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哈市7月份商品房销售9473套 创17个月来单月成交纪录--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
东北网8月1日讯 哈尔滨商品房市场在经历了5、6月份的小幅上扬后,7月的成交量继续上攻。统计数据显示,截至7月30日,冰城商品房7月销量达到9473套,这一数字不仅成为2012年单月成交量之最,也刷新了自哈市实施限购令以来商品房销量的最高纪录。
The northeast nets August 1,-Harbin commodity house market experienced in the five、Six months after the rise slightly,July attack on the volume of sales to continue。Statistics show that,By July 30,,City of commodity house July sales of 9473 sets,That number has become not only a month of 2012, the volume of the most,Also the implementation 限购 exploits the refresh since the new home sales to record high。
7月商品房成交量环比增近一倍 July, the volume of commodity house November and nearly doubled
Harbin online real estate statistics show,July 1, to 30,,Harbin city, the volume of commodity house of 9473,The 限购 to refresh since the inception of the 17 months clinch a deal the monthly performance record,11 of them、12 to 1148, the volume of its respectively and 1113 sets。
Reporter in an interview to understand,Harbin city commodity house in the first 6 months respectively for 1121 sets of volume、Of 2431、Of 2284、Of 3318、Of 3338、Of 4857,But July first half clinch a deal namely the 5524 sets,July is equivalent to the volume of the first four months of this year the sum total of the volume。According to the web site sina music statistical data shows,In July the price setting commodity house for 5494 yuan/square metre,Among them a building area of 90-120 square meters of door model the most popular,Accounting for about forty percent of the volume of the month。
In the property market turnover gradually expands,The commercial bank loans on the present situation of the accelerated growth。Reporters from the construction bank heilongjiang branch to understand,The bank loan amount on July 6 month than 150% growth。The bank a staff introduces to the reporter,From June began to,The construction bank that is the first time to purchase family executive benchmark interest rates discount of preferential interest rate,Some credit rating good customers can enjoy preferential interest rate of 8.5 fold。
楼盘折扣力度加大 Estate discount intensified
From April began to,City of building are taking different degree of depreciate sales promotion,Among them with QunLi、Gehazi two emerging area of the building is headed hit unprecedented preferential price,Area of individual buildings discount even to 8 fold the following。
The reporter has found that visit,That sold in the area、The for sale near 50 projects,Nearly 30 project introduced preferential estate,One of the new building will only QunLi holds 24 seats,Swan bay Hector county、Yu jin tai are given different degree of discount。In the new city is located in QunLi reporter constant ChengHaoTing sales offices to see,The apartment buildings are sold in the 7.8 fold discount,Residence is also gives the discount of discount。
At the scene of the dish citizens hu, said,The new building QunLi whether in the environment and the peripheral is pretty good,And she more important in this area of the estate price,“Meet this price is not easy,I'm going to buy two apartments,A living for himself,Another set of rent out。”
With the new QunLi,Located in the west area of southwest jian, bank、By eight is zero zero、One product such as a new state buildings with different degrees of discounts and special offer availability,One product new side of special offer room low to 6200 yuan/m2,Southwest jian also introduced a bank“Nothing down interest rates at zero”, expand the existing home。
成交量持续上升 Volume continued to rise
City after a property in half a year of slow thaw,In July, the volume of finally appeared“blowout”。Industry insiders point,August,City of property market still expected to need to promote in just continue to heat up。
Clinch a deal in the background of sustained progress,Developers push set a passion。One does not wish to be named, said the developers,Capital chain tight room with substantial discounts for enterprises to just need to price disguised,Plus the central bank cut interest rates several times,The first set of businesses such as mortgage can give you of the market plays superimposed effect of stimulation,Drive the property market of warming。
People in the industry say,The second half in city property market is still just need to give priority to,Many of the potential of the person that buy a house in a wait-and-see process may also will focus on the second half on market,But the high volume may increase the possibility of house prices rebounded hit bottom,Suggest watchers to select the right time moves。
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