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快报讯(记者 马乐乐)上周,南京江北一家楼盘大幅涨价却“夜光”,不过事后很快传出风声称该楼盘被“约谈”。昨天,南京多家楼盘负责人证实称,最近的确接到主管部门口头通知,要求禁止炒作楼盘热销。
Letters-(Reporter horse lele)Last week,Nanjing jiangbei a building but rises in price considerably“luminous”,But soon afterwards spread the wind says the building is“questioning”。yesterday,Nanjing much home of buildings that says,Indeed the competent department recently received oral notice,Demand a ban on the hype building dish sell like hot cakes。
June,Nanjing house prices have annulus comparing rose 0.3%,Or at the forefront in 70 major cities,And enter the market in July after sound continue to rise。On Friday night,Nanjing jiangbei new sweet excessive purple county launched 188 suite opened,The price of 6700 yuan from before going to 7500 yuan,Most rise as high as 800 yuan/square metre。But prices are still not stop to buy room person to rob the pace of the room,The 300 group of the person that buy a house to open quotation arrived on the scene。That night,Developers in the blog says“New city sweet excessive purple county luminous!!”。
Note the,From online real estate inquires the discovery,in“luminous”4 days after,This 188 suite still showing“Commercially available”,This suggests that developers still not upload subscribe data。“It is not normal。”A insiders said,Generally speaking developers recorded field and signed to buy room person,Subscribe to upload data will be;From nanjing property market after many building opening of realities,Developers will open on one after upload,Like new town sweet excessive purple county this for 4 days are not set the upload is very rare。“The problem is the authenticity of the night light should be,May be out of the other problems。”The people said,The opening night of the sales is open,And the most building dish buy room person to also agree in price,And approved“Low price before”。
At the same time with the news,New city sweet excessive purple county“luminous”after,Developers of house property management department is relevant“questioning”。Many reporters ask express,Not understanding to concrete“questioning”content。but,Nanjing much home yesterday building dish chief said,In recent days indeed received of the competent department of oral announcement。
A sales very good estate marketing chief said:“The competent department of buildings shall be normal sales requirements,Don't use public opinion to the hype building dish sell like hot cakes,Don't hype"sun"、"luminous"。”He guessed,The competent department though not demand a ban on price increases,But new town with purple sweet price may be county“Shot in the”Is one of the reasons for。“Recently many just need to building dish jiangning jiangbei airport in prices,But the new city has risen most。”
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