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Report from our correspondent(Reporter LiJianWei)Residential property was exactly who have the final say?Fuzhou white horse a section of river owner and industry authority divided in opinion,Two months ago,Village owner vote on a form,Residential property company decided to leave to continue service,But recently village course of study to have publicly said“Village autonomy”。
小区业主:200多人投票 150多人支持物业留下
Village owner:More than 200 people vote of more than 150 people support property to stay
yesterday,In the community bulletin board with property company announcement:“2012 will be held from August 1, residential withdraw”、“Evacuated before,According to the original contract is still the standard to perform the prophase realty service contract”。
Early in the morning,Many owner standing in the downstairs of the property was discussed。For industry authority is still haven't found the right property company transition,The owners worry district will enter without property management of chaos。
One does not wish to disclose the name of female owner said,The first two years property company service not satisfactory,Delimit a parking space、Optional rent village common field。For this,Village owner in November last year established industry authority。Since then,Property management service quality has been much improved。
In February this year,Residential property to industry authority sent a letter,Because of the contract will expire at the end of July,Please industry authority from social hiring property company,Property management to hand over。But industry authority did not find over property。
Early may,Property again sent a letter,Hope industry authority in August 1,Looking for new property company succeed。
May 28, or so,About residential property company see,Village owner to a vote。District no. 2 floor of the Shanghai community traffic three community director hellmann said,She was also invited to attend。In the more than 200 votes in the vote,More than 150 votes support property to stay。But there are also part of the owner make it clear,Leave can,Can't prices。
however,But village course of study on July 23 announcement,“Communication keep not if really”,And told all the owners,By industry authority will“Manage their own their homes”。
The announcement caused part owner of discontent,More angry owner said,Industry authority communication has a problem,Unable to represent all their owner,There are no necessary。
Industry authority members:The owner without a vote and industry authority through
then,Reporters find community property management company customer service content canal center manager zhang,He said,Yesterday morning,Property has started to trade council of transition,Including owner case、Village fire、Security facilities and other material。In trade council after consultation,The next step would be to pay part owner of orderly after July the property fee one by one to return。
Mention property company why to leave,Manager zhang expression embarrassed。He said,Property daily management with industry authority produce many distrust,Lead to work is difficult to carry out;second,For operating losses,unsustainable。As for details,He did not like to reveal。“If industry authority not finding the right property take over,Then can negotiate with the owner again。”
At the same time,Industry authority announcement yesterday again,said“Village autonomy”Has been part of the owners recognized,And the 15 enthusiastic owner to join leadership team,Compulsory service。But just before the announcement post that afternoon,Owner to district in Shanghai community traffic three community reflect,Notice list five people“No such person”,Two more men no long-term in the community living。
yesterday,Reporter contact industry authority director at this verification,The phone is in shutdown state。but,Industry authority members Mr. Wang interview。He said,“Owners keep property company vote through without the course of study,Is invalid。”Mr. Wang said,Industry authority did not organization owner vote,“Despite the vote has industry authority individual members to participate,But can't represent industry authority positions。”He also said,The original property away,Industry authority leadership team will formal mount guard,For the owners will choose more inexpensive high-quality property services company。
Room canal:Industry authority work to have the community supervision
According to this village phenomenon,yesterday,Fuzhou TaiJiang area room canal GuanKe things specifically expressed a piece section chief,“Village owner vote on new property,Industry authority has no right to approve the are effective。”Industry authority is owner congress actuators,If industry authority not in accordance with the procedures,The owners' congress held a dismissal、Property companies hiring decisions,The owner is opinion is very normal。
Piece section chief said,According to the regulations,dismissal、Hiring property company and staff,Must hold all the owners' assembly,“Two more than half”Through the(That is more than half the number、Owner proprietary area more than half)。If not according to regulations,Shall be regarded as invalid。
In addition,Industry authority work to in the community supervision、Carried out under direction。“Because industry authority is also a kind of community management organization,For street agencies。”Piece section chief said。
Once the industry authority violate compasses operation,The employer may, through all the owners' congress make comments,Even vote terminate industry authority functions、To sack the qualification。If due to space、Personnel, etc,Lead to owner congress can't hold,But by industry authority in a written form to the hair“Voting material”Instead of。If for industry authority causes cannot hold,But by more than 20% owner proposal,By streets community mobilization industry authority was held,Otherwise the community can be designated their responsibility。
finally,Piece section chief said,Village course of study of the original intention was for all the owners' rights,To supervise and promote property services,Its identity is the all the owners“parents”。He hope village course of study to communicate with all the owners,And shall dismiss according to laws and regulations、Hiring property services company。
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