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飞来铁棒击穿车窗砸晕导游 吴斌事件上演宁波版--亲稳舆论引导监测室

【导语】: 砸中导游的硬物是一块正常鸡蛋粗细,筷子长短的铁棒,和跑步比赛中使用的接力棒相似,实心,约莫四五斤重,看起来像是千斤顶上的部件。高速交警赶到后,听车上乘客说得最多的一句话就是:“吴斌案又发生了。”… 【我来说两句】 【Guide language】: The good thing is the guide to hit a normal egg size,The length of the iron stick chopsticks,And the running race in the baton use similar,solid,About SiWuJin heavy,Looks like jacks components。The police arrive,Listen to the passengers said the most is a word:“Roderick woo case happened again。”… 【Me two sentences】事发当时示意图。制图 任山葳 The time schemes。Drawings RenShan Veda

    08月13日讯 杭州吴斌案还让人记忆犹新,昨日又发生高速公路飞来异物伤人事件。

    October 13,-hangzhou roderick woo still let person fresh case,Yesterday again occurrence highway foreign bodies flew the attack。


    12 noon yesterday 20 points,Blog friends @ miaomiao post says nearly play:“Hangzhou roderick woo(case)Today we also meet,We sat tourism DaBaChe to ningbo play,The results come to xikou......,The highway,Suddenly fly a bar,From the front windshield wear come in,To hit ahead of us vice tendency to guide。Hurriedly alarm sent to hospital,Now don't know how is she,Let us pray for her!”


witnesses:Roderick woo case happened again


    Mr. Chen was right in the car accident,Saw the breathtaking scene。


    When driving on the fence near the middle first driveway,Just over a van。Accident to the time is very short,No one saw what basic things flew in from the outside,Just obviously feel the driver was frightened,Stepped on the emergency brake,And look at sunset on the driver's vice guide。When guide have faint。The passengers not at first clear what happened,Just be nasty brake scare,Exclaim voice repeatedly。After about five or six minutes,The car stopped by emergency lanes,You know what happened,Then carefully put guide move to the back of the seat。At that time from his appearance,On a tour guide and found nothing especially serious wounds,But they have in a coma。


    The good thing is the guide to hit a normal egg size,The length of the iron stick chopsticks,And the running race in the baton use similar,solid,About SiWuJin heavy,Looks like jacks components。The police arrive,Listen to the passengers said the most is a word:“Roderick woo case happened again。”


hospital:The patient injury stable but very weak


    Six o 'clock yesterday evening,Reporter arrived LiHuiLi hospital ward 7 buildings,The bo mention in the tour guide little money be in bed rest,pale,The man looks a whisper,But general condition is stable。but,As long as the voice of the ward speak to a slightly heavier some,Her face is show the pain and anxiety of facial expression。“You don't put my name write it out。”This is the whole interview process,She said to reporters the only one word。A penny mother has been quietly waiting in the bed of the daughter,Until the reporter arrived,She had not eaten dinner。A penny injury how on earth?LiHuiLi hospital of general surgery HeHaiBin doctor said,At present to see life signs smoothly,But there are still some hidden trouble,Need further observation。


    According to understand,A penny injury to the three main parts:Part of it is right collarbone dislocation fracture。By flying into the car is the impact that good thing,But from his appearance,No obvious open wound;Part of it is the right multiple fractured ribs,May be accident happen,In the process of the emergency brake vehicle collision is caused;The most serious is right、Right liver CuoLieShang,The right pneumothorax and abdominal effusion,One of the right liver CuoLieShang cause bleeding is the most worrying,“If continue to bleed,May cause excessive bleeding and shock。”HeHaiBin said。


    At present,Penny need is repose observation,Stay right CuoLieShang liver and on the right for better pneumothorax,Can consider to undertake collarbone surgery。


family:Little daughter with a tour group at ordinary times it out


    A penny mother business woman said,They kicked a is,The home has two daughters,Penny is little daughter。Accident occurred after,First travel agency colleagues call in shengzhou daughter,The older daughter to notice her,Just know little daughter had an accident。“At that time I was also scared to death。”Business woman said。Yesterday about around 3 PM,Ms business from shengzhou to LiHuiLi hospital。Between speech,Business to her work lady don't know very well,Even said not all in the name of the daughter travel agency,But she told reporters,Daughter at a travel agency about work for more than a year,Mainly engaged in the office work,Although there are with a tour group to ningbo,But on the whole group out with very little,“Who also didn't expect out of this thing。”


