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2012.8.12杭州市商品房交易情况统计 2012.8.12 hangzhou commercial housing transactions statistics区 域全 市上城区下城区拱墅区江干区西湖区滨江区下沙区之江区萧山区余杭区成交套20207681898821468预定套80010301021 The whole city area domain uptown XiaChengOu gongshu district JiangGanOu binjiang west sandy area under zhijiang xiaoshan district, yuhang district clinch a deal the set of 20207681898821468 scheduled set of 80010301021365地产家居网 杭州讯 365 real estate home JuWang - hangzhou


According to the city each big transparent housing system display,This day in the city of hangzhou commercial housing a total of 202 sets of clinch a deal,Yesterday more than 328 sets of reduced 126 sets;Scheduled 8 sets,Than yesterday's 8 sets of flat。In this commercial housing a total of 120 sets of clinch a deal,Reservation 5 sets of。From regional to see,Gongshu district with 68 sets of turnover in the whole hangzhou clinch a deal the top today。


Just a disc in,Today most is to be located in the main urban areas to clinch a deal the gongshu district huasheng to read city project details owner community photo album model family video map,Clinch a deal and set。


This book 1 set of yuhang district,Clinch a deal 68 sets。Three in the north and south respectively clinch a deal is movement project details owner community photo album model family video map、Jinwei beauty yao bay project details owner community photo album model family video map and green maple tree name garden project details owner community photo album model family map。


Today the xiaoshan district, total reserve 2 sets,Total clinch a deal 14 sets of,Total clinch a deal amount is 16065392 yuan,Always the price 12081.79 yuan/square metre,The house and set,Residential clinch a deal amount is 13549369 yuan,Residential average price of 12878.89 yuan/square metre。


Located in linan new large complex project yuexiu star exchange city today(On August 12)The first foreign public opening,Launch tower 2 and 4 floor suite of more than 300 sets,The main door area for 82-134


,Average price 5000-7000 yuan/or so,According to yuexiu aspects relevant controller introduces,Since the launch of recognition to raise to the last opening,1178 sets of houses clinch a deal has more than 700 sets,For the first time to test the waters the real estate market,Company to clinch a deal and sales are more satisfied。


Located in xixi plate vanke xixi butterfly garden phase 2 today(On August 12)At half past five out of purple xia porch 12 floor 108 sets of houses,Family area of 53 hardcover houses。Opening day launch deposit 20000 yuan enjoy different floor price suite sales promotion preferential。the,2、7、8 floor 18500 yuan /;3、4 floor 19000 yuan /;5、6 floor 19500 yuan /

  。该批房源已于今年3月交付,70年产权。 据开发商方面数据,该批房源当晚去化90%。

。This batch of houses in March this year has been delivered,70 property。 According to the developers aspects data,This batch of houses that night to change 90%。


今日杭城各区域商品房可售信息 Today the city regional commodity house can sell information区域可售套数可售面积其中住宅其中住宅可售套数可售面积上城904套153655.88m2118套23919.92m2下城5814套682193.73m22720套353227.11m2江干7437套1035933.50m24387套530933.76m2拱墅7176套784812.54m25367套640459.62m2西湖4191套535198.65m23311套410643.81m2滨江4393套591257.09m21572套245345.59m2之江1910套324768.36m21826套303007.17m2下沙6356套733198.76m23088套473004.43m2萧山12405套1600466.01m28747套1091916.12m2余杭24004套3070441.14m219082套2552268.94m2建德1258套169952.86m2896套117034.55m2富阳2180套425691.51m21832套352307.96m2临安6334套945192.97m25413套865624.96m2桐庐4059套401061.87m22077套274058.36m2淳安3673套446136.62m23131套369158.59m2合计92094套11899961.49m263567套8602910.89m2

