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17岁“渐冻人”欲捐眼角膜 7岁开始倒数生命(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


17 years old,For a normal boy speaking,It is walking in the campus,Enjoy learning and sports fun big time.and he,LiXiaoYa,The same is 17 years old,However because of suffering from a rare disease,In a wheelchair spent ten years.When being called"Gradually freezing"when,The family will know that he is likely to live but twenty years of age.Look at life from the loss of children day by day,The family grieved over but made a"strong"Decision - if which day the children were not in the,Must the corneal away.


A a


7岁开始倒数生命 7 years old start the countdown life


前几天他第一次喊“救命” a few days ago the first time he shouted"help"


big NianchuJiu afternoon,a heavy snow can't stop LiXiaoYa a from yancheng JianHu home back to yangzhou.LiXiaoYa grandma just had his 70th birthday,The family is immersed in a festival atmosphere,In just entered Yang city,a sound"My mother help"Let LichunGan heart a tight.See XiaoYa looks pale,breath is not only into the."fast,Go to a hospital,The child can't."Regardless of the slippery snow,LichunGan 1 vigorously urged the driver.


"Early know there will be such a day,I didn't know I would so fast.The doctor said it's difficult for him to live through twenty years of age,as long as take good care of the,Live to eighteen years can,How can so fast?"Mother LichunGan murmured,Like to himself."The child is still,Usually also cleverly,This is the first time he shouted‘help’,at that time I will know that bad."


It is understood,LiXiaoYa a 1999 from yancheng JianHu come to yangzhou,That year LiXiaoYa is only 3 years old,Parents do a little odd jobs to live from hand to mouth,although hard but also happiness.In the spring of 2003,The age of seven LiXiaoYa began to appear muscle stiffness,after the fall will take a long time to get up,Even than their peers to be lively and active."at first taken to the hospital to see,The doctor just told me,While young again.Then go abroad to the hospital,are the same thing,‘What children like to meet him,can eat eat,can drink drink.’"LichunGan seems to be telling a story of others,Low head,Occasionally see medicine from out of the nurse.


The emg examination,LiXiaoYa diagnosed with a rare"Progressive muscular dystrophy".To the sounds not very serious disease name,LichunGan but know this is the speculation"Gradually freezing",and this kind of disease cured,even"Usually live but twenty years of age,For the family is not too good,Only live to eighteen years."From then on,The age of seven LiXiaoYa began to enter the life countdown.


B b


当书童和按摩师 When ShuTong and massage


10年来,她一刻不离儿子 Ten years,Her son from the moment


"children can smile can say,Really don't have the heart to tell him the truth.So the other kids do,We all try to meet him."It is understood,In grade 4 before,LiXiaoYa school/Mothers are school shuttle,can't walk,Mother will hold go.this"ShuTong"When is 4 years."Until the fourth grade,Serious illness couldn't go to school,We will put him in a rented a small house to take care of.His father every


Day out change jobs,Sell food/Sell meat,Do transport,Our farm,also can only do these live."


and LichunGan in order to take care of not the son of action,Moment never left let,Even buy vegetables are husband done on the way back."We can't afford massager,I would learn the TV that give him to blow over,Squeezed arm/leg,These ten years,I almost never came out,If something happens,Just for a while back.He the disease,Is always turning,Leave may be a problem."Ten years as one day waiting for you,and god did not move,No miracle,Son's illness is serious day by day."Have is only skin and bones,Legs are just like normal people like arm weight,17 years old,Only fifty pounds."


Is that a sound"My mother help",LichunGan worry about 10 years results - severe respiratory muscle atrophy, finally appeared in XiaoYa body."That night,We all didn't sleep,although know there will be the day,but really to or can not accept.What's more, he haven't to eighteen years old,How can so fast?"Ten years,Looking at son from a lively child slowly toward the end of life,Then strong parents also can not accept.