Traffic police:Foreign body source was still under investigation


    Reporters from the traffic police to understand,An accident is shengzhou heaven and earth travel company intercity charter,Destination is beilun of phoenix mountain,When there are more than 20 passengers。The driver surname butyl,40 years old。Small plane is a guide to the driver's position,Located in the gate to limber,The car seat than ordinary lower。The 8 o 'clock in the morning yesterday,Vehicles driving on the highway just gold high speed ningbo direction xikou section,Xikou distance west export about three kilometres,Vehicles within 100 miles per hour。From see traffic accident,Good thing just before the driver's deputy from the location of the left strategy through the windshield,Hit a penny supraclavicular。On-board monitor display,The time,To the driveway to just have a van after。Because the whole happened only less than a second time,So not sure good thing to track the performance。Foreign body actually come from,Police are now on the investigation。


lawyer:Foreign body from different responsibilities are different


    On the fly foreign body,Hit the car in,Even the casualties is not a rare case,A comparison of the case is hangzhou roderick woo,And in ningbo has happened a few up similar cases。


    February 2011,Jiaxing drive from Mr. Wang G15 ShenHai expressway to jiaxing direction of hangzhou bay sea-crossing bridge road,Quick to cixi view sea near the guard,Suddenly a running car in front of city open splashing a stone,The stone hit fly up in the impartiality of Mr. Wang vehicles front windscreen。Fortunately, was sitting on the driver's deputy passengers is lying ramps,The stone just hit a he on the chin。


    On March 4, 2012,Drive heavy semi-trailers wang go to Shanghai ShenHai G15 high-speed driving direction,In less than two miles from cixi export,A hundreds of pounds of tires to fly over from lane,Semi-trailer hit the wheels out of control,Cross in the driveway。


    On November 10, 2011,G15 high-speed ningbo China,A bus front windscreen iron bar by a breakdown。Iron then ruthlessly hit the front passenger's thigh inside the root,Blood dc。


    so,High speed to ensure safety who?Zhejiang heyi lawyer office of FuLingZhi lawyer said,If foreign body is on the van fly directly,So van driver should take full responsibility for it。If the ground is stranded for a long time,By other vehicles rolling fly up,So expressway management unit has a certain responsibility。


How to prevent“Mischief hasft wings”?The police support for you


    1. The small car in the motorway must put an end to speeding activities,And from driving far enough to keep the car distance,Give yourself to reserve a certain amount of time、Space to judge、Deal with all kinds of urgent cases。


    2. The driver on the drive had better close the window,Not only is the fuel economy,And can prevent a foreign body through the window in the car cuts。


    3. Vehicles on the highways,If little traffic on the highway,And on the right lane vehicle and is small,Had better not long time in the first track on the left。Because when you are the first track on,One thousand meet contingencies,So you can only on the right side of the lane for avoiding collision,And in a driveway on the right side of the road,Because the right and emergency lanes,One thousand are there circumstances may be about to two direction geological hazards。


    4. If foreign body wants to encounter,General is small stones、The branches such as small objects。The driver should first“Unperturbed trader”,Good hand grasp the steering wheel,Don't suddenly beats down direction,Also can't slammed on the brakes,In order to avoid has the car tracing cauda or landing accidents。If people didn't hurt,Confirm the car without vehicles after followed closely,Slow down the side after the stationary open double jump lamp,To view the traffic situation。


    5. The most important is we have to guard against manufacturing“HengHuo”:Such as trucks of the goods on the car must be tied firmly。In addition,In the process of vehicle,Personnel on the car to trash the car don't waste, etc。The driver before driving must to tire、brake、light、The steering wheel is closely related to vehicle safety components do a safety inspection,Avoid tire、The tyres off the happening of the unexpected, such as。At the same time,Driving in the way,More don't people throwing foreign body,It is irresponsible and very dangerous behavior。


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