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女医生坚守麻风医院33年 坦言曾因闲话打退堂鼓--亲稳网络舆情监测室

女医生坚守麻风医院33年 坦言曾因闲话打退堂鼓冯凤荣给病人检查伤口 To the patient FengFengRong checking wounds


女承父业妙龄女子成了“麻风医生” Female bearing his father's profession young woman became"Leprosy doctor"


ShiMa ridge hospital is located in DanZhouShi dacheng WangWu to the side of the road,From WangWuZhen market and to km.In a pig farm gate has a cement road surface tree-lined trail,This is the only way to ShiMa ridge hospital road.


On the afternoon of December 6 nov.,Reporters drove to here,Go along this concrete path to walk hundreds of meters,Three rows of white bungalow unfolded in front of their eyes,Just like a beautiful small village,Scattered around the many old the old.Before the house,35 old man leisurely sits at the door,Smoking a shisha/chatting,From time to time also about color code.


A dressed in white aunt in a old man irrigation,The old man left arm a number of ulcer,"To wipe medicine on time,Wash your hands with attention should be paid to the wound,"Aunt side irrigation,Side told old man.


She is the only ShiMa ridge hospital doctors FengFengRong."It just made a charge,I teach their own wound care,"FengFengRong said with a smile.


In FuGuangJi door,FengFengRong end to a basin of water,"Put your feet in."55 years of age FuGuangJi docilely your feet into the bowl filled with hot water,Began to bubble foot.FengFengRong said,"Leprosy patients after illness,His limbs nerve may necrosis,Bubble hot water help patients crural blood circulation."Bubble for,FengFengRong took out a bottle of white petroleum jelly,Wipe FuGuangJi feet.


In the ShiMa ridge hospital in more than 30 years,For leprosy patients irrigation do nursing is FengFengRong work,Almost every day so.


By the end of 1979,Just 20/High school graduate FengFengRong first into the ShiMa ridge hospital,Become the hospital worker.At this time,Her father FengGuGeng've been here hold for 17 years.My father is a doctor,In 1962 to enter the hospital,Later when the dean.


FengFengRong to enter the hospital first job is projectionist,In the evening to patients and medical staff show a film.Then the hospital bought a Oriental red card tractor,She became a tractor driver.Until 1985,She was began to health school learning,Three years after graduation back,Officially became a treat leprosy doctor.


病人病症旁人闲话曾让她打退堂鼓 The patient disease others gossip had let her back down


Leprosy patients and other patients do not the same,Illness serious when symptoms embodied in:Muscle ulcer decay,Hand toes atrophy or fracture,Bridge of the nose collapse,Eye problems,The patient appears"Sinister in appearance,Cannot bear to see yi".


"Age at that time also small,See these patients,A little afraid",FengFengRong said.In addition,Due to the hospital HuangShanYeLing in between,No water without power,In the evening a darkness.Only mountain breeze and unknown animal constantly in the screaming,Let her feel very lonely and fear,Although the father in the hospital lived.


And let her can't stand and from others' discrimination and laugh at."A girl,Do bad,Why to take care of these‘Hemp madman’",Some people is directly scold she is"Leprosy young".now,Say on this topic,FengFengRong has seemed very calm,But at the time,FengFengRong heart was full of contradictions,Every monthly wages so low,Just $25,Also by discrimination.So the work less than three months,Then she got cold feet,"At the time I ran home,Don't want to do."


See she refused to go to work,Mother persuaded she said,This is a good job?,Eat the rice than at home at a loose end strong,Not like the mother that miss the opportunity,Began to regret it.


Continue to give up?After some ideological struggle,She is a bit want to get back to work.


And let her final determination to return to leprosy hospitals is FengGuGeng father."When father is special treatment of leprosy,In the see my worry after,Father channel said,The vast majority of people for leprosy germs are born to be immune,The general contact will not be infected."FengFengRong said.Under the influence of the father,She slowly adapted to the,No longer afraid of leprosy patients.


In in this special place,Engaged in others is difficult to understand career,FengFengRong lifelong event will be affected?FengFengRong said with a smile,She is talking about the object before into hospital,Then boyfriend know no opposition,Two people smoothly married,Having children.


视病人为亲人守护病人一生 Looking after them as my parents guardian patient life


When the five years after the movie projectionist and tractor driver,The hospital decided to send her to study medicine set,Turned when the doctor.Although no longer afraid of the patient's disease,But sometimes the patient unreasonable abuse is still often make her feel very grievance.


"Just began to some patients when to fall ill,I give them treatment,May be due to long-term pain because of a bad mood,Often cause abuse and laugh at me,Said is very bad.At that time, I feel very grievance,Why am I so take care of you,You even called me?"FengFengRong recalls.


but,This does not affect FengFengRong for leprosy patient care and take care of,She through their own love and passion,Slowly won the respect and gratitude of the patients.


In FengFengRong desk drawer,Stack of a fold of the Yellow Book,The top of the book cover written"WuZhuoKun".turn,The first book on page is recorded:Jan. 5, 1996,prescription:tetracycline/Bulbus fritillariae cirrhosae loquat...


