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男子白癜风扩散新娘“落跑” 还丢了工作--亲稳舆论引导监测室
俗话说,有啥别有病,一个人,哪怕得的并不是“要命”的病,它带来的后果可能都是难以承受的。南京小伙小天(化名),就是因为白癜风的扩散,妻子不仅因此没出席婚宴,还随即与他离了婚,这还不算,单位居然说他隐瞒病史,将他辞退了。 通讯员 宋宇 扬子晚报记者 贾晓宁
As the saying goes,,What don't sick,A person,Even if it is not"Killing me"Of the disease,It is unbearable consequences may be.Nanjing small little days(Not his real name),Because of the spread of vitiligo,His wife so not only didn't attended the banquet,Also was divorced with him,It's not too,Unit said he to hide the history,Will he get rid of the. The correspondent yu song Jia Xiaoning yangzi evening news reporter
家里不顺 Not at home
酒席备好,亲朋好友到场了 新娘却没有来 I prepared,Friends and relatives to attend the bride did not come
Small days, since the childhood learning is very good,After graduating from college,Do the software engineer,Technology is very good,Income also does not poor.but,Small day in school,Got vitiligo,At first, just a small piece on her cheek.Small day didn't think it is a defect,Also didn't take the vitiligo seriously,A normal life,Also looking for girlfriend, ready to talk about marriage theory to marry.
Small day to marry his girlfriend get married last year,Wedding banquet is ready,But before the wedding,Small day widespread diffusion of vitiligo,On the face and neck are everywhere.Under this,His girlfriend's parents,This illness is really concerned about preventing anything-from feel little day,Although the people of young man is good,But the shape is not worthy of their daughter.so,The old man hoped her daughter and son-in-law.Under this,Both sides conflict broke out suddenly,After all, small home prepared to marriage room/The wedding,Hundreds of thousands of flowers,This isn't married?In the case of both sides is not settled,Small day banquet without refund,Invitations are sent out.The wedding day,Friends and relatives were present,But I don't have to lead the bride.
Runaway bride,For a small day was a great shock,It was not long before,Two people divorce.Speaking of this encounter,Small day said to his former wife don't have so many ideas,He just said,Conflict too much at that time,This disease combined with their own,Just lead to such result.
工作不顺 Work difficult
老板以隐瞒病史为由辞退他 律师称单位须赔偿两个月的工资 Boss history for repulsive to conceal his lawyer said unit should pay two months 'salary
Because the vitiligo,The small day marriage not only yellow,Also lost his job.After the divorce,More and more small day face of vitiligo tinea block.At the same time because of some problem at work,Small day several times conflict with the boss.Earlier this month,Small days received the unit, termination notice,Hide significant medical history before said that he has a job,Not suitable for to do work now,Directly to the small days,Without any compensation.
Under this,Small days quit,Spread their vitiligo,Is the latest thing,In his work,This is not a serious illness,What information is likely to be yourself?The boss fired his,Are nothing more than a lynching,Discrimination she had the disease.So little to white under the legal aid center for help,Please claim for themselves.In understanding after what had happened,The clients of settlement attorney accepts the small days.Settlement attorney told reporters,Small day unit dismissal day is not reasonable,To pay economic compensation.In small days,Unit two month salary as compensation to be compensated.In accordance with the labor law,A major disease unit employees,Unit shall support health care and care,Give related medical treatment,Not at liberty to resign.And if the day should also pursue leadership discrimination themselves,Also can appeal.But the day said,What you encounter more than enough,Don't want to looking for the trouble,Just want to get compensation,To find a better job,Active cure,Have a good life.
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