Area can sell number sets can sale area of the residential housing can sell number sets can sale area between 904 sets of 153655.88 23919.92 M2 M2118 set lower 5814 sets of 682193.73 M22720 353227.11 M2 JiangGan 7437 sets of 1035933.50 M24387 530933.76 M2 GongShu 7176 sets of 784812.54 M25367 640459.62 M2 west lake 4191 sets of 535198.65 M23311 410643.81 M2 binjiang 4393 sets of 591257.09 M21572 245345.59 M2 zhijiang 1910 sets of 324768.36 M21826 303007.17 M2 xiasha 6356 sets of 733198.76 M23088 473004.43 M2 xiaoshan 12405 sets of 1600466.01 M28747 1091916.12 M2 yuhang 24004 sets M219082 3070441.14 2552268.94M2建德1258套169952.86M2896套117034.55M2富阳2180套425691.51M21832套352307.96M2临安6334套945192.97M25413套865624.96M2桐庐4059套401061.87M22077套274058.36M2淳安3673套446136.62M23131套369158.59M2合计92094套11899961.49M263567套8602910.89M2


今日商品房预(销)售合同备案信息(不含经济适用房) This commodity house beforehand(pin)Sales contract for the record information(Does not contain the economy applicable room)区域成交套数成交面积其中住宅其中住宅成交套数成交面积上城0套0.00m20套0.00m2下城7套601.08m26套550.22m2江干18套1689.10m213套1383.74m2拱墅68套4646.51m217套1688.90m2西湖9套794.47m29套794.47m2滨江8套761.18m23套452.15m2之江2套622.74m22套622.74m2下沙8套604.93m28套604.93m2萧山14套1329.72m211套1052.06m2余杭68套6678.44m267套6664.32m2建德0套0.00m20套0.00m2富阳3套621.22m21套104.31m2临安0套0.00m20套0.00m2桐庐0套0.00m20套0.00m2淳安3套266.21m23套266.21m2合计208套18615.60m2140套14184.05m2

Regional clinch a deal the number sets of clinch a deal area of residential housing deal area number sets clinch a deal between 0 set of 0.00 0.00 M2 M20 set lower M26 seven sets of 601.08 550.22 M2 JiangGan 18 sets of 1689.10 M213 1383.74 M2 GongShu 68 sets of 4646.51 M217 1688.90 M2 west lake 9 sets of 794.47 M29 794.47 M2 binjiang 8 sets of 761.18 M23 452.15 M2 zhijiang 2 sets of 622.74 M22 622.74 M2 xiasha 8 sets of 604.93 M28 604.93 M2 xiaoshan 14 sets of 1329.72 M211 1052.06 M2 yuhang 68 sets of 6678.44 M267 6664.32 M2 building heart sets 0.00 M20 0.00 M2 fuyang 3 sets M21 621.22 104.31 M2 linan sets 0.00 M20 0.00 M2 tonglu sets 0.00 M20 0.00 M2 ChunAn 3 sets of 266.21 M23 266.21 M2 aggregate 208 sets of 18615.60 M2140 14184.05 M2


8.12余杭区各板块成交情况 8.12 yuhang district each plate deal区域可售套数可售面积预定套数预定面积已售套数已售面积临平副城86411148842.35m20套1674.69235151套3925092.178M2余杭组团76951145737.55m20套3366.82239342套4632482.03M2良渚组团3405400955.05m21套1657.87219287套2134921.13M2塘栖组团4182368387.23m20套103.12214252套1435578.69M2全 区239233063922.18m21套6802.52108032套12128074.028M2

Area can sell number sets can sale area reservation number sets scheduled area has sold number sets already sale area linping vice city 86411148842.35 M20 set of 1674.69235151 3925092.178 M2 yuhang group 76951145737.55 M20 set of 3366.82239342 4632482.03 M2 liangzhu group 3405400955.05 M21 set of 1657.87219287 2134921.13 M2 tangxi group 4182368387.23 M20 set of 103.12214252 1435578.69 M2 full area 239233063922.18 M21 set of 6802.52108032 12128074.028 M2


