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春暖花开时 你在为自己的身体焦虑吗?--亲稳网络舆情监测室


小阳春的天气里,Many people take off the heavy coat,Changed into the light of spring clothing.however,Walk in a good mood will inevitably be some lingering anxiety are interference, should lose some weight?"Don't lose weight in March/No one to accompany in April/May l ray."Almost every year at this time,Some phrase in the text/Network on weibo,And many of her body anxiety began to keep away risk.

  事件回放  姚女士的丈夫韩先生在网络上看到一则段子,“3月不减肥,4月徒伤悲,5月路人雷,6月男友没,7月被晒黑,8月待室内,9月更加肥!10月相亲累,11月无人陪,12月无三围,1月肉更肥,2月不知谁……”他回到家中,强烈要求妻子减肥。姚女士准备在中医学院的操场上跑步减肥。未经热身,她便小跑起来,跑了5圈后觉得右边大腿疼痛。后经诊断,姚女士属于韧带轻微拉伤。

事件回放  姚女士的丈夫韩先生在网络上看到一则段子,"Don't lose weight in March,April, idle young, needy old,May l ray,June boyfriend didn't,Sunburn in July,Stay indoors in August,September is more fat!October to tired,Nobody accompanies in November,No measurements in December,1 month more fat meat,2 month I do not know who..."He returned home,Urged his wife to lose weight.Ms yao to running on the playground in college of traditional Chinese medicine to lose weight.Without warm up,She had run up,Ran 5 times and think the right thigh pain.After the diagnosis,Ms yao belong to minor ligament injury.


1 对身体的焦虑 女性说的比真实的感受多 1 said anxiety of the body of a woman more than the true feelings


减肥塑身似乎是女性群体永远的话题.Women seem to be easier to produce anxiety about their bodies.Liao Lijuan don't agree with this:"The so-called‘Women are more anxious to your body’,This in itself is a false dichotomy.Both men and women focus on the body,And can cause anxiety,Most of the anxiety were in normal range.Only men and women focus on different angles.In general,Both men and women pay attention to body health,And men will be more attention in power;While women more focuses on the shape and weight.Cultural development makes we all know that woman's physical attractiveness often occupy the very important role.In addition,Men generally less openly express their anxiety,While women can express more,Even the expression degree than the degree of anxiety."


In addition,For body parts,Male anxiety is far less than women.In one study,Researchers to gay men and women, respectively, show figure figure,Ask them to highlight the conform to the shape of their current situation/The ideal body shape and can attract the most fit.The results showed that,Men choose three basic similar shape.And women choose their current form/Ideal body shape and attractive physique tend to have bigger difference.and,Most attractive women choose the ideal body shape and size is the current shape thinner than they think/More light.


2 好身材的标准 和人类的进化本能有关 2 good figure of standards related to the evolution of human instinct


人们对身体的关注和焦虑也和社会压力和文化取向有关系.Most of the social culture have some evaluation standards.In today's society,We see the stars/model/Brand spokesperson, etc are all in good shape,underweight,The passage of time,Easy to form social self image with thin for beauty,It brings the certain effect to the social public.People will go to the pursuit of such beauty,In order to allow yourself to conform to the requirements,Use a weight loss diet, etc.


有相关的研究发现,When women waist-to-hip ratio is 0.7,Men's waist-to-hip ratio is 0.9,Is easier to think in sexy shape.For this,Liao Lijuan explains:"Women's waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7,Often represent a health and reproductive ability.More strong reproductive ability means that the genes are more likely to remain alive in evolution.And men's waist-to-hip ratio of 0.9,Figure often appear to be fit and trim,Also means greater sexual ability and has more advantages.For one thousand years,No matter how people evolve,People for the beauty/Sexy figure of standard actually changed a little.Because it is an evolved instinct,Is the pursuit of a kind of dominant genes."


当然,In different cultural environments,There will be some difference,People are often economically developed countries and regions are more inclined to agree with mentioned above figure scale,Because they usually have more abundant material base to focus on more advantages.In some poor places,People will be more inclined to pursue some chubby,Figure is a rich state,Because in those places,The plump figure means the food is enough,Can get more opportunities,Also it would be easier to make the genes passed down.


3 高科技打破身体自然节律 “该瘦”的时候瘦不下来   Three high-tech break the body's natural rhythm "The thin"Thin do not down


有些人一边对身体焦虑不已,While secretly wonder,Why special anxiety bloomy spring time every year?For this,Xu Jun explains,Spring is a season of emotional fluctuations,Anxiety is related to the endocrine level and the human body.


廖丽娟也指出,People on their body"Seasonal anxiety",And biological evolution.Such seasonal anxiety is often happens in places with distinct seasons."Human in the process of evolution,Has formed a certain body rhythm.The initial,People more attention to the body is healthy,Cold winter hoarding a certain amount of fat they can better survive,In order to keep out the cold,Naturally easy to grow fat some.In the summer,The temperature is high,Too thick fat will be bad for your health,Will naturally thin come down.but,With the development of modern civilization,Humans have so many things to break the rhythm of nature.Especially in the summer,People spend most of their time hiding in an air-conditioned room.Feel no obvious seasonal characteristics,Body rhythm is disrupted,The regulation of nature would be weakened.The body or at the beginning of the body,The environment is not the original environment,Could have natural health to slim down,But now I can't do it,Of course easy to produce anxiety."


4 过度追求科学饮食 容易让人陷入负面情绪 4 excessive pursuit of scientific diet, easy to fall into negative emotions


对于一些节食减肥的人,We often counsel them to a scientific diet.But remind Xu Jun said,Don't be"Too much science"."Has the experts put forward this point of view,A person too scientific food intake,Often he was not far from the eating disorder,Because he will be too hard on food."For this,Xu Jun made further explanation,"Cognitive psychology study,A sense of happiness,More happy people,Often to the thing judgment is than‘Objective standard’Positive 10%.Patients with depression,Judgment of things tend to be very objective.but,When a person‘So the objective’The time of,Tend to fall into negative emotions.If a person every day to eat their own food calories too accurate,Requirement for weight too accurate - 100 jin is a standard of healthy weight,It may be lost in some negative emotions and psychological state."


徐钧表示,Need not excessive pursuit of science on the details,With a comprehensive/The overall perspective,Will be more healthy,Is also a more positive.
