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上海金融谷辐射长三角 布局金融服务外包产业--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
和讯网消息 7月17日,上海金融谷于今日在嘉定举行奠基仪式,规划用地面积1000亩,总建筑面积逾100万平方米,分两个集群。项目第一集群500亩的总投资额达31.1亿元,预计项目全面投产后带来相关产业产值超过100亿。
News HeXunWang July 17,,Shanghai financial valley in this day in jiading held the foundation stone laying ceremony,Planning land area of 1000 mu,The total construction area of over 1 million square meters,Points two clusters。Project the first cluster of 500 acres of a total investment of 3.11 billion yuan,After the production of the project is expected to bring related industry overall output value of more than 10 billion。
Shanghai financial valley of Shanghai international finance center for delta and service,And then radiate the domestic economic area and the asia-pacific economic circle。Shanghai joint financial investment limited company President LinZhenXiong said,Shanghai financial valley will make financial science and technology services to the theme of the fifth generation the industry chain complex base,Regional financial institutions with network、Financial service outsourcing industry、Financial products trading center、Financial information science and technology, research and development、cast、Financing platform、PE incubator, etc function as one。
It is reported,Shanghai financial valley will gradually become an international multinational financial institution construction of the asia-pacific headquarters and the global financial services outsourcing center。At present,Global financial service outsourcing scale more than $1.2 trillion,And China's financial services outsourcing is still in the primary stage。Data shows,In 2010 China's financial services outsourcing market scale of RMB 50 billion。With China's financial market construction steps to speed up,In 2015 is expected to China's financial services outsourcing market scale will reach to 210 billion yuan RMB,In 2020 will be 470 billion yuan RMB。
In the foundation ceremony,China's agriculture and business bank、China construction bank(601939,Shares it)、oracle、Silver filled with Shanghai science and technology in the valley of financial signed agreement。
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