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China's tourism research institute:2012 National Day golden week travel market trend/Problems and countermeasures


Mid-Autumn festival 2012 11 two vacation from September 30 began to October 7, end,8 days so as to form a long holiday.This year National Day golden week more favorable factors/Market growth fast/Management is difficult.We expect the National Day golden week travel market will still have higher growth,接待人次约为3.62亿,较去年同比增长20%,旅游收入约为1800亿元人民币,比上年同期增长24% Receive about 362 million people,A year-on-year growth of 20% last year,Tourism income is about 180 billion yuan,Than the same period last year growth of 24%


  1、旅游市场:国内游平稳增长,出境游大幅上扬,入境游稳中有降 1/Tourism market:Domestic tourism steady growth,Outbound tourism rose sharply,Inbound stability have fall


From the following four aspects: the influence of the factors,During the golden week of domestic tourism market will still steady growth.First of all,Second quarter this year since,Our country residents' disposable income than the same period last year are nearly 10% of growth,CPI continuous decline,Actual income residents improved,These factors in a certain extent, inspired the residents' travel demand.secondly,In the regional tourism competition and cooperation of both background,The main tourist destination for the golden week prepared rich and colorful projects and products,And through the diversity of promotional activities in advance the preheat domestic consumption market.The third,Most regions of the spring and summer and scorching heat and flood natural disasters constantly,Summer travel demand hindered,Probably in the Mid-Autumn festival and National Day two false even put eight seven-day holiday to centralized release.The fourth,Issued by the state council on August 2, major holidays will be exempted from the mini-bus tolls implementation plan of the notice.This policy will make travel leading to save nearly half,Thus leading to a greater role in promoting.According to China's tourism research institute of Chinese residents will travel survey:今年十一黄金周期间有出游意愿的高达87.9%,远高于去年同期的58.3%。其中有自驾车出游意愿的占有出游意愿总体的29.5%。这些群体中有50.3%的受访者表示免收通行费政策是其选择自驾游的直接因素。 Eleven golden week this year during the will of travel as much as 87.9%,Far higher than the same period last year 58.3%.One went for a drive from the possession of the willingness to travel intend to 29.5% of the total.These groups have 50.3% of the respondents said toll-free policy is the choice of leading direct factors.


Outbound tourism market will appear people and cost tends to increase.According to part of the tourism enterprise feedback information,今年出境游人次较去年同期约有30-40%的增长。 Outbound tourism people this year compared with the same period last year about 30-40% of the growth.较长的黄金周假期,以及当前出现的“拼假族”(把公众假期与职工年假、探亲假等连起来使用)使假期更长,使得长线游如前往北美、澳新的旅游需求高速增长。东南亚常规线路仍是热点。日本市场的预订在近期有所下降。赴台游组团社和自由行城市的新一轮增加、外来人员异地办照等利好政策对出境游市场有积极的推动作用。与此同时,境外旅游目的地不断加大对中国游客的促销力度,签证、免税、支付、中文接待环境等便利措施的出台,欧元、英镑的贬值、后奥运旅游等因素也将进一步拉动中国公民的出境旅游需求。

Long golden week holiday,And the current appear"Spell false family"(The public holiday and worker annual leave/Visit one's family false and even up to use)Make a longer holiday,Make long term swim as to the north American/Australia's travel demand growth.Southeast Asia conventional line is still hot.The Japanese market in the near future reservation decline.To the table to swim ZuTuanShe and freedom ride city of a new round of increase/The external personnel, such as different do as good policy on outbound tourism market have a positive role.meanwhile,Overseas tourist destination for Chinese tourists increasing promotional efforts,visa/duty-free/pay/Chinese reception environment convenient measures come on stage,euro/Pounds the depreciation of the/After the Olympic tourism, and other factors will further boost China's citizens outbound travel demand.


