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半瓶天蝎痫速康胶囊 Half a bottle of Scorpio efflux speed kang capsule
挖出全国制售假药团伙 Dig out the national manufacturing counterfeit drugs gangs
食品药品监管局:如果有患者买了这个药,应该立即停用 The food and drug supervision bureau:If patients have bought this medicine,Should immediately moved
Deep love girlfriend's chongqing young man joba chamberlain may not anticipated,His love of the lift,Will make have epilepsy girlfriend checked into the hospital;His indignation of the lift,It revealed a in the national has 15 division of counterfeit drugs manufacturing gang。
yesterday,Hangzhou municipal food and drug supervision bureau explain in detail the case。
Joba chamberlain and your girlfriend working in hangzhou。Since his girlfriend with epilepsy,Always rely on western medicine control condition。Medicine not expensive,10 yuan a bottle of,Can eat 20 days。But because his girlfriend every month still small attack one or two times,Joba chamberlain is a bit worried about,Always look for on the Internet“Secret recipe”。
Through the network,Xiao zhang found GuanCheng hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, zhengzhou city of epilepsy department web page,Find it on sales“National patent products associated resistance new drug efflux speed kang series capsule”,Is pure traditional Chinese medicine preparation,So-called effect is very good。Zhang immediately contacted the hospital,Each other said,In hangzhou have point of sale。Zhang immediately new east of the point of sale,Chose the most expensive Scorpio efflux speed kang capsule,“165 yuan a bottle,Bought three bottles of;A bottle of like is 60 tablet,Can eat 20 days。”
Let xiao zhang shock,His girlfriend just ate half a bottle of medicine,Unexpectedly grand mal,coma,Rushed to hospital。
Joba chamberlain with the rest of the half a bottle of medicine,Came to hangzhou municipal food and drug supervision bureau audit team complaints。The JiZhaChu director and audit team division marshal LiuJingBo said,Their study found that,Half a bottle of Scorpio efflux speed kang capsule,Mark for approval number prepared medicine system Z04010137 word,The batch number for 110801,Mark preparation unit for zhengzhou GuanCheng hospital of traditional Chinese medicine。
City after the drug inspection offices found,Xiao zhang provide medicine,Contains national strict control of two types of psychotropic drugs benzene barbitone composition,Unlawfully added。According to,That the drug according to law for counterfeit drugs。
Inspectors according to zhang provide clues,From the east new road start,ShunTengMoGua all the way,Found that the regular hospitals under the banner,Through the Internet release of drug information“vendors”,Henan zhengzhou as the center,In the national established 12 division and three non vertical FenZhen department,Opened several special line consultation telephone,The drug sales to a large number of epilepsy patients。
Also to the public security department,Cracked the case,From hangzhou、Zhengzhou both field check and detain illegal production equipment、Raw materials、Packaging and finished product,Whole with 6 trucks,The amount involved in millions of dollars。The police on the spot to 10 suspects compulsory measures are taken。
Zhang said that,Girlfriend has to、discharge,They prepared to go back to chongqing,Let the girl friend have a good rest,“later,Won't buy online medicine!”
LiuJingBo said:If patients have bought this medicine,Should immediately moved,And to normal hospital check to see a doctor,If you have any questions,Relation consultation local also department or to the public security department report a case to the security authorities。
苯巴比妥 一种普遍性中枢抑制药,主要用于镇静、催眠等,服用后可出现头晕、困倦等后遗效应,久用可产生耐受性及成瘾性;多次连用易蓄积中毒;一般应用5~10倍催眠量时,可引起中度中毒。10倍催眠量时则可抑制呼吸,甚至致死。(记者 林丹 通讯员 翁晓 沈建国 俞利忠)
Phenobarbital a universal central inhibition medicine,Mainly used for calm、Hypnosis, etc,After taking can appear giddy、Sleepy after such as the effect,A long time with can produce tolerance and addiction;Multiple collocation easy cumulation poisoning;The general application of 5 ~ 10 times the amount of hypnosis,Can cause moderate poisoning。10 times when hypnosis quantity can be control breathing,And even death。(Reporter correspondent WengXiao Lin ShenJianGuo YuLiZhong)
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