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21世纪网讯 21 century network-
Long triangle represent financial crisis。
But in a crisis in the centre of zhejiang real estate enterprise,But did she make her choice“Ke death”Real estate regulation。
“Haining khalid real estate development company,Recent big problems,Perhaps the dilemma facing bankruptcy。”Zhejiang province building industry leading corporation company a top to 21 century network said。
21 century nets found,Haining khalid real estate development company's official website haven't updated,And hang various and a real estate no relationship commercials。
When the 21 st century nets according to the website of the left contact information,Try to contact when estate khalid,But get“You call a wrong number”The speech hint that。
According to the people familiar with,At present little real estate company in zhejiang province are facing life and death of the boat,And killed the camels last straw will also come at any time。
“Recently zhejiang run road and picking up,So the bank although rich in his hand,Also can't loan。”A large commercial bank of zhejiang province local source told the 21 st century nets。
In fact,In recent long triangle“Financial crisis”Amid the,Not only is the medium and small real estate company is on the verge of collapse,Even the real estate company listed are not good。And zhejiang companies credit,as“Run road tide”Scare as,And be bank abandoned。Vicious circle was going on。
The new lake treasure(600208,Shares it)Grim situation
Is located in jiaxing in zhejiang province zhongshan road shocks of the crossroads new lake treasure(600208. The SH),The real estate industry is undoubtedly long triangle listed companies were the typical representative of this money。
According to straight flush(300033,Shares it)Statistics show that,Although the new lake treasure of the first quarter of this year to asset ratio was only 69.27%,In real estate enterprise is not serious,But at the same time,The company's fast acting ratio of just 0.52。
“This data is pretty low,This is equivalent to,The company needs to pay the short term debt of $1,But for now, can only be produced 0.52 yuan to repay this debt。If the creditor and the door if debt collection,The company is facing the danger of bankruptcy。”One analyst said。
“But the new lake treasure now has 21.6 billion yuan in stock,The inventory can through the sale to an emergency cash cage。”The analysts added。
In fact,In the first quarter this year and last year,The new lake or profit of treasure,And net profit data is considerable。
Data shows,The new lake treasure net profit of 201 million yuan in the first quarter of this year;2011 years of net profit is as high as 1.456 billion yuan。
But at the same time,In the first quarter this year xinhu zhongbao management activity generation net cash flow but is negative。Data shows,Xinhu zhongbao business activities of the first quarter of this year generated net cash flow for-726 million yuan。
In fact,In just the past 2011 years,The new lake treasure the data as not optimistic。Straight flush statistics show,2011 years,Operating activities create xinhu zhongbao of net cash flow for-2.55 billion yuan。
That is,The year to the first quarter of 201 million yuan,And last year 1.456 billion yuan net profit is only“Paper wealth”,The new lake did not take back treasure real gold and silver。
The new lake treasure shareholders frequent equity pledge
One side is although 201 million yuan net profit of realization,But earn only“Paper wealth”;One side is as high as 69.27% of the asset-liability ratio,And the 0.52 hydraulic ratio,The new lake treasure from where the operation of the company made huge cash flow?
The listed company of new equity became practical control people working in the hands of a secret weapon。
21 century network according to statistics found that straight flush,Since this year,Xinhu zhongbao three shareholders will frequently before the shares held by for equity pledge financing。
By July 23,,Xinhu zhongbao three shareholders before,Successively held by the 25 times the new lake of treasure for equity shares pledge。
Among them,The new lake of treasure of the first largest shareholder zhejiang new group Co., LTD(Said the“New group”),The most frequent pledge for equity,Total 21 times pledge。The second big shareholders ningbo JiaYuan and the third largest shareholders zhejiang hengxing force,The pledge in new equity shares treasure were two times。
From the pledgee and see,Bank and trust company become of xinhu zhongbao two big the pledgee。Accept the new lake treasure the Banks including equity pledge:Agricultural bank of China(601288,Shares it)、The bank of China(601988,Shares it)、Traffic bank(601328,Shares it)、Huaxia bank(600015,Shares it)And Shanghai pudong development bank(600000,Shares it)。
At the same time,Accept the new lake treasure the trust company is equity pledge as many as seven home,Respectively is:"Honesty、Xiamen international trust、Jiangxi international trust、HuaXin international trust、Huabao bird trust、The bohai sea trust and access to the trust(600816,Shares it)。
In fact,The situation from the second half of 2011 began。
Only in the second half of 2011,The new lake treasure is accumulative total released 23 is on listed companies pledged to remove equity and pledge announcement。And 2012 years in similar,These shares are to some Banks and pledge the trust company。
“Equity pledge basically can boil down to the cash flow problems,So frequent equity pledge action,It is hard to make people not linked to the new department capital chain tension,Another did not rule out the east wall BuXiQiang dig suspicion。”An anonymous analysts said。
Long triangle“Financial crisis”The real estate industry under
And, as noted,The new lake treasure is not the case,The hydraulic ratio of 0.52,And not long triangle listed among the lowest of the real estate company。
According to straight flush statistics show,Long triangle 40 listed real estate company,In the first quarter of this year the rate below 0.5 hydraulic as many as 19,Accounting for nearly half than。
Among them,RongAn real estate(000517,Shares it)(000517 SZ)Particularly let investors worry。The first quarter of this year the company of hydraulic rate has low to 0.076,And the asset-liability ratio is as high as 77.34%。
Compared with the new lake treasure,In the first quarter of this year RongAn real estate stock also is as high as 9.859 billion yuan。
In addition,Luxuriant family(600503,Shares it)(600503. The SH)The first quarter of this year hydraulic ratio of 0.11;The enterprise(600675,Shares it)(600675. The SH)Also was only 0.17。The two companies by the end of 2012 the quarter of inventory respectively for 3.7 billion yuan and 18.3 billion yuan。
At the same time,In the first quarter of this year to asset ratio of the top five listed company respectively:Huaxia happiness(600340,Shares it)87.49%、Beijing's investment bank(600683,Shares it)82.87%、Dagang shares(002077,Shares it)82.24%、Number generator technology(000909,Shares it)81.05%、Binjiang group(002244,Shares it)80.21%。
“The situation,The bank may not give real estate enterprise loans,Even China vanke、Green city on such a big property developers want to loans,Will report to the head office。Although at present the run road also not much,But the bank for the overall up in ascension defective rate,So we hand out money also dare not loans。”The zhejiang bank sources。
although,The new lake treasure to earn only“Paper wealth”,But this year the quarter net profit of 201 million yuan still let those who have the loss of the envy of the company。
Data shows,In the first quarter of this year,Long triangle listed property company has 7 home loss。Among them,Ningbo city, zhejiang province is located in Beijing's investment bank(600683. The SH)Most serious losses,Net profit only-69.0043 million yuan。
“After the last cut interest rates,We think the credit data will be better,But in fact and nothing changed。”The bankers helpless said。
“In fact the problem now funds,For these listed companies are not what great things,Problem is that they would be willing to sale to receivables,But with the current situation look,You obviously bet on the relaxation of the regulation,So won't reduce the price。”The anonymous analysts said。
“This is the real estate business in death of central control policies cracking”The analysts added,“If so and really bankruptcy liquidation,Can only say that SiYouYuGu”。(21 century network:RaoYuZhe)
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