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82岁医生清贫一生死后捐献器官 遗嘱中向妻道歉--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Before his every day to eat less than ten yuan food,Almost every day in the hospital after his retirement"Turn leisurely",Meet poor patients,Not only help,Also with psychological counselor...He is"Bare to donate the doctor", an associate professor of ophthalmology XuLi xiangya 2nd hospital.On August 23,,XuLi covered 82 - year - old life journey,Body was donated to the xiangya medical school.December 25,Hunan major typical XuLi comrade advanced deeds focus interview activity held in xiangya 2nd hospital,the,XuLi the cenotaph in changsha phoenix mountain cemetery was completed.


倾其所有帮助他人 Pour all their to help others


In XuLi in antiquity,HuHuiNong wife found a note,It says:Eggs a day,0.4 yuan;Tofu a piece of,0.2 yuan;Green vegetables,0.5 yuan;noodles,0.5 yuan;other,1 yuan XuLao - this is a day of food.


XuLi teacher's students/Xiangya 2nd hospital JiaSongBai ophthalmology professor said,was,Xu teacher monthly cost only 90-120 yuan living expenses,Daily diet is a steamed bread/An egg and two bowls of noodles with almost no oil side dishes.Xu teacher once for fracture in orthopaedic was in hospital,The hospital director of orthopaedic WangWanChun said,Xu teacher for long-term eat bad already severe malnutrition.


XuLi the display in the home also is very simple,Only a few sample old furniture.His most baby three pieces of electric equipment is:A small KaoHuoLu,An old radio and an old TV set of 14 inches,The old TV set or xiangya 2nd hospital oculist sent.


JiaSongBai said,When the teacher walked into the house of xu,Both heartache and a little don't understand,Also advised to xu teacher"Should also can be a bit better to oneself".He recalls,When xu teacher said earnestly:"I can now eat satisfied,Clothes also enough wore,I am contented the,There are also many people who need help".


遗嘱中向妻子道歉 The wife will to apologize


In 2004,XuLi to HuHuiNong wife made a will.He wrote:"I will donate her body things,Already and retirement do and teaching and research group fix up,That is not to say goodbye to make body,Don't make memorial service,Don't send wreath, etc.So please do not add intervention,If they want to discuss with you,You will tell them,By them according to my will,Sole discretion."


will,XuLi wrote:By HuHuiNong clean room clothing/books,Please send a car to the hospital to retire to the house,Clothing back to lake in everyone(If the hospital can't send a car,Just find moving company).Room has three tank three,Bed a,Single-door tank is a hospital,Please retire do back to the hospital.Medical expenses,In addition to the medical insurance payment,I bought by the Treasury also on,If my Treasury bills and more,Over to HuHuiNong,For her future home;If I treasure is not my medical expenses,Please HuHuiNong and hospital to the consultation,Request hospital in proper care to solve.


"I can't afford to you,Please forgive me."will,XuLi said to his wife.

  (注:胡慧侬是湖南大学的退休教师)“徐立老师生前拒绝了任何形式的宣传和采访,不为名,不为利,只为奉献。”湘雅二医院负责整理徐立老师生前事迹资料的眼科护士李怡萱说。(潇湘晨报 记者 刘少龙 通讯员 王建新 魏惊宇)

(note:HuHuiNong is hunan university retired teachers)"XuLi teacher was rejected any form of publicity and interviews,fame,Not for the,Dedication for."Be responsible for sorting XuLi xiangya 2nd hospital before the teacher ACTS material eye nurses LiYiXuan said.(Xiaoxiang morning paper reporter LiuShaoLong correspondent WangJianXin wei jing yu)