8.12萧山区各板块成交情况 Xiaoshan district 8.12 each plate deal区域可售套数可售面积(万)今日预定/交易情况预定套数预售套数预售面积预售金额(万)预售均价老城区199519.3925260.26414.830215939.07新区147825.67—————湘湖版块129019.88—8933.561076.19411527.85组团镇264025.32—1135.9115.5158500开发区及钱江世纪城301338.56—————其他187122.76—————全区12287151.582141329.721606.539212081.79

Area can sell number sets can sale area(all)This book/transactions reservation number sets open to booking a number sets pre-sale area pre-sale amount(all)Open to booking a average old town 199519.3925260.26414.830215939.07 district 147825.67 -- -- - xianghu lake section 129019.88-264025.32-8933.561076.19411527.85 group town 1135.9115.5158500 development zone and qianjiang century city - 301338.56-187122.76 - - - - the other 12287151.582141329.721606.539212081.79


8.12杭州主城区商品房交易情况统计 8.12 hangzhou commercial housing transactions in statistics序号楼盘名称坐落预定套数成交套数成交面积1华盛达阅城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0462856.282中天西城纪项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区06236.863万泰新语项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下城区05419.294欣盛东方福邸项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区05365.135富越香溪项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图西湖区05438.716悦麒美寓江干区03304.597中顺上尚庭项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区03232.868星耀城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区03188.359龙湖滟澜山项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下沙区03179.5510广宇东承府项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图江干区02120.911昆仑天籁项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图江干区02178.5212恒祺克拉公馆项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图江干区0275.2313中豪四季公馆项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图江干区02183.8614莱德绅华府项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区02345.8315雅戈尔御西湖项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图西湖区12177.8816君尚金座项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区02120.6817寰宇天下项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区02364.0718保利江语海项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下沙区02124.6219海辰水岸晶座项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下城区0150.8620嘉里桦枫居项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下城区11130.9321海棠公寓江干区0182.2322丁桥颐景园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图江干区01126.8223九润公寓江干区01115.3124滨江金色黎明项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图江干区01121.4225阳光逸城江干区0167.5326万科草庄项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图江干区01232.3227东方君悦项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图江干区0180.3728嘉凯城名城公馆拱墅区1189.7429绿城西子田园牧歌项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0187.9630丽晶湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区01116.5431中国铁建国际城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区01137.1432方正荷塘月色项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0189.6933建投阳光郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0188.4834文溪鼎园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图西湖区0188.435金地自在城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图西湖区0189.4836绿城明月江南项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区0188.0837金都高尔夫艺墅项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图之江区0189.2838绿城云栖玫瑰园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图之江区01533.4639精欧荣寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下沙区0186.1340德信早城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下沙区01127.2741宋都晨光国际项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下沙区0187.3642坤和西溪里项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图西湖区20043名城湖左岸项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下沙区100

