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提示:聊天等于做脑保健操 药后烧心吃点苏打饼--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


   聊天等于做脑保健操 Chat is doing brain exercises


聊天可以使人拥有健康的心理,Famous psychologist think Murray,Humans at least 20 kinds of psychological need,Through the chat can meet some psychological need,Make mental pleasure.Chat with their peers,In the past,"Win a thick";Talking to teenagers,feeling"The sun at eight at nine o 'clock in the morning"Vigor and vitality;With the opposite sex friend chat,对In the老年人的心理能起到"tonic"/"Strong and handsome"role.

  医学专家认为,人老首先是脑细胞和脑容量减少,聊天有助于刺激脑神经的生长,增进思维和语言表达的逻辑性、敏锐性和准确性,经常聊天,等于在做脑保健操。 易 凡

医学专家认为,Old is, first and foremost, brain cells and brain size decreased,Chat will help stimulate the growth of the brain,To improve the logic of thinking and language expression/Sharpness and accuracy,Often chat,等于In the做脑保健操. Easy to all


运动防痔的简效方法 Sports Jane effect of hemorrhoid prevention method


腹式呼吸:In the supine position,Whole body relaxing as far as possible,Hands overlap on the lower abdomen,Do abdominal breathing,Expiratory when abdomen swell,Inhale sag of abdomen.Number, as appropriate, will.


提肛运动:Stand up,Loosen all over,The hips and thighs clamping force,To breathe in,On the top of the tongue palatal,The anus up and at the same time,tighten,And then breathe out,Loosen all over.


两腿蹬踏:Supine position,Two leg flexion and in turn,Imitate the action by bike,Start slow, quick,Do 2 to 3 minutes every time,Give two legs delimit circle from inside to outside for about 10 times.

  按揉肚脐:卧在床上,松开腰带,屈曲两膝,两手搓热后,左手平放在肚脐上,右手放在左手手背上,以肚脐为中心,顺时针方向按揉,开始轻一些,以后逐渐加重。 昭 和

按揉肚脐:卧In the床上,Loosen your belt,Two knees buckling,After hands rub hot,左手平放In the肚脐上,右手放In the左手手背上,以肚脐为In the心,Clockwise direction according to knead,Began to light some,Gradually increase. showa


药后烧心吃点苏打饼 Eat medicine heartburn after soda bread


有的人吃完药后胃就感觉不舒服,Have a burning sensation at the same time accompanied by symptoms of acid reflux,This is the likely cause of heartburn,Oral into the drug in the body of stomach and esophagus mucosa will produce or strong or weak stimulation,Is burning or pain,See more at antipyretic analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs.

  为缓解症状,应注意避免进食过快,尽量少进食或不进食某些食物,如茶、咖啡、油炸食品、糖果、辣椒、烈性酒等,多进食含碱性的食物,如黄瓜、胡萝卜、菠菜、香蕉、苹果、卷心菜、竹笋、马铃薯、香菇、豆类及牛奶、山楂、西红柿等。平时服用对胃刺激性较大的药物时,可在饭后半小时服,同时多喝些温开水,另外,不妨吃点苏打饼干,因其含有碳酸氢钠,可中和胃酸,缓解烧心不适症状。 肖 男

为缓解症状,Should pay attention to avoid eating too fast,Try to eat less or don't eat certain food,Such as tea/coffee/Fried food/candy/Chili peppers/Liquor etc.,Eat more food containing alkaline,Such as a cucumber/carrots/spinach/The banana/apple/cabbage/The bamboo shoots/The potato/With mushroom/Beans and milk/hawthorn/Tomatoes, etc..At ordinary times excitant bigger on stomach medications,可In the饭后半小时服,At the same time, drink more water,In addition,Might as well eat some crackers,Because it contains sodium bicarbonate,可In the和胃酸,Alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms of heartburn. Xiao man