In recent years by the influence of the entry tourism trend,In addition to domestic tourism market concentration and bring up the cost/Service quality decline of worry,Visitors will choose to avoid during this period to China tourism.Information from the book to see,During the golden week of the inbound tourism market is steady to drop.Comprehensive analysis of various factors,Expected this year National Day golden week tourists and income growth all can be more than 20%,And they are all more than 2008 more than double.


2/Tourism products:City tour/Rural tourism/Folk custom Tours/Admire the autumn and leading coexist,Local leisure projects and the traditional tourism products tend to fusion,Consumption tend to be more rational.


This year the traditional tourist cities such as Beijing/Shanghai/Lijiang and heat immortalization,But there are also many new tourist hotspots appear.Such as the northeast area of shenyang/changchun/Changbai mountain/Harbin a line when autumn season,As the Beijing and the surrounding area residents travel hot spot.自驾游可能会出现以北京、沪杭、成都、西安、广州、深圳等大中型城市为中心,半径800-1000公里的城市群旅游热点区。 Leading may appear to Beijing/shanghai-hangzhou/chengdu/xian/guangzhou/Shenzhen and other large and medium-sized city as the center,Radius 800-1000 kilometers of the urban agglomeration tourism hot area.国内游热点城市的旅游价格涨幅在20-30%左右。

Domestic tourism hotspot cities tourist price rise in 20-30%.


Outbound tourism in,The reservation situation,日、韩、美加、澳新、海岛仍是出境游的热点。但随着钓鱼岛事件的发展,民族情绪可能会被进一步激发,不排除大量游客取消日本游的可能。 day/Korea/Beauty and/Australia/Island is still the focus of outbound tourism.But as the diaoyu islands events,National emotions may be further excitation,Don't eliminate a large number of tourists may cancel the Japanese tour.


Tourists more rational than ever before,No longer alone the pursuit of low price,For outbound tourism pay more attention to quality.Quality swim/Depth vernier/Theme travel more accept favour.Outbound tourism prices in the increase of about 10% in the golden week period.


3/Possible problems and measures


During the golden week travel the concentration of lead to hot area of the scenic area capacity overload/prices/Service quality problems such as falling,Would still be complaint hotspots.The difficulty of management is mainly visit traffic safety/Since the driving management and public service.From all over the recent information to see,Tourists and forced shopping/At one's own expense project and guide of conflict in the aggravate,During the National Day may focus outbreak,And there exists the possibility of evolution into group events.Leading growth brought about by the traffic jam/Since the driving camps and supply shortage could be each big tourism scenic area faces new problems.At the destination host system,Transportation and accommodation facilities are still in short supply,Service facilities and service personnel overload running,Make the service quality is still faces a challenge.international,The effects of the event diaoyu island may continue for fermentation,Already the tourists cancel the possibility of Japan swam should not be neglected.


measures:In addition to conventional holiday tourism BuJi coordination meeting emphasize safety/The quality and stability of the requirements,Around this year tourism management department needs coordinated traffic and public security departments to self-driving tourist management and supporting services.Completes the circuit traffic information system timely reporting,Hotspots traffic channel,Road emergency aid,And since the drive camp supply and plan.All especially hot tourism city people's government to do guide and tourists conflict evolution of group incidents plan preparation and exercise work,At the same time to remind visitors all combined with satisfaction to ascend in a network public opinion surveillance and deal with.


Further establish and improve the service system for individual traveler,Such as remind individual travel arrangement in advance/To solve the difficult individual tourist tickets/Queue time long/Rest area less/The sanitary condition down/Tourism public transportation less and so on many tourists the lowest satisfaction problem.Strengthening public information service,Strengthen the passenger market information collection/Prediction and release,Timely release the traffic/accommodation/visit/meteorological/Health and other travel information.


Outbound tourism in,Attention to the incident may trigger diaoyu island tourist contract event of default and Chinese visitors to Japan to the security problems.To strengthen the Chinese citizens' overseas consular protection.