序号楼盘名称坐落预定套数成交套数成交面积1华盛达阅城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0462856.282中天西城纪项目详情业主社区相册样? ? family video map gongshu district 062.36863 million Thai neologism project details owner community photo album model family video map XiaChengOu 05419.294 ChengDong hin FangFu house project details owner community photo album model family video map gongshu district 05365.135 rich the xiangxi project details owner community photo album model family video map the hangzhou xihu district 05438.716 yue jiaqi beautiful house JiangGanOu 03304.597 on the ShangTing project details owner community photo album model family video map gongshu district 03232.868 star yao city project details owner community photo album model family video map in binjiang district 03188.359 longhu滟澜山项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下沙区03179.5510广宇东承府项目详情业? community photo album model family video map JiangGanOu 02120.911 kunlun mouth project details owner community photo album model family video map JiangGanOu 02178.5212 constant kei carat mansion project details owner community photo album model family video map JiangGanOu 0275.2313 the four seasons mansion project details owner community photo album model family video map JiangGanOu 02183.8614 rider landed gentry Washington project details owner community photo album model family video map gongshu district 02345.8315 youngor the west lake project details owner community photo album model family map the hangzhou xihu district 12177.8816 king still金座项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区02120.6817寰宇天下项目详情业主社Area photo album model family video map in binjiang district 02364.0718 poly jiang language sea project details owner community photo album model family video map sandy under 02124.6219 sea Calvin water's edge crystal seat project details owner community photo album model family video map XiaChengOu 0150.8620 kerry birch maple in project details owner community photo album model family map XiaChengOu 11130.9321 quince apartment JiangGanOu 0182.2322 DingQiao already garden project details owner community photo album model family map JiangGanOu 01126.8223 nine embellish apartment JiangGanOu 01115.3124 binjiang golden dawn project details owner community phase册样板户型视频地图江干区01121.4225阳光逸城江干区0167.5326all科草庄项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图江干区01232.3227东方君悦项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图江干区0180.3728嘉凯城名城公馆拱墅区1189.7429绿城西子田园牧歌项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0187.9630丽晶湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区01116.5431中国铁建国际城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区01137.1432方正荷塘月色项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0189.6933建投阳光郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图拱墅区0188.4834文溪鼎园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图西湖区0188.435金地自在城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图西湖区0189.4836绿城明月江南项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图滨江区0188.0837金都高尔夫艺墅项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图之江区0189.2838绿城云栖玫瑰园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图之江区01533.4639精欧荣寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图下沙区0186.1340德信早城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下沙区01127.2741宋都晨光国际项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下沙区0187.3642坤和西溪里项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图西湖区20043名城湖左岸项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图下沙区100


8.12萧山区商品房交易情况统计 8.12 xiaoshan district, commercial housing transactions statistics序号楼盘名称坐落预定套数成交套数成交面积1云涛萧山区07695.922萧绍路636号萧山区0240.023开元名城萧山区22168.284隐龙湾萧山区01237.645同盛大厦萧山区0151.966名乐花苑萧山区01135.9

Serial number building name is located reservation number sets clinch a deal the number sets deal area 1 yuntao xiaoshan district no. 636 07695.922 XiaoShaoLu xiaoshan district 0240.023 kaiyuan city xiaoshan area 22168.284 implicit longwan xiaoshan district with 01237.645 shing building xiaoshan district 0151.966 music longyuan xiaoshan area 01135.9


8.12余杭区商品房交易情况统计 8.12 yuhang district commercial housing transactions statistics序号楼盘名称坐落预定套数成交套数成交面积1南北乐章项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区0161213.122经纬美耀湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区09891.243青枫墅园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区08894.684翡翠城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区06665.25金都夏宫项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区03241.466蓝郡余杭区03267.547庭院深深余杭区02188.448赞成檀府项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区02222.329广瑞瑞城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区02171.7610湖山帝景湾余杭区02249.6211大华海派风范项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区02177.4712广厦天都城余杭区02179.7113岸上蓝山余杭区02220.6214金成竹海水韵项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区0187.9915新明半岛项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区0189.8516龙湖香醍溪岸项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区018917西溪山庄项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区01407.4418望城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区0188.9519万盛商贸城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区0114.1220万科良渚文化村余杭区0188.2621康城一品项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区01139.9622金岸提香余杭区0189.6923逸居城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区100

