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The national audit office released yesterday by the no. 33 announcement this year,announced“66 a city and county urban supportability project how audit results”。Audit found,22 unit will be RMB 2.955 billion project funds for the construction of affordable housing、The company registered capital verification and municipal engineering construction, etc。
Announcement to say to,Last November in the year to march,The 18 provinces of hebei and so on、Autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government in 2011 towns supportability project construction management live on the audit,Key audit, including the provinces city、Municipalities directly under the central city, 66 city and county,An important matters of the necessary extensions and back。
问题一 Problem a
36个市县少安排53亿元 36 city and county for $5.3 billion less
Audit results show that,66 a city and county,Have 36 city and county extraction or less for less project fund 5.314 billion yuan,Should account for 14% of the total amount of the extraction or arrangement。From the housing accumulation fund of appreciation income less in extraction and less shall be turned over to a total of $760 million,From the land transfer income of 4.554 billion yuan less arrangement;11 of the city and county 58 project place with a $612 million investment not in position,Accounting for these programs should arrange 44.74% of the funds,To a certain extent influence the project construction progress。
In order to reduce the construction cost,Countries on urban engineering projects for affordable live will be exempted from the various administrative charges and government funds、The past construction loan interest rate policy support。But the audit found,There are 19 units violate compasses to 27 cities supportability project live for administrative charges and government fund 89.4178 million yuan,49 project 675 million yuan bank loans did not press formulary enjoy preferential interest rate。
The audit found,29 a unit fund illegal or stranded supportability project fund 2.333 billion yuan living;22 unit will be RMB 2.955 billion project funds for the construction of affordable housing、The company registered capital verification and municipal engineering construction, etc;10 city and county of affordable housing rental income 10.1525 million yuan not according to stipulations in time to the state Treasury in full at the same level of place“Income and expenses two line”management;5 a return to the city and county unit construction illegal land transfer income 533 million yuan。
Corrective situation:On the above mentioned problems,Have three city and county has according to regulations of revenues from the land transfer added arrangement project fund 156 million yuan;Two city and county added arrange place investment of 12.6174 million yuan RMB;1 county has been in charge of administrative charges $259100 return;11 units already will retain them、The 2.651 billion yuan return the original appropriation channel。
The audit found,Part of the project construction land existence is not standard。66 a city and county,There are nine city and county there live engineering land of indemnificatory not go first、Did not deal with the land use change procedures, etc;Three of the city and county 95 support live project is used to develop commodity house of land、Construction hotels and office buildings, etc。
In addition,Part of the project construction do not accord with basic construction program。66 a city and county,There are 46 of the 803 project in use survey、design、construction、Supervision and bidding, link strict implementation of basic construction procedure not,Accounting for 38.13% of the project number selective examination,Some project was illegal turn subcontract or to unqualified have the corresponding qualification of construction enterprise or individual;14 of the city and county 47 existence of project quality supervision and inspection is not in place、Construction do not conform to the design code,Accounting for 2.14% of the project number selective examination;Four of the 12 project laid without acceptance in distribution,Accounting for 0.57% of the project number selective examination,Individual project already apparent quality problems。
Corrective situation:During the audit,The national development and reform commission issued a notice,Asks various development and reform department to strengthen the management of engineering construction work affordable live。Related local is taking measures,Serious rectification,And perfect the relevant system,Have 2 to violate compasses subcontract and use is not in conformity with the construction of the regulation of the deal with problems。
问题二 Problem two
部分工程用地未批先用 Part of the project of first to use the land not
问题三 Problem three
两万保障对象条件不符 Twenty thousand not guarantee object conditions
Audit results show that,Part of the affordable housing distribution not strictly。66 a city and county,There are nine city and county of the 5479 security object without qualification review will be included in the scope of protection,42 city and county of the 21000 security object existing property income exceeds bid、Repeat enjoy to ensure treatment、Should quit from the not out of housing safeguard。
In addition,Part of the affordable housing is illegal sales and used for any other purposes。66 a city and county,With five city and county 2801 sets of affordable housing is being used as a commodity house foreign sales;Three city and county 226 sets of affordable housing is used for any other purposes;32 city and county 14600 sets of idle affordable housing for more than six months,Influence building efficiency。
Audit monitored 66 a city and county 773500 sets of affordable housing,37 have the city and county 193000 housing units(24.85%)Beyond the state or local regulations of low-rent housing more than 50 square metre of single、Public rental housing and economy is applicable housing single set of no more than 60 square meters standard of area of the family,Set of all the area of 26.52 square meters。
Corrective situation:On the above mentioned problems,There are seven city and county has cancelled by the regulation of 3856 households guarantee object qualification,Two city and county will 209 sets of idle affordable housing with the rent(sold),Related local are studying to further improve the system。
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