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7ÔÂ2ÈÕ£¬Ð½®±íÕýٻúʼþ¹¦³¼7ÔÂ2ÈÕ£¬Ð½®±íÕýٻúʼþ¹¦³¼ July 2,£¬Xinjiang recognition hijack hero7ÔÂ9ÈÕ£¬º£ÄϱíÕ÷´½Ù»úÓ¢ÐÛ»ú×é7ÔÂ9ÈÕ£¬º£ÄϱíÕ÷´½Ù»úÓ¢ÐÛ»ú×é July 9,£¬The hijackers for hainan hero units


Integrated xinhua news agency¡¢Jinghua times reported


Hainan provincial party committee¡¢The provincial government 9, at the conference on the sea£¬Grand recognition¡°6 ¡¤ 29¡±The hijackers hero units¡£The hijackers of hna group unit to weigh award£¬Three people have each won $1 million cash¡¢Value 3 million real estate a¡¢Audi car one£»Other members of the $500000 cash¡¢Value 2 million real estate a¡¢Audi car one¡£Hna group decision£¬Reward 22 passengers on a lifetime free heroic hna flights¡£


Hainan province£ºCall for learning hero units


June 29,£¬Hna group tianjin aviation company GS7554 units in xinjiang urumqi to execute hotan mission£¬Six of the eight gunmen hijack in violence¡£danger£¬The crew in assistance to travelers£¬And on the good fight£¬The successful uniform£¬Two security officer¡¢Two flight attendants glorious injured¡£Flight personnel calm¡¢Properly deal with£¬Flying a plane has arrived home safely£¬The public security organs will hand over£¬To avoid the hijacking and even machine destroyed together news a major event¡£Hainan provincial government decisions£¬Reward in a crisis¡¢The crew of the GuoJia to stand up¡¢DuYueFeng $100000 each£¬reward¡°6 ¡¤ 29¡±The hijackers hero units 500000 yuan£¬It called on the whole province each unit¡¢The enterprise to the unit to study¡£


Commendation meeting£¬Women's ChengWuZu awarded hainan province¡°38 red flag collective¡±Honorary title£¬ChengWuChang GuoJia and flight attendants LvHui awarded¡¢SongJia and WangWanYu¡°March-eighth red-banner pacesetter¡±Honorary title£»The communist youth league awarded the hijackers of hainan province hero units¡°Hainan youth movement medal collective¡±Honorary title£»Federation of trade unions of hainan province, on behalf of the all-china federation of trade unions awarded the hijackings hero units¡°The national workers pioneer¡±Honorary title¡£


Hna group£ºTens of millions of dollars award units

¡¡¡¡º£º½¼¯ÍÅÊÚÓèÓ¢ÐÛ»ú×éÈ«Ìå³ÉÔ±£¨9ÈË£©¡°º£º½¹¦Ñ«Ô±¹¤¡±Ñ«Õ£¬²¢¸øÓ谲ȫԱ¶ÅÔÀ·å¡¢ÐìÑ󣬳ËÎñ³¤¹ù¼Ñ¸÷ÏÖ½ð100ÍòÔª¡¢·¿²úÒ»Ì× £¨¼ÛÖµ300ÍòÔª£©¡¢°ÂµÏ½Î³µÒ»Á¾½±Àø£¬¸øÓèÓ¢ÐÛ»ú×éÆäËû³ÉÔ±¸÷ÏÖ½ð50ÍòÔª¡¢·¿²úÒ»Ì×£¨¼ÛÖµ200ÍòÔª£©¡¢°ÂµÏ½Î³µÒ»Á¾½±Àø¡£º£º½¼¯ÍÅ»¹¶ÔÌì½òº½¿ÕÈ«Ìå¸É²¿Ô±¹¤¸øÓè½±Àø¡£

Hna group hero units awarded members£¨Nine people£©¡°Hna's exploits employees¡±medal£¬And give DuYueFeng security officer¡¢XuYang£¬ChengWuChang GuoJia the $1 million cash¡¢Housing a £¨Value 3 million yuan£©¡¢Audi car a car rewards£¬Hero other crew members to the $500000 cash¡¢Housing a£¨Value 2 million yuan£©¡¢Audi car a car rewards¡£The group also hna to tianjin aviation all cadres staff rewarded¡£


