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监管乏力媒体自律形同虚设 虚假医药广告顽疾探源--亲稳网络舆情监控室
In recent years,Parts of the false illegal medical advertisement in our country are at high incidence,Many people take money and delay an illness,Some people even died.Face the false illegal medicine advertisement,Regulators are deeply helpless,Self-discipline is basic in the media"Along with"state,False medicine advertisement in man of the people at the same time,Also serious damage to the media and the government's credibility.
虚假医药广告“铺天盖地” False medicine advertisement"blanket"
This reporter learned from much of the ministry of commerce and industry,In parts of our country,False illegal medicine advertising has been high in customer complaints,Have a sampling survey,In some places,Medical and pharmaceutical advertising illegal rate is as high as above 70%.These illegal advertisement grabbed eager cure mental patients,Claims that"The cure rate of 98%"/"For eight generations of ancestral secret recipe"/"The bane of cancer", etc.,Experts recommend more so-called medical school/"In patients with"Advise others,Irresistible to patients and family members,And some of the patients"Believed in the advertising on the medicine,Almost on a life".
Harbin, a 69 - year - old LiuGuangDou suffer from heart disease for many years,See in television entertainment channel claimed 57 days absolutely cure for heart disease"Huang Yin capsule"After the advertising,Disable the daily medicine,According to the ordered two boxes of TV's contact information,At the finish,The sales people again"Ensure that can be cured"Under the promise of keep on buying.Eat 6 box body began to swell,"Increase in foot swollen like steamed bread,Lung condition short breath."On January 11,,By his family to the hospital,Plunge into the needle just 17 days"Get a life".
LiuGuangDou told reporters,"This advertising temptation is too big,One gathers officer said he in the advertisement is the medicine cure the disease,Children not to buy,I also don't listen to.TV would be lying,Spend a few thousand dollars to buy medicine/Was in the hospital not to say,Almost to get on our lives."
Compared with the LiuGuangDou,There are more unhappy people.Is more than television"JiangTangCha"The temptation of ads,Chen Xiuling 68 - year - old mother took out 2970 yuan to buy medicines from savings,Looking forward to AD says"Have health care and improving the effect of diabetes"The emergence of.But on March 11 this year,Chen mother taking a second bag"JiangTangCha"After the heart uncomfortable symptoms,died.Batch purchase products because they had no food/Mark or approved by the health product batch number,Activist suffered many shuffle.
In fact,,False illegal medicine advertising has become a media liquidity-trap territory in China"ills".Both in the economically developed coastal cities,Or in remote western country,Can see the shadow of the false illegal medicine advertising.Several times more than the National People's Congress on the national annual reflect from the problem of false illegal medicine advertisement,But the problem has not been solved thoroughly.
According to the commissioner of Harbin city administration for industry and commerce consumers' rights and interests protection Wang Xukun is introduced,At present,TV in China/The radio/The mass media such as newspapers and false illegal advertisement"blanket",The drug/medical/Health food(supplies)/Cosmetics and beauty services the false advertisement is more serious.False illegal medicine advertising through grasping for patients with psychological,Use a variety of tricks to attract consumers to buy.
The first is to exaggerate the effect/Fictional cure rate.This is fake drugs and health care products advertising is common,Including using"Permanent cure"/"See the wonders"Such as unscientific assertion or guarantee/Exaggerated publicity,Some description in the advertisement directly cure rates or efficient,Express or implied a cure-all/Suitable for all symptoms, etc.Such as advertising"With feet to take medicine all diseases away,The medicine to the sick is not,Feet in the evening,A dip can pull out the body toxins every day,People also spirit".Patients to suffering for many years,Tend to believe that such advertisement provides allure extremely,Don't even stop to buy from others.
Followed by the name with medical experts recommend drugs.Many false medicine advertisement to enhance the reliability of products,With experts to find the scientific basis for the product and the name of the certificate,Some well-known medical experts in unwittingly image being used for advertising,There are some people pretend to be a hospital doctor or expert introduction product efficacy,Increased sense of authority and professional.
The third is a fabricated case,Looking for the so-called patients"Advise others".Wang Xukun said,False medicine advertisement is mostly like to looking for some patients,Have a name/Photos or home address and so on false information,By making up the illness and the medication treatment effect,Cause the resonance of the patients,A lot of consumer easy to be deceived by these ads,Can't distinguish true and false.
The fourth is the propaganda"Ancestral secret recipe"/"Medical experts"/"The latest therapy"Deceive patients, such as.Some fake medicine advertising claim"For eight generations of ancestral secret recipe",Or cured of the disease for a number of chronic diseases have a magical effect,And let a person believe detailed diagnostic method.In addition,Still use to"The latest medical technology"And other high-tech gimmicks,Claims that breakthroughs in medical problems,Advocating magical curative effect.
监管乏力媒体自律形同虚设 Deregulation of media self-discipline
In the case of illegal medicine advertising man people,Many consumers in addition to blame the media,Also point towards medical advertising regulatory authorities.Newspaper reporters found that,In the medical advertising management,Regulators are in"Struggling to/Are suffering/nominal"The dilemma of.
