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上周南京楼市日均认购269套 专家:下半场楼市不均衡向上--亲稳网络舆情监测室

28天内两次降息!尽管央行称个人住房贷款利率浮动区间并不做调整,但降息给房地产市场带来的利好,已然让开发商“欢欣鼓舞”。上周末推盘的楼盘中不少项目上调了销售价格,且取得不错销量。【今日央行非对称降息 一年期贷款利率下调0.31个百分点】
28 days of two cuts!Although the central bank said personal housing loan interest rate band does not change,But the real estate market to bring to cut interest rates of positive news,Has let developers“encouraging”。Push the dish in the building last weekend project, raise sales price many,And made a good sales。【Today's central bank cut interest rates asymmetry in the benchmark one-year loan interest rate by 0.31%】
But in the implementation of the day 2 cut interest rates(July 7),The standing committee of CCCPC political bureau、The state council premier wen jiabao stressed that research in jiangsu province,Real estate market regulation is still in critical period,Will unswervingly to continue to push forward the real estate market various control work,Promote the rational regression house prices can't let house prices rebound,“The inhibition of the investment real estate speculation needs as a long-term policy”,The future market trends still“Heavy fog”。【Wen: the inhibition of the investment real estate speculation needs as a long-term policy】
Nanjing online real estate statistics show,On July 8, as saying,Last week(July 2,-July 8)Nanjing property market of the commodity residential house subscribe of 1882,Clinch a deal of 1871,Average daily subscribed for 269 sets。And a week before the data(1983 sets subscribe,Clinch a deal of 2051)compared,The fall of hundreds of subscription,Volume appear nearly 1 into decline。Although dual amount appeared slightly declined,But look from the data is still high。
从上方的认购、成交折线图上可以看出,上周前几日南京楼市成交量一直高于认购量,而这批数据主要来源于前一周近2000套高认购量的逐步转化,最高达到了347套,相应的在无入市新房源的情况下认购量一直处于200多套徘徊。直到上周末,在千余套新房源入市的影响之下,认购量首次超过成交量,并在周六创下了438套的最高值,也正是周末这批新房源的入市助力维持了南京楼市不错的认购量。【6盘1500余套新房入市 7月首周南京楼市迎来开门“涨”】
From above, the subscription、Clinch a deal on the line chart can be seen,Nanjing property market turnover days on weeks ago has been higher than subscribe amount,And this batch of data mainly comes from a week ago nearly 2000 sets of high subscribe amount of gradually transformed,A maximum of 347 sets,The corresponding without entering the market new houses in the amount has been in more than 200 subscription of wandering。until the weekend,At over sets of new houses are under the influence of entry,Subscribe amount more than volume for the first time,And in a 438 set on Saturday peak,It is also the weekend of the new houses of nanjing city power maintain market good subscribe amount。【6 set more than 1500 new house entry July first week in nanjing property market open the door“up”】
After cut interest rates first,Nanjing property market represent queuing rob room boom,This scene in the north of the city new hong shan plate after to new capital international project details owner community model family photo album video map of the opening。Originally decided that night of the project opened at 7 o 'clock,Noon is the person that buy a house to the sales department at the intense summer heat line up,Although house prices is a batch of houses before have rebounded,But the two hours to get the still nearly sets of achievements。“Cut interest rates will have certain stimulation to the market,But after the opening to the emergency is to catch this part of the crowd,At the same time than"neighbors"Beat capture market”,The personage inside course of analysis。At the same time,In the last week in the list of estate sell like hot cakes,With the opening this project only then to 83 sets of sales in the list sixth。
Prices are also rose and the RongYu tech centers located in xianlin project details owner community model family photo album video map project。Last Saturday the project rolled out two of 114, building new houses,Compared with the price in the batch than before, expand the average price to rise by about 500 yuan/square metre,But the day has also made to turn into good results of the eight。In addition,To the south of the city gold at the project details community model family photo album video map out of the last Saturday 8 new houses all valence also appeared 300 yuan/m2 increases,Half of the day to change also to nearly seventy percent。In the last week in the list of estate sell like hot cakes,The two projects also relies on good to the fourth and fifth win the list were the good grades。
“To further mining just need to cut interest rates to promote the property market and just warmed,Is also has the most direct the most effective results”,Nanjing real estate promotion association secretary-general merchant tc said,Directly promote property market warms up and ground bottom to bounce back,The main trend change and buy a house is the emergence of the time have urged part of the key buyer market demand,“About the housing is hedge 7、In August the important push back the off-season”。
In addition,Last weekend,jiangning、East of the sector also have two building dish respectively introduced new houses,Product types and the differences of the total value of the sales results also cannot be mentioned in the same breath。Push the largest amount of disk of pure XinPan jiangning new huijin project details owner community model family photo album video map that morning to the nearly 300 sets of new houses,But the project sales data has not been uploaded。

