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医保资金要“倒贴” 浙江政协委员吁支付方式改革--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网杭州1月28日电 (记者 赵晔娇 实习生 王译萱)有媒体报道,少数医院出现拒收医保病人的情况,称不挣钱还要倒贴。在浙江省“两会”期间,部分来自医疗界的政协委员坦言,医保资金不够用要倒贴。而最好的解决方案,是深入实施支付方式改革,建立以总额预付为主体的按病种付费、按床日付费等复合支付方式制度。

Beijing hangzhou 1 month and report (Reporter ZhaoYe jiao interns WangYi xuan)Media reports,A few hospitals in medical insurance refused the patient's condition,Do not say to earn money to DaoTie.In zhejiang province"lianghui"period,Debate has been fueled in part from the political consultative conference (CPPCC) said,Medical insurance money isn't enough to DaoTie.And the best solutions,Is further implementation of payment reform,To establish the total advance as the main body of the press disease to pay/According to the bed, such as pay composite payment system.


After media reported an example,Beijing Yang lady's husband is Beijing university of Chinese medicine in the third affiliated hospital"Beds nervous"For rejection,The reason is the hospital"Medical insurance limit has run out".


In zhejiang province"lianghui"on,About medical insurance fund topic attracted a lot attention.


Part of the zhejiang province political consultative conference (CPPCC) said to reporters,Don't refuse to health care patients,But each year DaoTie small amount.


Zhejiang province political consultative conference (CPPCC)/Shangyu the second people's hospital ZhaoZhiQing dean said,Shangyu now medical insurance reimbursement is the high proportion,Especially the new agricultural policy close range in hospital expense proportion increased to 80%,Basic drug reimbursement ratio of average outpatient service increased from 30% to.Farmers in the past illness is can drag will drag,It is a serious illness ailment went to the hospital to run.


"A year off,The whole shangyu city hospital to‘DaoTie’three/Forty million."ZhaoZhiQing said.


The situation in the private nonprofit hospitals also exist.Zhejiang province political consultative conference (CPPCC)/Jinhua eye hospital dean WuJianRen said,"DaoTie"The amount was in the tens of thousands yuan,But he did not disclose the specific Numbers.


Medical insurance fund is not used at the same time,Money is wasted is true.


Part of the people's psychological is"Medical insurance money don't white don't".this,The personage inside course of study thinks,The current medical insurance system there are some loopholes,Don't encourage health care less patient to see a doctor,No one seems not to prescribe who suffer,Cause the limited medical insurance money is wasted.


In the face of the medical insurance fund of the embarrassing situation,Zhejiang province political consultative conference (CPPCC)/Provincial health department deputy director WangGuoJing think:"The next step to do payment reform,Implementation of the total medical insurance system in advance."


WangGuoJing explained,The total amount of the advance system,Refers to the medical insurance agency orgnaization to nod medical establishment every year to transfer a certain amount.On the basis of,The hospital has balance is retained,Overspend part and health care institutions to share.


WangGuoJing think,The reform of medical insurance payment from the overall trend after pay system to advance system,But this reform should be a variety of forms,Should implement mixed payment reform.


New farmers joint as an example,By the end of 2012,Zhejiang province as a whole new farming area combined hospital reimbursement ratio for an average of 72.2%,Outpatient service to submit an expense account up to 27.4%.


Zhejiang in 2011 chose 31 counties(area/city)At the provincial level for new farm close payment reform pilot.In 2012,,In 85 a new farming together as a whole county(city/area)Comprehensive start payment reform,To establish the total advance as the main body of the press disease to pay/According to the bed, such as pay composite payment system.


WangGuoJing conclude,The total advance system benefit is a reasonable and orderly guide the patient's doctor,Control medical total cost and time are cost;Ensure medical treatment of a serious illness;To ensure the health of the fine management/Ensure that the government macroeconomic regulation and control.(finish)