"Now all over illegal advertisement quantity is really too much,Our regulatory are often overwhelmed."Heilongjiang province administration for industry and commerce advertising supervision and administration department chief danger eagle told reporters,Their advertising in a total of 11 people,Not only to take charge in the advertising regulation/Monitoring of the,Also responsible for the advertising industry development guidance.In the face of tens of thousands of all kinds of advertising,These media to release the illegal nature of illegal advertisement/The release date/Issue number/Advertising categories/Illegal and slogan and so on carries on the detailed records and statistics,Orders canceled order,Organization initiate an investigation.Staff has to unit to work at half past six every morning,Still can't finish work task.
"The ministry of commerce and industry of media power is not mandatory,In the face of the public and superior departments of torture,It's suffering."Concerns the eagle said,,Now they are processing there are many ways of illegal advertising media,Including fines/Canceled advertising/To the media chief executive warned, etc,But these are not touch media and its head"A nerve",Illegal advertisement like leeks"Cut a long a crops",Today off punishment an AD,Tomorrow a new appear.Not long ago,They just about four in the province of illegal advertising media fines of up to 2.25 million yuan,And held a media alert, head of the conversation,but"The effect is not obvious from the current situation,These illegal medical advertisement media is still there."
According to the ministry of commerce and industry,The national media advertising illegal rate is closely related to regional economic development level.Relevant state departments to mainstream media monitoring found that 36 provinces,Economically developed southeast coastal area of the mainstream media advertising illegal rate significantly lower than the economic less developed areas in the Midwest.
, head of the advertising department of a provincial media said helplessly,They province is located in the border areas,Economy is not developed,Foreign businesses and limited funding,Large local enterprises high-quality advertising recourses situation is outstanding,Advertising market is not good.In this context,There will be media"Do not have enough to eat"/"Beggars cannot be choosers"Of the problem.
A newspaper advertising practitioners in shenyang said,In recent years,A hit from the network and broadcast media,Print media advertising market atrophy,Some print business income dropped sharply,Transformation in the development and the media itself,Spread some illegal advertisement it is not surprising.
Newspaper reporters learned that,On medical advertising is highly dependent on some theory guilds in some media,Don't even play/Publication of pharmaceutical advertising is difficult to survive.Such as in eastern heilongjiang province a certain economic strength is weak at the county level television/Show difference/Low ratings,Can only play the illegal medicine advertising as the main business income.And some theory guilds these false medicine advertisement also need this grassroots media,Because of the high a grassroots people trust the media/Awareness is poor/The ego to protect consciousness is low,Is the goal of some illegal advertisements.
健全机制提高政策执行力 Improve the mechanism to improve policy execution
Some experts think that,Media to release illegal advertisement phenomenon is the media in our country"Market-oriented reform"the"pain".In the past media people/goods/Fully held by the government and other major resources,After the marketization reform,Media purse strings/Real right change gradually by audiences and advertisers to indirect control.Some media are often one-sided to cater to the audience and unconditional satisfies the requirement of advertisers,Marketization of media vulgarization/Entertainment and even spread the negative effects such as illegal advertisement gradually revealed.And released the false advertisement"Quench thirst"Of the behavior,Not only harm the interests of the masses,Also serious damage to the media and the government's credibility,Need to stop.
Heilongjiang university, school of journalism Li Aqiang scholars think, etc,Governance of media marketization transformation problems,Marketing media industry management system and the system should be established as soon as possible,The media companies completely incorporated into national laws and regulations management under constraint,This is promote the healthy development of the media industry is the most pressing task at present.
Shanghai social sciences association of party secretary Shen Guoming advice,Relevant government departments should formulate relevant policies to guide the media management way transformation and upgrading,At the same time, strengthen financial and policy support,Take the market as guide to develop cultural industry,Promote the integrated development of the media industry.
"For media to release illegal and false advertising in China is not a lack of supervision mechanism and means,But the lack of execution."Concerns the eagle said,,Heilongjiang province was put forward,For the publish false illegal advertisement repeatedly check the media unit of recidivism,Should the responsibility of the person directly responsible shall be investigated for unit and seriousness,Given CPC party disciplines sanctions in accordance with the relevant regulations.But in fact,Therefore punished media rarely involved.
一些受访群众建议,各地可以效仿其他国家建立类似“观众协会”的民间组织,对媒体内容及虚假广告等情况进行监督。相关监管部门要重视“观众协会”的意见建议,及时发现纠正媒体发展中的问题,以促进传媒业健康发展。 文/《瞭望》新闻周刊记者李建平辛林霞
Some people questioned,Can follow other countries set up a similar"Association of the audience"The non-governmental organizations,Supervise media content and false advertising, and so on and so forth.Relevant regulatory authorities to seriously"Association of the audience"The opinions of the suggestion,In time to correct problems in the development of media,In order to promote healthy development of the media industry. Wen /[outlook]Newsweek reporter li jianping XinLinXia
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