"WuZhuoKun very ill,Hands finger didn't,Your feet are also cut the limb."FengFengRong said.This book was recorded in WuZhuoKun when hospital,The conditions of drug utilization of the every day.The last page of the book written on:On dec. 5, 2004 at 5:30 in the morning,death.


WuZhuoKun old man is with the death of gastric cancer,The morning,The old man died out before even pain strength all have no,Walk time is very quiet.In retrospect,FengFengRong still felt a little uncomfortable,"These people died,Without a family in the side,Very poor."


WuZhuoKun's experience is also FengFengRong skill hold,"I started from the hospital,He lived in the hospital,I gave him a doctor,Also saw 16 years,16 years together,Ased if to his family."


As records WuZhuoKun condition of the book,FengFengRong altogether and 27."See the book,I will think of them,They are like my family members,here,I have to take care of them,Responsible for the."33 years,What with one's own hands off how many name in leprosy hospitals cradle of leprosy patients,FengFengRong can remember,"Each patient's left,I am very uncomfortable,Go is like their family members generally."


病人把她当贴心人大事小事都告诉她 The patient took her when TieXinRen event is too small to tell her


The patient FengFengRong as our own family members view,The patients is even more so.


For FengFengRong care and nursing,Leprosy people grateful at the same time,Most is used to it,Because in their mind,She has integrated into my life,Is a family and close than people.


In 1976 came to the hospital WuShuHua leprosy,FengFengRong almost with age,She said,She and FengFengRong age,Because the leprosy village,There are not too many people can communication,So two people became good sisters,What she has trouble with FengFengRong say,Your home is what occasion will also tell FengFengRong.


therefore,WuShuHua in"Leprosy village"Married in,Their children to school/soldier,these,FengFengRong have been witnesses.


"We have cold catch a cold what,Directly find her,"WuDaMa said.


“要是冯医生不在这里了,回家了呢?” "If von the doctor isn't here,Home??"


Heard reporters this problem,WuDaMa feel very strange,"Is not here,Called bai,A call,She is coming."


FengFengRong live in WangWu town,"Leprosy village"There are 11 patients,She every 1 days in the town from WangWu hurried to the hospital,To old people check body/disinfection/injections/prescribe.The 11 patients cured leprosy although already,But most have abnormal body residual,Action inconvenience,Joint pain/stomach/Cold and other sickness happen from time to tome.FengFengRong way,Is busy,Idle down,And to help single old man to do the housework,Chat with you GuChangShi.


父亲为麻风病操劳一生成她坚守动力 Father for leprosy laboring a generation she hold power


From the end of 1979 into the leprosy hospital work until now,33 years time,Will FengFengRong from a rosebud grinding away a few teeth farm aunt.She said,If not the father,She can not insist on until now.


FengFengRong father FengGuGeng this year 79 years old,In 1996,,In the leprosy hospitals 34 years before he retired.


On November 7, morning,Leave the leprosy hospitals after 16 years,FengGuGeng back here again,Couldn't help feeling that ten thousand.Zheng middle peasants/FuGuangJi such as patients see after FengGuGeng,Warmly greeting.


According to FengGuGeng memories,At that time the hospital is located in the barren hills field,Moved two address,No water without power,When it rains took the rain,When it is not raining,Went to a few kilometers place to play drain water,But the ditch water high mineral content,Influence your body health.At that time most hospital when there are more than 100 patient,Doctors and nurses nearly 10 people,Then with the patient's reduce,The doctor also one by one to leave.By the 1990 s,The whole hospital leaves them both the father.In 1996,,After he retired,They are the only daughter of a person,Always stand up to now.


FengFengRong took the father's words,She is witnessed father wait a generation of doctors for leprosy hospitals do various efforts,She decided to dedicated his life to here.


ShiMa ridge hospital existing superior departments in charge is DanZhouShi skin disease dispensary.This WuHanXian director said,FengFengRong a low salary,From $25 slowly rise,A few years ago salary less than 1000 yuan,Nearly two years after the performance salary,Her wages to up to 2000 yuan.But is in this tough conditions,She can hold position so many years,Real is very touching.


33年坚守演绎别样感动 33 years stick to deduce another moved


From a young girl to retiring fifty old lady,33 years,In this remote leprosy in the hospital,FengFengRong year after year to do one thing:Take care of leprosy patients.


In the 33 year,FengFengRong experienced"Talk about hemp colour change"era,Experienced a stranger's puzzled and laugh at,At the same time also witnessed a leprosy patients survival difficult life.She can do,Is to take good care of every leprosy patients,Give them warm,Let the leprosy patients to enjoy a rare"dignity".


In this matter,FengFengRong with 33 years of stick to,Convey a respect to the patient,Fulfills the"Life pure,Loyalty of duty"oath.

  这就是坚守的力量。在平淡之中,在寂寞之中,用33年去诠释,诠释坚守的价值!(南国都市报 记者林书喜敖坤/文刘孙谋/图)

This is the power of the hold.In the light of,In the loneliness in,With 33 years to interpretation,Interpretation of the value of the hold!(Southern metropolis daily reporter Lin book xi AoKun/WenLiuSun plans/diagram)