序号楼盘名称坐落预定套数成交套数成交面积1南北乐章项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区0161213.122经纬美耀湾项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区09891.243青枫墅园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区08894.684翡翠城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区06665.25金都夏宫项目详情业主社Area photo album model family map yuhang district 03241.466 blue county yuhang district 03267.547 garden deeply yuhang district 02188.448 in favor of wingceltis mansion project details owner community photo album model family video map yuhang district 02222.329 wide red red city project details owner community photo album model family map yuhang district 02171.7610 lake mountain emperor quanwan yuhang district 02249.6211 dahua Shanghai style project details owner community photo album model family video map yuhang district 02177.4712 poor day capital yuhang district 02179.7113 shore blue mountain yuhang district 02220.6214 gold shui yun bamboo project details owner community photo album样板户型地图余杭区0187.9915新明半岛项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区0189.8516龙湖香醍溪岸项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区018917西溪山庄项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区01407.4418望城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区0188.9519all盛商贸城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区0114.1220all科良渚文化村余杭区0188.2621康城一品项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图余杭区01139.9622金岸提香余杭区0189.6923逸居城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图余杭区100


8.12杭州市二手交易情况列表 8.12 hangzhou second-hand transactions list时段住宅非住宅套数面积套数面积今日0套0.00m20套0.00m2上月4505套432864.51m2380套42258.28m2

Residence time as regards number sets area number sets area this day 0 set of 0.00 0.00 M2 M20 set last month 4505 sets of 432864.51 M2380 42258.28 M2


8.12杭州市余杭区二手交易情况列表 8.12 hangzhou city yuhang district second-hand transactions list坐落城区建筑面积(m2)成交价(万元)中介公司余杭区星桥街道星桥桂花城金秋苑18幢星桥街道88.8566杭州佳吉房地产余杭区良渚镇良渚文化村白鹭郡北60幢良渚镇130.05190浙江南都房地产余杭区崇贤街道锦昌年华苑7幢崇贤镇85.1465杭州嘉立房地产余杭区余杭镇金成白云深处别墅竹翠轩4-01余杭镇246.37225杭州盛世管家房余杭区余杭镇紫竹人家15幢余杭镇117.11128.5杭州古月良居房余杭区闲林镇岸上蓝山公寓翠竹苑7幢闲林镇125.77114杭州华邦房地产余杭区余杭镇西城时代家园18幢余杭镇128.8970杭州古月良居房余杭区闲林镇山水居紫薇苑18幢闲林镇85.5382杭州都市之光房余杭区闲林镇翡翠城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图棠棣苑4幢闲林镇138.17175杭州我爱我家房

Urban construction area is located(M2)Clinch a deal valence(Ten thousand yuan)Intermediary company yuhang district star bridge street star bridge osmanthus-flower town autumn garden and a star bridge street 88.8566 JiaJi hangzhou yuhang district real estate liangzhu town of liangzhu culture villages egret county north 60 liangzhu town building 130.05190 zhejiang SMW real estate yuhang district hen chung street prosperous years HuaYuan 7 a hen chung town 85.1465 hangzhou jia made real estate yuhang district yuhang town deep baiyun gold villa bamboo cui porch 4-01 hangzhou yuhang town 246.37225 time housekeeping room yuhang district yuhang town black bamboo family 15 building 117.11128.5 hangzhou yuhang town in the room GuYueLiang yuhang district xianlin shore blue mountain bamboo garden apartment building 7 xianlin 125.77114 HuaBang hangzhou yuhang district real estate yuhang town wl age 18 house home town of hangzhou yuhang 128.8970 in the room GuYueLiang yuhang district xianlin landscape in crape myrtle garden 18 building xianlin 85.5382 hangzhou city of light room yuhang district xianlin emerald city project details owner community photo album model family map TangDi garden 4 a xianlin 138.17175 hangzhou I love my family room


8.12杭州市萧山区二手交易情况列表 8.12 xiaoshan district of hangzhou second-hand transactions list中介公司城区座落建筑面积(m2)价格(万元)[杭州定邦房地产代理有限公司萧山分公司]其他萧山区闻堰镇郁金香岸...101.92133

Intermediary company is located around the building area(M2)price(Ten thousand yuan)[hangzhou fixed bond real estate agency co., LTD., xiaoshan branch] other wenyan town of xiaoshan area at tulip bank...101.92133