C c


孩子生命力逐渐消失 The child vitality gradually disappear


家人决定捐出他的眼角膜 The family decided to donate his cornea


"The disease,There is no effective treatment,can do is relative to alleviate the symptoms and try to prolong patient life.Even science masters hawking,can master the origin of the universe mystery,but that does not stop his life a little bit of disappear."In a city hospital IcU of doctor of vice director of baiShan is introduced.


and had learned that all these LichunGan in the son's illness went to the mid and late stage,appear abnormal calm:"If which day the child didn't,We will donate cornea."It is reported,Have this idea is not suddenly decision:"Others through the son's eyes can see the world,Will see us,That's enough."


Yesterday afternoon,LichunGan has donated to donate to the cornea by authorities.It is understood,This morning,Eye the doctor will LiXiaoYa eyes do a full inspection,If complete cornea/Don't turbidity,and there is no other problems,can accept donations."successful,The world and many a can bring bright eye disease patients."


【读报词典】 [Newspapers dictionary]


渐冻人 Gradually freezing


Progressive muscle malnutrition,commonly known as"Gradually freezing".Muscle malnutrition is a group of muscle tissue degeneration disease body,cause muscle atrophy/Muscle weakness in,appear different degree of movement disorders.When the lower limb muscle influence,appear upstairs/climbing/Squat down it is difficult to stand up;Sweep upper limb muscle when,Upper limbs can't exalt,also can appear spine and joint deformities.as a result of feeling nervous not infringed,So the disease does not affect the person's intelligence/Memory and feeling.as people known as the generation master of theoretical physics/Hawking is a science masters"Gradually freezing".


【同类病例】 [Similar cases]


国内首位剖腹产“渐冻人” The domestic first cesarean section"Gradually freezing"


32 years old when I was a child suffering from LvYuanFang myelopathic type cervical muscle atrophy,This kind of disease will gradually atrophic muscle weakness,Paralysis of the final,So called"Gradually freezing".Have been eager for when the mother's LvYuanFang after pregnancy,January 30,,Success in beijing aviation general hospital for caesarean operation,Gave birth to a 5 jins and two boys.


【妈妈的心愿】 [Mother's wish]


希望儿子走得轻松一点 Hope son go take it easy

  “孩子已经走到这一步了,我们并没有特别的心愿,只是希望他能走得轻松一点。” 如今,李肖亚还躺在市一院东区院重症监护室内,面对每天好几千元的住院费,李春干显得有些“有心无力”,“有人劝我将儿子带回家,但是除了那一间出租小屋,我们并没有自己的家,而且房东也不会同意儿子再住进去的。如果回到盐城老家,几千元的救护车费不说,70岁的老母亲也接受不了这样的打击。”

"The child has come to this step,We are not special desire,Just hope he can go to take it easy." now,LiXiaoYa still lying in a hospital, east OuYuan intensive care indoor,In the face of thousands of yuan of hospitalization expenses,LichunGan appear some"Have desire","I was advised the son home,but in addition to that a rent house,We are not home,and the landlord wouldn't agree with son to dwell in.If back to hometown yancheng,Thousands of yuan of the ambulance don't say,The 70 - year - old mother also can not accept such a blow."

  昨天下午,面对记者的倡导募捐建议,李春干直摆手:“我只希望儿子走得轻松点,并不要很多钱。”住院费难以为继,一家人不知道该怎么办。如果有好心人愿意伸出援手,帮助这个淳朴善良的农村人,给这个17岁的阳光男孩送上最后的温暖,可与本报或与院方联系。(扬州网记者 夏超群)

Yesterday afternoon,In the face of the reporter's advocate the suggestion,LichunGan straight motioning with his hand:"I only hope son go very easy,Don't want a lot of money."Hospitalization expenses unsustainable,The family did not know what should I do.If a man willing to lend a hand,Help the simple kind of rural people,Give the 17-year-old sunshine boy on the last warm,but with this or with the contact.(Yangzhou network reporter Xiachao group)
