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罗氏事件大量数据细节仍未公开 漏报瞒报引争议 2012-07-16

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  谁来上报药品不良反应 Who will report to the adverse drug reaction


A problem let people thinking,When a medicine found that the company's drug high presence of adverse reactions,Will take all kinds of methods for cover?


The above a foreign medicine enterprises executives told reporters,Basically big medicine enterprises have a global adverse drug reaction monitoring platform,But this platform is closed,Within the company has strict authority limit,Foreign is not open。If the enterprise really to hide some facts,In this level can do it。


“but,In the European and American countries,Not only enterprise must carry on the reported adverse drug reactions,Medical institutions、Patients can be reported,If the enterprise conceal and medical institutions and patients will offer relevant information on the supervision department,So enterprise will be very severe punishment。”The foreign capital enterprise executives said the drug。


Around the world to see,European and American countries for adverse drug reactions reported requirements are mandatory,Among them the most strict requirements of the European Union,Also most severe punishment。


But in a joint venture enterprises of the governor's seems to medicine,In foreign,Most of the adverse drug reactions are reported by the enterprise,so,If the enterprise really dare to take the risk to cover up the adverse events,Regulators also not can quickly find。But the punishment that are very big,So most of the enterprise can't do that。


This year will have the two international medicine enterprises were fined a hefty fine。June,Johnson for concealing risk is a $2.2 billion fine;July ShiKeYin glaxo illegal marketing prescription drugs was fined 3 billion dollars。


“In China,Things are different。”The director told reporters,Our country to adverse drug reaction monitoring develops very late,And for all sorts of reasons to consider,The report is to take voluntary principles,Enterprise is not willing to report,Hospitals also didn't report to power。


1999 years,China began to preparation adverse drug reaction monitoring system。That year December announced《Adverse drug reaction monitoring management approach》,But just a big regulations,No matching regulations。


On March 4, 2004,health、Issued by the state food and drug administration《The adverse drug reaction monitoring and management methods》,The first chapter article 5 wrote:The state shall encourage units and individuals concerned report adverse drug reaction。For those who hide adverse reaction of the report,Only be fined between 1000 yuan and 30000 yuan of the following amerce。


December 2010,《The adverse drug reaction monitoring report and management methods》Were revised,And in 2011, July 1,。


In this new revision of the measures,Is still“The state encourages citizens、Legal persons and other organizations report adverse drug reaction。”The punishment was strengthened,Such as concurrently be 5000 yuan of above 30000 yuan of the following amerce,Serious will no longer be registered。


Because the principle of state is to encourage reported adverse drug reaction,Objective in China report adverse reactions caused by lack of congenital。


According to the world health organization's requirements,Every 1 million cases of adverse reaction reports should not be less than 300 copies,Serious adverse reactions report is no less than 30%。

  来自国家药品不良反应监测中心的数据显示,2002年共收到报告1.7万份, 2005年达到17.3万份,2010年,这个数字则达到85.28万份。

From the national adverse drug reaction monitoring center figures show,2002 a total of 17000 received the report, 2005 up to 173000 copies,2010 years,This number is up to 852800 copies。


From 2011 years of data to see,Every population average case report the number of 637 copies,Have more than the world health organization's requirements,But among them new and serious adverse reactions(events)Report the number of 145769 copies,Accounting for 17.1% of the total number of reported in the same period,And the world health organization requirements ahead。


“Adverse reaction of the value of the report is that the proportion of serious adverse reactions,This is the true measure of a drug safety of key indicator,But China's adverse reaction report value is too low。”He said the faithful,The hospital with serious adverse reactions are not reported,Fear of patients so to trouble,And enterprise more reluctant to report to the company drug adverse reaction of data。


Look from the source,2011 years,Our country adverse reactions in the report from the medical institutions accounted for 83.1%,From drug production、Business enterprise accounted for 13.7%,The report from the personal accounts for 3.2%。


And in Europe and the United States,From enterprise adverse reaction of basic report accounted for 80%。


“Global adverse reaction report also is only the tip of the iceberg,May account for only 5% of the actual adverse reaction,Many drug is not without adverse reactions,But we don't know。”He said the faithful,Abroad every year shot dozens of drugs,Most of the or enterprise active request,And our country not a one。


but,The state food and drug administration in no public any relevant roche products in China adverse reactions report data,Just two comment“Has not seen the abnormal situation”。


LiuJunHai said,If the administration's will to conclusions,Should public detailed data,In the present details are not public huge amounts of data,Such a statement is imprudent。

  在刘俊海看来,从对公众负责的角度看,应该把自愿上报药品不良反应的制度改为强制性制度,在这个问题上不能仅仅靠企业自愿和良心发现,要靠法律强制、舆论监督,如果有企业敢漏报就要定性为瞒报,就要处罚得该企业倾家荡产。(记者 李松涛)

In LiuJunHai seems,From the point of view of responsible for the public,Should the voluntary reporting adverse drug reaction system to the compulsory system,In this problem can't just rely on enterprise voluntary and conscience found,Want to rely on law enforcement、Supervision by public opinion,If there is a enterprise can omission will withhold the qualitative for,Will punishment to the enterprise's purse。(Reporter LiSongTao)

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