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6月70大中城市超3成房价环比上涨 基本面不支持普遍反弹--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
【财经网(博客,微博)专稿】记者 王熙喜 【Financial nets(blog,Micro bo)ZhuanGao】Reporter WangXiXi
July 18,,Published by the national bureau of statistics data shows,June 70 large and medium-sized cities super 3 into house price rising annulus。
Among them,New commodity residential house(Do not contain affordable housing),Compared with may,In 70 major cities,The price of the decline of the city have 21,The city has a flat 24,The rise of the city has 25(The rise of the city may have six)。Annulus comparing prices in the city,Or have not more than 0.6%。
Second-hand housing prices,Compared with may,In 70 major cities,The price of the decline of the city has 19,The city has a flat 20,The rise of the city has 31。Annulus comparing prices in the city,Or have not more than 1.1%。
Han yu real estate market research department manager FuWei said,June 70 major cities of the index rising house prices annulus doubled the number of cities。House price index trend change operation that the current price drop has narrow,And has rebound trend appears。
FuWei said,From a new house and a second-hand housing on the movements of the differences can be seen,Market control policy for new home market still have considerable influence,Developers can't significantly raised the price;But for second-hand housing market,The influence of the policy has been greatly abate,This is because the market for house prices have been expected changes。
House property market research ChenXue chain told reporters,This is targeted at 2011 to 2012 have the bounce of the prices fell in the first quarter。In the annulus comparing prices city performance increase,Prices fell year-on-year still a lot。
ChenXue said,Consider to 2011 house prices begin to loose in the third quarter of the period,And the overall market warms up in the trend,I'm afraid either up or annulus,Prices of the cities of the future will be in 2 to 3 months more quickly。
And before,China index academy the data also show,June 2012,The country's 100 city(new)Residential average price for 8688 yuan/square metre,November 5 month rose 0.05%,End since September 2011 nine consecutive drop y/y trend,Including 45 a city rising annulus,55 city annulus comparing decline。
Strategy consulting research center director with that,The future market“fundamentals”Don't support prices generally rebound in price。Can the land grant fee from across the country、The listed company assets and liabilities、Investment growth、Room enterprise performance and so on several market“fundamentals”Indicators to judge。
The first,See the land grant fee and area in the first half,According to the research institute of China index data,More than 300 city inside in the first half,Only the jinan、Chongqing, and other a few city of land sell one's own things is more than the same period last year,At least 90% year-on-year decline is the last year。Will tell from the land market,And not show signs of warmer。
The second,Development of enterprise assets and liabilities from listed at,The first quarter is still relatively high average asset ratio,At around 73%。In the first half of the whole self-raised funds is still growing,Financing difficulty relatively high,The whole industry funds is relatively the tight fundamentals have not changed。
The third,In the first half of the real estate investment, although still growth,But up growth slowdown。The national bureau of statistics data shows,In the first half,The national investment in real estate development 3.061 trillion yuan,16.6% year-on-year nominal growth(Adjusting for inflation grew by 14.3% in real terms),Growth in the first quarter than a drop of 6.9%,A drop of 16.3% from the same period a year earlier;One residential investment grew by 12.0%。
The fourth,By July 16,,Have 49 listed in shenzhen house room enterprises express and forecast the form such as released first-half profit,Shenzhen accounts for about sixty percent of the total number of enterprises listed room。According to the real estate market research statistics chain home,In the 49 listed room in enterprises,28 companies room to losses in enterprises or falling profits,Close to sixty percent of total enterprises has disclosed room,Which room 13 home losses enterprises。
(Securities market weekly contributors)
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