More than naval staff said£¬Hna's always award and clear£¬So isn't unusual handsomely¡£Due to the group's shipping business plate giant kui last year£¬January£¬21 in a relevant personnel were sacked¡¢relegation¡¢Pay cuts and punishment¡£


Hna group decision£¬Awarded in the event of 22 heroic¡°Hna's honor passengers¡±title£¬And reward the group enterprise's aim in life I free flights¡£According to understand£¬Hna group, the airlines including big xinhua airlines¡¢Hainan airlines(600221,Shares it)¡¢Tianjin aviation¡¢Auspicious peng aviation¡¢Western aviation¡¢The Hong Kong air, etc£¬Article 500 domestic and foreign routes open£¬Navigation cities more than 130¡£


Hna group brand department related chief said£¬Comprehensive count down£¬22 passengers free flight amount of the prize sitting is also a level¡£As for free tickets to the operating rules£¬Because of many respects£¬Fortune in internal coordination will after heroic told passengers¡£


invaluable£ºDidn't expect rewards fight injury

¡¡¡¡ÄÏ¿ª´óѧµ³Î¯Ñ§Éú¹¤×÷²¿µÄÕÔ¸ÊÀÏʦÇ×ÀúÁË¡°6¡¤29¡±½Ù»úʼþ¡£Ëû˵£¬´õͽ³åµ½Ç°ÅÅÐÐÐ׺ó£¬×î³õ·´¿¹µÄÂÿͺͳ˾¯´¦ÓÚÏ·硣 ¡°Ç§¾ûÒ»·¢Ö®¼Ê£¬²»ÖªµÀÄÄÀï´«À´Ò»É¤×Ó£º"ÄãÃÇÊÇÄÐÈËÂ𣬶¼ÉÏ°¡£¡ "ÕÔ¸Ê˵£¬ÕâÉù´óº°ÈçÀ×¹á¶ú£¬ÈÃËû¶¸Éú´óÃγõÐѵĸоõ£¬ËûÂíÉÏÌøÆðÀ´£¬¼ÓÈ벫¶·¡£¾­¹ý15ÖÁ20·ÖÖÓµÄØË´ò£¬´ó¼Ò½«´õͽȫ²¿ÖÆ·þ²¢À¦×¡¡£·É»úÂäµØºó£¬ÉËÕßÇ°ÍùÒ½Ôº¾ÍÒ½¡£ÕԸʵľ±²¿ÊÜÉË£¬ÅçÒ©Ö®ºó¹üÉÏÉ´²¼¡£ËûµÄ½üÊÓÑÛ¾µÒ²¶ªÁËÕâÊÇÔÚ»ìÂÒÖУ¬±»´õͽÓù¤¾ßÇõôµÄ£¬¡°µ±Ê±Ò²Ã»Ê±¼äÈ¥¼ñ¡£ ¡±¶ÔÓÚº£º½µÄ½±Àø´ëÊ©£¬ÕÔ¸Ê˵º£º½Ã»ÁªÏµ¹ýËû£¬Ëû²»È·¶¨×Ô¼ºÊÇ·ñÔÚ22Ãû»ñ½±Âÿ͵ÄÃûµ¥ÖС£ ¡°ÎÒûÓÐÆÚ´ý½±Àø£¬Ö»ÊÇÇìÐÒͨ¹ý´ó¼ÒµÄŬÁ¦£¬ÎÒÃǶɹýÁËÕâ¸öÄѹء£ ¡±

