝敬的她不愿过多提及有关“消极比赛”的话题。

SunYongYan also stressed,“But if the Angle of standing in players,The result is really regret,In preparation for the London Olympics they pay so much effort and sweat,We still have to comfort players。 ”According to the reporter understands,At noon today in London to oceanic anshan family a telephone。phone,Your parents to confirmed their be disqualified news。Calls in the process,Oceanic tone low,In parents' in front,The father she would not refer too much“Negative game”topic。


In a telephone call in,Mother comfort in oceanic,Must face actively the event,Without excessive sorrow,Life goes on,Time will be whisked off everything!


(ZhuCai willy)
