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报告显示北京旅游现短板 无港口成“硬伤”--亲稳网络舆情监测室

In the field of transportation,Beijing no port,Is a piece“took”,Should be YouQingKeYuan。But say to tourism,Beijing and Shanghai gap so big,Some sort of surprise。
According to the data,By the end of May 2008,Above the level of 4 a tourist scenic spot Beijing there were 48,Shanghai there are 20;In the first batch of finalists,Beijing has 67、Shanghai have 52;In the international travel service quantity,Beijing is about four times as Shanghai。But in this case,2011 years,Shanghai the number of tourist arrivals to 8.1757 million people,And the Beijing is 5.204 million people;Shanghai annual inbound tourist income reached 5.715 billion yuan,Beijing inbound tourism income for 5.416 billion yuan。
By rights,Beijing as the capital of the country,Political and cultural center,In the culture of massiness absolute superiority。Mysterious and ancient sites throughout the city,Be in Beijing, the main body of tourism resources。In this basis,Beijing tourism defeat to Shanghai,The short board where?
The author thinks that,In the service in imports,Beijing and Shanghai in tourist areas have the cause of the gap should at least have the following aspects:
The first is the difference of location。Although do not have Beijing cultural and historical background,But Shanghai tourism out of his way。Shanghai put forward since 1997“Urban tourism”Since the concept of,Urban tourism industry is into the deepening stage,Namely from start、Initial stage to the developed、Mature phase transition。Along with the world expo held,Urban tourism will become an important carrier of the image of the city of Shanghai,And further promote the Yangtze river delta regional tourism development。
In Shanghai urban tourism gradually in the process of maturity,In addition to continue to keep advantage outside project,Also in Beijing for the cultural tourism experience,Ascension tourism projects in the culture,Outstanding it with modernization and do not break the traditional Chinese characteristics。At the same time,Through holding some theme folk custom activity to expand influence,Not only add to the urban tourism forms of diversity,And for tourism injection more humanitarian breath,The positioning for Shanghai inbound tourism development has accumulated sufficient thickness。
In Beijing,Although a long history can still steady attracted to foreign tourists,But in the new tourism resources development, it is appear relatively insipid,In addition to the Olympic Games outside resources,In recent years and no more outstanding project appear,Appear insufficient potential。
The second is the difference of market segment。Shanghai in the business travel、Mice tourism is superior to Beijing。Shanghai science and technology developed,Urban modernization level is high,Some landmark in Shanghai urban tourism、Business travel provides very good humanistic resources。At the same time,Shanghai with its international urban tourism atmosphere、Excellent geographical location,Attract including Hong Kong and Macao, Taiwan compatriots entry passengers,Foreign exchange income rose steadily。As the economic and financial center,Shanghai and the Yangtze river delta economic exchanges frequently,Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots relatively large proportion,And the proportion of foreign tourists steadily rising。
At present,Shanghai still is our country multinational company regional headquarters most populous city,In the use of foreign capital aspects,Shanghai to Beijing a few times higher。This let Shanghai have more business tourism resources。And in business tourism,Beijing's development is relatively slow,Mice tourism is a need to further improve the。
Once again, is surrounding the use of resource。Shanghai local although few places of historic interest,But Shanghai in the Yangtze river delta region but there is no lack of a long history of tourist destination。Due to the convenient transportation,Entry visitors can easily through the Shanghai transferred to around Yangtze river delta,Continue to travel,This let Shanghai become entry visitors important middletown。And the Beijing peripheral tianjin、Hebei etc,Tourism resources obvious weak in Yangtze river delta region,Lead to entry visitors only focus on Beijing local scenic spot。
In addition,Shanghai local traffic conditions in Beijing is better,Shanghai and the Yangtze river delta region service employees service consciousness and service level or in Beijing。
In view of the above short plate,The author thinks that,Beijing should develop more distinctive tourism projects;Use local universities focus、The characteristics of scientific research institutions gathered development BBS、Discussion of mice tourism;Through the absorption and utilization of foreign capital for development of business travel;Improve the city and the surrounding traffic,Linkage peripheral tourism resources,Make beijing-tianjin-hebei ring;Improve the service quality of employees,Improve service level。
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