Nankai university students party committee of the department of the ZhaoGan by the teacher¡°6 ¡¤ 29¡±hijacking¡£He said£¬The gunman rushed out to the front row£¬Initially fought the passengers and marshals disadvantage¡£ ¡°In the balance£¬Don't know where there was a voice£º"You are the man£¬Are too£¡ "ZhaoGan said£¬The biggest yell£¬Let him steep born at the beginning of the feeling of dream up£¬He jumped up£¬Join battles¡£After 15 to 20 minutes of takes£¬You will all the uniform and tied up¡£After the plane landed£¬The injured to hospital¡£ZhaoGan neck hurt£¬After each wrapped in gauze¡£His glasses also lost this is in chaos£¬By criminals with tools knock off£¬¡°When you don't have time to pick up¡£ ¡±For fortune and incentive measures£¬ZhaoGan said naval didn't try to contact him£¬He was not sure whether or not in 22 of the passenger list¡£ ¡°I didn't expect rewards£¬Just glad through the effort£¬Us through the difficulties¡£ ¡±


Naval officials say£¬Contact and confirm that it is 22 passengers£¬Temporary not sure whether to include ZhaoGan among them¡£


¡°6 ¡¤ 29¡±The hijackers reward detail list


Xinjiang handsomely

¡¡¡¡7ÔÂ2ÈÕÏÂÎ磬н®Î¬Îá¶û×ÔÖÎÇø¾ÙÐбíÕôó»á£¬ÊÚÓè10λͬ־ "6¡¤29"·´½Ù»úÓÂÊ¿¡±³ÆºÅ£¬¼Ç¸öÈËÒ»µÈ¹¦£¬Ã¿È˽±Àø10ÍòÔª£»²¢ÊÚÓèÌì½òº½¿ÕÓÐÏÞÔðÈι«Ë¾GS7554º½°à»ú×é ¡°´¦ÖÃ"6¡¤29"½Ù»ú±©¿ÖʼþÓ¢ÐÛ»ú×顱³ÆºÅ£¬½±Àø50ÍòÔª¡£

July 2, afternoon£¬The xinjiang uygur autonomous region held a commendation congress£¬Awarded 10 comrades "6 ¡¤ 29"The hijackings warriors¡±title£¬Remember personal YiDengGong£¬Rewarded 100000 yuan per person£»And awarded the tianjin aviation limited liability company GS7554 flight crew ¡°disposal"6 ¡¤ 29"Hijack a plane with fear events hero units¡±title£¬Rewarded 500000 yuan¡£


Eight of the passengers each award 100000£º


Xinjiang LiuHuiJun, deputy director of the bureau£»Xinjiang giant minister law firm DouGang your director£»Hotan area public security bureau, deputy director of the finance equipment LiuMaoPeng section£»Los Angeles county public security bureau pu criminal investigation brigade police tuor flood ¡¤ such as the NiYaZi£»MoYuXian people's hospital, director of neurosurgery's summer mention ¡¤ YiShan force£»Hetian city JiJianWei incorruptness construction LiuJun leadership£»Los pu county deputy director of the bureau of FuHuaCheng£»Hetian shengda mining(000603,Shares it)The company WangXiGang staff¡£


The ministry awarded two police level 2 YingMo title


On July 4,£¬Ministry of public security minister meng jianzhu signed an order£¬Award successful treatment¡°6 ¡¤ 29¡±Hijacking of the xinjiang uygur autonomous region of hotan area public security bureau equipment the finance LiuMaoPeng police¡¢Los pu county public security bureau criminal investigation brigade police tuor flood ¡¤ such as NiYaZi is the national public security system level 2 hero model title¡£The other three policemen were also commended rewards¡£


Civil aeronautics administration recognition


On July 6£¬China's civil aviation administration held in Beijing commendation congress£¬Tianjin aviation company awarded GS7554 flight crew¡°China's civil aviation hero units the hijackers¡±Honorary title£¬Award of RMB 1 million yuan£»Awarded DuYueFeng¡¢XuYang and GuoJia¡°China's civil aviation hero the hijackers¡±Honorary title£»Remember personal YiDengGong other crew members£»Hired DuYueFeng¡¢XuYang for China's civil aviation air marshals£»Bulletin praise civil aeronautics administration of public security bureau¡¢The civil aviation administration of xinjiang region¡¢Tianjin aviation company¡¢Xinjiang airport group hetian airport control room four units¡£At the same time in the struggle for civil aviation bureau 23 passengers condolences and thanks£¬And give rewards to¡£