From the plate subscribe situation last week,Known as just need to rendezvous of support“Two rivers and”The city is still the mainstay of sales support。under the new houses in power,South of the、North of the city and xianlin plate subscribe all have certain upwards,Hexi plate of 206 sets of subscription and compared a week before the flat。And the city、East of the plate is on“Don't fire temperature is not”Sales situation,A week of volume than two rivers and single plate of sales of one over ten。
Among them the subscribe of 567 sets of jiangning to lead the nanjing property market data,And with a small gap between jiangbei is came second,The 512 set a new subscribe,Two plates of 1089 sets of subscribe for the contribution of the 6 a。“This suggests that the market is still just need to buy players,And the good cut interest rates also direct stab into the just need to market,The price in the off-season not light will continue”,Analysis of the personage inside course of。And in building on the list last week sell like hot cakes,There has been a recent addition push new Venice water supply project details owner community model family photo album video map、Town east of the project details community model family photo album video map、China WanJinXi shore project details owner community model family photo album video map、"LeJia city square project details owner community model family photo album video map and wuyi oasis project details owner community model family photo album video map project with good sales won a seat in the list。
Hexi plate subscribed for 206 set last week,List in the third,And a week before the data(A week before the subscribe of 220 sets)Fell slightly。In the gold market at the project details city community model family photo album video map under booster,South of the plate last week to the difference of two sets of fourth spot。And a week before the 134 sets of data rose more than。In the new push to building complex new capital international project details owner community model family photo album video map、High-tech RongYu project details owner community model family photo album video map under to join,north、Xianlin plate were made the 152 and 165 sets of the subscribe of data,For the sales have contributed a force。
In the last week in the list of estate sell like hot cakes,Galactic building with 284 hexi plate in the list of sales first,But a careful analysis is not hard to find,The project is mainly due to list small area business and garage primarily,Nanjing property market is not sold in the main project。The good policy to stimulate just at the same time also stimulates the type many improve buyers market,High-tech RongYu、After to new capital international and the phoenix city land project details owner community model family photo album video map project list is the best proof。
Because of the person that buy a house“Fears rise”And the choice is entering the market,Property market and appear in line of room of the scene。In may,The national 70 large and medium-sized cities in house prices hit bottom signs rebound is obvious,By June 9 months prices appeared for the first time since the reason thaw。On one side is to bring in the housing market to cut interest rates“restless”,On one side is the government to continue for“Reasonable prices”Cheer the,Yourself in the property market“fog”Buy room person to the more entanglements,The second half of property market“go”Become key。
“From market change and see,The second half of house prices may cause certain to rise”,Nanjing forestry university, head of department of social work MengXiangYuan analysis,Many brand room in the first half performance are good enterprise half a year,Gradually began to the pursuit of profit,And they on the market itself to have huge influence,Prices demonstration effect is obvious,In addition the person that buy a house to buy or not to buy up down the psychological still exists,A modest prices to consolidate old owner contributed to the new sales,Also is a kind of sales strategy,“Changes in supply and demand and the good cut interest rates,Are conducive to the real estate market,Even investment demand could be revealed”。
MengXiangYuan analysis,But this is not a balanced upward,“Still has many plate lack of energy,Some products less competitive day of small and medium-sized enterprises is still having a hard time,And this kind of plate brand、Building differentiation will be more and more obvious,Regulation is itself a speed up differentiation、The process of the survival of the fittest,In addition the land market threshold enhancement,Also made such small and medium-sized enterprise days sad”。
Although the property market“bottom”Perhaps has quietly in the past,But I'm sure that this round of rallies does not appear terrible reverse,This and 2009 in the housing market are different。“The real estate market will be"u"Type bottom rebound,not"V"Type bottom rebound,This means that needs certain time will face a change”,Nanjing all tang home buyers general manager b. said,The next two to three years 限购 policy is hard to cancel,The local government or finance、Financial relax policy appear constantly,Volume will have certain to rise,But house prices will rise mild。
“对于购房者来说,当下是一个好的买入时机”,孟祥远博士建议,对于自住的买房人来说再等待的意义其实不大,“等房贷进一步优惠或许是个理由,但是能否对冲涨价的损失更需要买房人自己权衡”。(365地产家居网 贾丛)
“For the person that buy a house is,The moment is a good buy an opportunity”,Dr. MengXiangYuan Suggestions,For the live to buy room person to wait for meaning in fact is not big,“And further discount may be a reason for home loans,But can the price more need to hedge his loss to buy room person to weigh”。(365 real estate home JuWang JiaCong)

1、金地自在城 1、Ltd.gemdale comfortable city
This city gold at ease(7.7)8 issue of the opening out four、Building no. 6,A total of 407 set of housing,Total area of 89、113、115 square meters,Average 8600 yuan/square metre。The time for delivery of the completion for June 30, 2014。At present were 3 preferential:In the provisions signed five days to enjoy 1.5% discount;Customers at ease with gold city designated cooperation intermediary company leasing or buying and selling second-hand housing intermediary service invoice,Subscribe to 113 or 115 square meters, expand the total price of 15000 can enjoy preferential;All subscribed for 113 or 115, expand the successful customer all can obtain 20000 yuan parking vouchers,If you give up parking vouchers,Can enjoy house total prices minus 10000 discount。
2、高科荣域 2、High-tech RongYu
High-tech RongYu July 7 launch opening 16、And two small house, expand the top,A total of 114 set,Area for 108-134 square metre。Discount average 12000 yuan/square metre。At present already sold to 8。Open quotation for preferential:And in June 8, 2012 after(Including June 8,)Confess to raise,Stored intention of gold customers can enjoy total house money 2% discount。And in the successful opening of the subscription,All can enjoy total house money 1% discount。And lump-sum payment can enjoy total house money 2% discount,Mortgage can enjoy 1% discount。
3、复地新都国际 3、After to new capital international
After to new capital international is scheduled for today(7.6)Opened out 10、11 a suite,Area of 106、141 square meters,All of the 2 point enjoy preferential,Highest can enjoy preferential 8.5 points,Discount price to 16500 yuan/square metre,Many home buyers attracted attention,The two hours to the nearly sets of。Project phase ii 09 sold in、13 house,Area for 106 square meters two rooms and 141.5 square metres of three rooms,The VIP honour enjoy card's customer enjoy 95 fold,And all of the 98 fold,Mortgage at 98.5 fold,107 square meters of two rooms in 16000 yuan/square metre clinch a deal valence,141 square meters of three room clinch a deal valence in 15000 yuan/square metre。Phase ii, expand the delivery time for September 30, 2013。
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