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一盘蚊香点一宿 沈阳4岁男孩被熏中毒休克--亲稳舆论引导监测室
The rise of temperature,Mosquitoes began to still。Residents fear of 4 years old son get liu mosquito bites,Face before sleeping, especially in the bedroom light a son coil。Didn't expect,Next morning,The son got up just took a few steps,it“plop”1 the fall...July 14,,Shenyang 120 emergency center expert reminds a citizen,Some mosquito-repellent incense to be wary of poisoning。
4 years old boy ring ring looks chubby,Pretty loved,but,Also called the special mosquitoes“favour”。Since summer has set,Ring ring mom liu is afraid that the son be bitten by a mosquito。These days,Shen city common after a,The rise of temperature,Mosquito started to increase。13 in the evening,Liu found home have mosquito,He purposely ran to the household shop to buy back to a coil,In the son in the bedroom of light。
14 at 7,Ring ring to the toilet on the bed,But go just a few steps,He was in the hallway fell down,Closed eyes,Vomit white mo。Liu and her husband hurried take to his fan breeze,And choke people,Can get along while children nothing happens。Liu panic to cry,One side of the husband hurried dial 120 for help。soon,120 will ring ring to the hospital,On the basis,Children are op(Pesticide a)poisoning。
120 first aid expert reminds a citizen,The mosquitoes products contain a certain proportion of pesticide composition,Like four fluorine armour ether ester chrysanthemum、Never c chrysanthemum ester、Dextral rare c chrysanthemum ester etc。How to safely use mosquito-repellent incense?Experts cigarettes four strokes:
1. Moderate use mosquito-repellent incense,Mosquito-repellent incense, lit leave an hour or two,Wait until after enter indoor ventilation again;
2. Have the infant's family is strictly prohibited such as mosquito-repellent incense pesticides,Can put the screen door、Screen to prevent the mosquito;
3. Buy mosquito-repellent incense,Want to choose to have pyrethrum ingredients of mosquito-repellent incense,Or is amine chrysanthemum ester or bromine cyanogen ester etc DiDuJi pyrethroids mosquito-repellent incense,Don't buy and use organic cyanide、Organophosphate pesticides production of mosquito-repellent incense;
4. Don't buy have not indicated insecticidal of effective ingredients of mosquito-repellent incense and MieWenPian。
本报高级记者 唐葵阳
Our senior reporter TangKuiYang
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