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     境外旅游小费该怎么收?旅游合同违约责任怎么定?昨天下午,上海市消保委和旅游局共同约谈国旅集团上海有限公司和上海大通之旅旅行社有限公司。两家企业在此前的霸王条款公开征集中被投诉。     Travel tips how to receive outside?The responsibility of breach of contract for tourism how?Yesterday afternoon,Shanghai disappear is protected appoint and tourism administration common interview CITS group Shanghai Co., LTD. And Shanghai jpmorgan chase trip travel agency Co., LTD。Both companies in previous overlord public solicitation in terms of complaints。


“The tips are clearly”


Because the difference between domestic and foreign service income and consumers a different views,The country's consumer not to tip of the common habit,To travel outside the turn pay of the practice of the tip,City disappear is protected appoint and tourism bureau said the support,But also explicitly pointed out,To the clearly,Can not to tip subsidies membership fee。


The tourism bureau management office assistant director of market WangYi d. said,In tips before,Travel agency must be told,Including the structure of the tip、Collection standard、Delivery object、Delivery mode。Tips can never be the travel agency the extra income。


City disappear is protected appoint also pointed out,Overseas tourism should follow the international practice pay guide and driver,But how to compute the charge should be clear in the contract。If one day run without a guide to emerge and driver's,Shouldn't be charged tips。If the agreement is clear,There could be“Play stuffy bag”Many of the charges。

  在国旅上海的合同上,仅简单一句话约定了每人每天收取的小费数额。“比如去欧洲,来去十几个小时都在飞机上,没导游也没司机,小费给谁呢?消费者会担心,小费是否被旅行社赚了,或是用来补贴低价的团费。 ”市消保委法律与研究部主任唐健盛表示疑问。

In Shanghai on the contract of CITS,Only simple words have agreed on the charge of tips amount per person a day。“For example to Europe,And ten hours are on the plane,No guide didn't also the driver,Tips to who??Consumers will worry about,Tips are travel agency to earn,Or to lower the price of subsidies paid。 ”City disappear is protected appoint law and TangJianCheng said of the director of research questions。


CITS Shanghai representative、Qa manager do? Chen hua.very said,Charging standard reference is similar enterprise,He will know the situation as soon as possible,Finishing the written material,And agreed the next interview time。


Shall be the responsibility of breach of equivalence

  以散客短线为主的大通之旅旅行社也在昨天约谈的企业之列。记者注意到,现场摆放着的一份消费者投诉时提供的崇明旅游合同。合同补充条款中约定:“此线路16人开班,不足16人全额退款,我社在出团前三天通知客人,团款全额退还,我社不做其它赔偿。如客人临时取消,在出团三天前需付5%的违约金,出团前三天之内需付10%的违约金及座位损失费50元/人。 ”这一条款与旅游示范合同中明显不同,后者双方违约均要支付相应比例的违约金。

With individual clients short term primarily jpmorgan chase trip, travel agencies are also in the list of the smart enterprise yesterday。Reporters noticed that,The scene putting a consumer complaints of chongming tourist contract offer。Supplementary terms agreed upon in the contract:“This circuit 16 people opening,16 people lack a full refund,We in the first three days to inform guest group,In group a refund,We don't do other compensation。If the guest had to cancel,In three days before the team need to pay the penalty of 5%,Three days before a group of domestic demand pay 10% penalty and seats 50 RMB/damages。 ”This clause in the contract with tourism demonstrate markedly different,The latter both sides are to pay the corresponding proportion breach the liquidated damages。

  “人少出团肯定亏本,只能违约。不能出团已经赚不到钱了,怎么还能再让赔钱?”大通之旅质监客服部经理张艺新在约谈时发问。“旅行社不能只考虑自己的损失,难道消费者就没有损失吗? ”唐健盛反问。

“The group less sure a loss,Can only breach。The group has not earn money,How can you let lose money?”Jpmorgan chase tour manager in questioning ZhangYiXin > qualitative inspect when asking questions。“Travel agency cannot only think about their losses,Consumers don't be any losses? ”TangJianCheng ask。


WangYi was expressed,The default to unilaterally provisions consumers pay liquidated damages to the travel agency,And travel agency may be not to compensate breach,Obviously not fair。Travel agency shall bear its own business risk,As far as possible through the market behavior is dispersed risk,Not passed on to the consumer。


but,ZhangYiXin also on the scene said,The company has been corrected,The new contract from June 1 use,No reasonable terms have been deleted。
