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6岁女孩学“下腰”致高位瘫痪 再也没能站起来--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


"dad,I want to go out to play."6 years old little girl she lay on the bed,Has been a long time have not seen the sun.On January 20,,She in dance class"Low back"Moves down after,Just can't stand up anymore.Classics doctor is diagnosed,She Minnie high paraplegia caused by central nerve damage.

  “下腰”摔跤站起再练 "Low back"Wrestling got to practice again


On January 20,,She her the day before the final examination,She as usual,The weekend went to a dance class.6, she has been learning dancing for three years,She will do a lot of difficult movements,including"Low back".


"We lay on the ground first,The waist up slowly,Do an action,Then stood up."In the morning,She she and fellow students in this group activity,Suddenly fell.She cried her,But after crying,She continued to do the next action,But once again fell down.This time,,She can never stand up.More than 9 o 'clock in the morning,She's mom and dad got a call from the dance class,Was told that the daughter situation is bad.


The following more than a month,She her father Mr Yang took her two daughters in Beijing/Changsha five hospitals,The doctors shook his head again and again,Mr Yang, the heart also follow to sink,He knew that she hope of cure is very small.

  父母还没告诉她伤势 Parents haven't told her injury


On the 3rd of march,She she lying in the central south university xiangya 2nd hospital bed,Your feet bound by heavy medical equipment.She has been unable to move from the waist down,Don't have any consciousness.Family and didn't tell she she her the seriousness of the illness,But she her father always feel,So clever children,May already know.


"I like to dance,Will dance a lot."She looked at himself in the leg,And he said also likes painting.She her hand with a thick book,There is various brief strokes,Was when she was ill from the classmates.She she has a pink"Stick to this",That's her baby,In her usual save all kinds of stickers,bored,She will turn out to see.


She took two pieces of papers from the edge of the bed,A language,A mathematical,Is 100 points."I'd like to learn English,To test good university in the future."She her grades is very confident about themselves.

  做高难度动作前先体检 Physical examination before do difficult moves


Many parents saw she ni's story on the Internet,Have to send their children to learn dance.For this,Changsha business one orthopedic hospital dean LiuGongQi said,Some of the high requirements for flexibility, dance and sport,Need to start from practice,But before choosing this type of project,Is a good idea to do a physical examination to the child.

  “有些先天性脊柱问题可能平时看不出来,但剧烈运动时就会产生危险。”刘红旗说,孩子在练习舞蹈、体操、跳水等难度较高的运动时,一定要找有执业资格证的教练,并在教练的指导下做下腰、劈叉等动作。如果只是想让孩子锻炼身体,培养情操,可以选择难度和危险相对较小的运动,如跳绳、慢跑、游泳,这些运动在家长的监护下就可以进行。-见习记者 张明阳

"Some congenital spinal problems may look not to come out at ordinary times,But can produce dangerous during strenuous exercise."LiuGongQi said,The children dance practice/gymnastics/The difficulty higher sports such as diving,Must look for professional coach certification,And under the guidance of coach do down/The splits such action.If just want their children to exercise,To cultivate sentiment,Can choose the difficulty and risk is relatively small,Such as rope skipping/jogging/swimming,These movements can be long care at home.- Zhang Mingyang trainee reporter

  提醒 remind

  孩子少做这些运动 Less children do these exercises

  拔河 比赛时运动强度大,对抗性强,需要很大的静止力和耐久力。儿童的心脏发育还不完善,心肌娇嫩,很难承受这样大力量性质的负荷。另外,拔河还容易造成腕关节脱臼和软组织损伤。

Tug of war with athletic intensity is big,Antagonistic traits,Need a great deal of static force and endurance.Children in the heart of development is also imperfect,Myocardial and delicate,It is difficult to bear such big strength of the nature of the load.In addition,Tug of war is likely to cause dislocated my wrist joints and soft tissue injuries.

  长跑 人的高矮主要取决于全身骨细胞的生长,参加大能量消耗的长跑运动,会使儿童营养入不敷出,骨细胞生长速度减慢,妨碍正常的生长发育。

Running man's height depends mainly on the whole body bone cell growth,Take part in the long distance movement large energy consumption,Can make the child nutrition,Bone cells to grow at a slower pace,Interfere with normal growth and development.

  倒立 尽管幼儿的眼压调节功能较强,但如果经常进行倒立或每次倒立时间过长,会损害眼睛对眼压的调节能力。

Handstand although infants intraocular pressure regulating function is stronger,But if regular stand or balance time is too long,Can damage the eyes with intraocular pressure regulation ability.

  掰手腕 儿童四肢各关节的关节囊比较松弛,坚固性较差,掰手腕容易发生扭伤。另外,如同拔河一样,屏气是掰手腕时的必然现象,这样会使胸腔内压力急剧上升,静脉血向心脏回流受阻,而后,静脉内滞留的大量血液会猛烈地冲入心房,对心壁产生过强的刺激。三湘都市报

An arm-wrestling children limbs joint capsule of each joint is loose,Robustness is bad,Arm-wrestling prone to sprain.In addition,Like tug of war,Breathless arm-wrestling is the inevitable phenomenon,This will make the chest cavity pressure rising sharply,Venous blood to the heart is blocked,And then,Intravenous retention of blood will be violently into the atrium,Had a strong stimulation on XinBi.Sansho metropolis daily
