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六旬老人被马蜂围攻 10分钟后倒地身亡--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


This morning,The 62 - year - old LiuYangShi big yao town bush village villagers LiuYuanShui cut up the hill,Unfortunately, by a group of wasps attack,After 10 minutes fell dead.

  刘元水上山砍柴途中,树枝间飞出大群马蜂,刘元水扔下镰刀,向自家跑去,马蜂紧追不舍。数分钟后,他飞奔到家但已伤痕累累。儿子刘丰明见父亲满脸红肿,忙跑到厨房里打了一盆热水,用热毛巾敷在父亲头部和脸上,而此时刘元水口吐白沫,不停抽搐。刘丰明立即拨打120,但为时已晚。“如果人对蜂毒严重过敏的话,可导致窒息,甚至死亡。”湖南中医附一医院急诊科主任文爱珍告诉记者,如遇马蜂袭击,千万别紧张,惟一的办法是用衣物保护好自己的头颈,反向逃跑或原地趴下。如被马蜂蜇,可采取急救措施:用针或镊子挑出蜂刺,然后用尿液涂抹被蜇伤处,中和毒性。(三湘都市报 张浩)

LiuYuanShui went up to the mountain cutting wood on the way,Branches fly out large group of wasps,LiuYuanShui threw down the sickle,Ran to his,Wasps gave chase.After a few minutes,He rushed home but has scarred.Son LiuFengMing saw that their father face red,Busy ran to the kitchen played a pot of hot water,With hot towel apply in the father's head and face,When liu yuan shuikou froth,Kept tic.LiuFengMing immediately call 120,But it was too late."If of bee venom serious allergic words,Can lead to suffocate,Even death."Hunan with a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine hospital emergency department director WenAiZhen told reporters,In case of wasps attacks,Don't be nervous,The only solution is to use clothing protect the head and neck,Reverse escape or in situ get down.As hornet stung,Can adopt emergency measures:With the needle or tweezers to pick out the sting of a bee,Then use urine daub is sting place,And toxicity.(Dialectical sanxiang urban paper)
