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和讯房产消息 近日仲量联行发布《2012年第二季度及上半年沈阳房地产市场报告》,报告认为由于内资租户需求仍占市场主导地位,沈阳写字楼租金保持持续上涨态势。
Real estate news recently with dispatch lang lasalle release《The second quarter of 2012 and the first half shenyang real estate market report》,The report that the domestic demand still accounts for tenants market leading position,Shenyang office rentals keep continue to rise situation。
The second quarter shenyang office without new project quality market entry。In the first half,High quality office building market also only a new project market,The project is located in gold corridor of the southern sea area(Near KeXueGong)By liaoning newspaper group invest in the construction of the northeast media culture square,The project construction area of about eighty-five thousand square meters,Is the China resources building of grade a office after another project,The completed and put into use marked the high quality office building of quality and shenyang operation level promoted further。
High quality office space in the first half of the lease demand has stayed strong growth momentum,The momentum benefit from shenyang government at all levels of the third industry step by step of the support strength,Make more and more foreign capital enterprise and high-quality domestic enterprise to enter into business in shenyang,The ascension of the whole market demand level。The financial industry, especially the safety of customer demand increases rapidly,Some large insurance companies such as peace insurance、Peace life etc in shenyang set up the large-scale electric start marketing center,For the high quality of their office space demand are more than 4000 square meters。
2012年上半年优质写字楼的成交主要集中在金融及保险行业、贸易类及高科技类企业,沈阳本地客户随着业务的扩张也需要对其办公物业进行更新换代或扩大面积,同样是写字楼市场租赁需求增加的重要来源。由于租赁需求的增加,沈阳优质写字楼市场在2012年第二季度的净吸纳量为29,790 平方米,市场平均空置率环比下降1.7个百分点至13%,第二季度甲级写字楼的净吸纳量为15687平方米,平均空置率降至11.8%。受强劲的市场需求和高质量项目入市的双重影响,上半年优质写字楼市场租金一直保持快速增长的势态,截至第二季度末,写字楼市场的平均租金达到73.2元每平方米每月,较上季度上涨4.3%。
In the first half of 2012 high quality office building of clinch a deal mainly in the financial and insurance industry、Trade classes and high-tech industry,Shenyang local customers with the business expansion also need for its office property for renewal or area expanded,Office leasing market demand is also an important source of increase。Due to the lease increased demand,Shenyang quality office building market in the second quarter of 2012 net XiNaLiang for 29,790 square meters,The average market vacancy rate annulus comparing decreased by 1.7% to 13%,The second quarter net of grade a office XiNaLiang for 15687 square meters,Average vacancy rate reduced from 11.8% to。By this strong market demand and high quality project the dual effects of entry,High quality office space in the first half of the market rent keep a fast growth trend,As at the end of the second quarter,Office buildings market the average 73.2 yuan of every square metre per month,Compared to the previous quarter rose 4.3%。
“2012年上半年,新增的外地来沈企业租赁需求较2011年相比有了较快增长,这些租赁需求主要来源于金融业、咨询顾问业等服务性企业,此类企业已经加快了开拓沈阳市场的脚步,也有部分企业将其东北区域总部迁址沈阳。” 仲量联行沈阳分公司董事总经理王刚先生表示,“展望2012年下半年,市场将迎来的新增供应项目包括位于大东区的龙之梦亚太城写字楼和位于金廊南段的茂业中心等多座优质写字楼项目,这些项目将在短期内推高市场的空置率;我们预计市场需求仍将保持整体较高水平,新增的供应项目将迅速被市场吸纳,现有项目仍将保持较高的出租率。预计在2012年下半年写字楼市场整体租金水平仍将持续上涨。”
“In the first half of 2012,The new from shen enterprise leasing demand more than 2011 had a rapid growth,These rental demand mainly comes from the financial industry、Such as consulting industry service enterprises,Such enterprise has accelerated the development of shenyang market steps,There are some enterprises will its northeast China headquarters moved to shenyang。” Lang lasalle shenyang branch director general manager Mr. Wang gang said,“Looking to the second half of 2012,The market is facing the new supply project including the dreams of the dragon in DaDongOu asia-pacific city office building and is located in the southern gold corridor of maoye center a high quality more than office projects,These projects will push the high market in the short term the vacancy rate;We expect the market demand will remain whole high,The supply of new project will quickly be market absorption,Existing projects will remain high ChuZuLv。Expected in the second half of 2012 office rent levels overall market will continue to rise。”
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