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河南100新生儿有1个缺陷宝宝 产前诊断很重要--亲稳舆论引导监测室


今天是“中国预防出生缺陷日”,环境污染和遗传是胎儿缺陷的主要诱因 Today is"China, prevention of birth defects",The pollution of the environment and genetic defects fetus is the main inducement


长期接触重金属、甲醛以及孕前受过强烈感情刺激,都会使胎儿有缺陷 Long-term exposure to heavy metal/Formaldehyde and about what a strong emotional stimulation,Can make the fetus has defects


河南每100个新生儿 Henan every 100 babies born


就有1个“缺陷宝宝” There is a"Defect baby"


专家建议,高危人群孕期最好做产前诊断 Experts suggest,The high risk population pregnancy had better do prenatal diagnosis


Today is"China, prevention of birth defects".According to the statistics,In henan,Every 100 babies born will have a defects.In fact,A lot of tragedy,Can advance prevention,The expert reminds,The high risk population pregnancy had better do prenatal diagnosis.


统计 statistics


平均每10~30秒就有一个缺陷儿出生 Average every 10 ~ 30 seconds a birth defects


Province thoracic hospital cardiovascular three satate of special children congenital heart disease patients,All the year round,In the ward often live full,And often meet by parents abandoned children.


Congenital heart disease/Cleft lip and palate belong to birth defects.


Provincial people's hospital medical genetic institute director LiaoShiXiu said,Our country is in the world one of the high-risk countries birth defects,Annual birth defects number accounts for about twenty percent of the world,Average every 10 ~ 30 seconds a birth defects.According to the statistics,In henan,Every 100 babies born will have a defects.


原因 reason


至少一成出生缺陷由环境因素造成 At least ten percent of birth defects caused by environmental factors


Why so many baby meet misfortune?


LiaoShiXiu said,Research shows that,About 25% of the birth defects by genetic factors,10% of birth defects caused by environmental factors,The rest of the by genetic factors and environmental factors cause.


"Growing environment pollution is an important factor lead to birth defects.Long-term contact lead/cadmium/Mercury and other heavy metals and contact such as formaldehyde,Can lead to birth defects."LiaoShiXiu said.


And province thoracic hospital cardiovascular three area), and had done to congenital heart disease son family survey,Many parents found in pregnant with strong feelings stimulus,With drugs or/smoking/Drinking histories.


"In addition pregnancy be especially careful respiratory and digestive tract virus infection."The director peng) for tian said,Seventy percent respiratory virus/Sixty percent of the digestive tract virus,All very easy and fetal cardiac cell combination,Thus contribute to heart local pathological changes.


ZhuBaoYu also said,drug/virus/Environment pollution and so on,May teratogenic,Lead to cleft lip and palate.


温馨提醒 Warm remind


高危人群最好做产前诊断 The high risk population had better do prenatal diagnosis


LiaoShiXiu said,Prevent birth defects,Must do pregnancy check.But a lot of pregnancy patients with even the most basic circumference the haven't done,Peng help field also said,Fetal 4 months,If there is a congenital heart disease can be diagnosed.


LiaoShiXiu introduced,More than 35 years old pregnant women,A family genetic history,Or had contact with large dose chemical agent/radiation,Or have had serious virus infection,Neonatal teratogenic rate are greatly increased,Had better do prenatal diagnosis.A lot of birth defects,In the early days can be found.

  “就算一些染色体异常的夫妇,通过人工干预,避开有问题的染色体,也可‘组合’出健康的宝宝。”廖世秀说。 (河南商报记者郑筱倩实习生郭清媛)

"Even if some chromosome abnormality couple,Through the artificial intervention,Avoid problem chromosome,Also can‘combination’A healthy baby."LiaoShiXiu said. (The henan business reporter ZhengXiaoQian interns GuoQingYuan)
