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  9月13日,德国国家旅游局北京办事处携手法兰肯旅游局和法兰肯DIVINO酒庄共同举办的 “法兰肯——美酒和美景之地” 旅游和葡萄酒推介会在北京丽兹卡尔顿酒店顺利落下帷幕。共有近40人参加了本次推介会,包括十余家主流媒体的媒体伙伴以及来自各大旅行社的业内代表。

On September 13,The German national tourism administration Beijing office to flange Ken tourism administration and flange Ken DIVINO wineries holds jointly "Flange Ken - wine and beauty land" Tourism and wine seminar in Beijing ritz Carlton hotel to drop the curtain smoothly.Nearly 40 people attended the seminar,Including more than 10 mainstream media media partners and from the travel agency industry representatives.


Promote dinner party,Germany flange Ken tourism bureau Seifer sir through the wonderful pictures and vivid explanation to show you a beautiful/Friendly and glamorous flange Ken.then,From all the hill wine sales director Mr. MaGuiWen from a professional point of view is to introduce the flange Ken area of all kinds of wine.The German national tourism bureau chief representative of China LiChaoHui lady also expressed a desire to further assist flange will travel and grape wine industry in China's promotion.


Flange Ken is located in the north of Bavaria,By 15 distinctive/The scenery scenic composition.Flange will more than half of the land is covered with natural park.Flange Ken area in addition to beautiful natural landscape,There are many historical and cultural attractions,The bayreuth marquis opera house in 2012 approved by the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization,Was brought into the"The history of the world cultural heritage"list,Also became the flange Ken most"young"The history of the world cultural heritage.And flange Ken wine, because of the wine naturality and promote the internationalization of the audience attention,Also more and more get the welcome of the public.The local wine growers and winery adhere to the high quality standard strict request factory red wine quality,In addition,Flange Ken area and"Wine canopy section"/"Wine festival"Folk festivals, such as,It also no doubt for the majority of visitors provides a better close experience wine cultural opportunities.


法兰肯:令人愉悦的旅游目的地 Flange Ken:Pleasant tourist destination


"Flange Ken is like a full of magic ambry,You will always open a new cabinet,Found colorful/The brilliant treasure - and so beautiful experience endless."

  这是浪漫主义时期诗人Karl Leberecht Immermann在160多年前写成的诗——如今看来,依旧名符其实。这个位于巴伐利亚北部的多元化旅游目的地展示出了它前所未有的魅力。如今,尹默尔曼诗中的"抽屉"其实是15个独一无二的区域,是31.000 平方千米的独特珍宝之地。这里有Fichtelgebirge山,有Altmuehltal自然公园,有法兰肯森林,法兰肯湖区,Rhoen,法兰肯红酒庄园,Hassberge山脉,Steigerwald森林,法兰肯瑞士,纽伦堡周边地区,Upper Main河谷 - 科堡陆地,Frankenalb山脉,Spessart大陆,陶博河谷和浪漫法兰肯——这一切都独一无二,却都同样富有吸引力,令人心旷神怡。

This is a romantic time poet Karl Leberecht Immermann in written more than 160 years ago the poem - now,Still real.This is located in the northern Bavaria the diversity of tourist destination showed it unprecedented charm.now,YinMoEr mann of the poem"drawer"It is 15 unique area,Is 31.000 square km unique treasure land.Here are Fichtelgebirge mountain,Have Altmuehltal natural park,A flange Ken forest,Flange Ken lakes,Rhoen,Flange Ken red wine manor,Hassberge mountains,Steigerwald forest,Flange Ken Switzerland,Nuremberg surrounding areas,Upper Main valley - coburg land,Frankenalb mountains,Spessart mainland,TaoBo valley and romantic flange Ken - all this unique,But are equally attractive,Relaxed and happy.

  法兰肯的自然之美和其多样性体现在各个方面。法兰肯地区拥有如Fichtelgebirge山区、法兰肯森林 和 Spessart大陆这样的原始森林,它还拥有阳光灿烂的葡萄园,比如法兰肯红酒庄园和Steigerwald森林,此外它还拥有法兰肯瑞士地区如诗如画的岩层以及波光潋潋的法兰肯湖区。千变万化的风景极富吸引力,但又不仅仅限于此,这也是法兰肯拥有"微型德国"美誉的重要原因。而超过一半地区(15.000平方千米)被自然公园所覆盖,也解释了为何法兰肯地区会成为一个如此受欢迎的旅游目的地。法兰肯的自然公园有:巴伐利亚Rhoen,Spessart,Altmuehl山谷,Steigerwald森林,法兰肯瑞士/Veldensteiner森林,Fichtelgebirge山脉,法兰肯山脉,Hassberge山脉以及Frankenhoehe。快来体验美丽的不可方物的景色以及大部分被完整保留下来的自然环境,这些都无愧于一场视觉盛宴。

Flange Ken's natural beauty and its diversity reflected in all aspects.Flange Ken area have such as Fichtelgebirge mountain/Flange Ken forests and Spessart mainland such primeval forest,It also has sunny vineyard,Such as flange Ken red wine manor and Steigerwald forest,In addition, it also has flange Ken Swiss region of the picturesque rock and the wave Lian Lian flange Ken lakes.Phantasmagoria attraction,But not only is limited to this,This is also flange will have"Miniature Germany"The important reason for the reputation.And more than half area(15.000 square km)Nature park is covered,Also explains why flange Ken area will become such a popular tourist destination.Flange Ken natural park:Bavarian Rhoen,Spessart,Altmuehl valley,Steigerwald forest,Flange Ken Swiss/Veldensteiner forest,Fichtelgebirge mountains,Flange Ken mountains,Hassberge mountains and Frankenhoehe.Come experience the beautiful not square thing scenery and the most complete by keeping natural environment,All of these is worthy of a visual feast.


From the geographical position to see,Flange Ken is located in the centre of Europe,Also in the Mediterranean and to the north sea/The Baltic isometric point,Go to any place is very convenient,The past flange Ken even than it is now more important position.Flange Ken had ear is the holy Roman empire of the German core abdominal.As the historical background of the Germanic core region,Flange Ken has many historical and cultural city town,All kinds of delicate and beautiful huan of United States annulus building,The history of architecture can diffuse SuZhi ancient romantic period,Next may extend to the ubiquitous middle ages and baroque/The rococo period.All the cities of the,Whether it is relatively independent or group type distribution - nuremberg,furth,erlangen,wurzburg,Class office,bayreuth,Kum Bach,coburg,Ann, Bach,Tinkles bill,YiXiSi Tate,ShaFen o fort,And romantic luo teng castle - from any hand,Whether the deep historical background,Also or their gorgeous scenery,These cities are worth a go.

  法兰肯是四项联合国教科文组织认证的世界文化遗产景观的所在地:精湛的维尔茨堡城堡,浪漫的班贝格老城区,拜罗伊特的侯爵歌剧院以及古罗马边境堡垒"LIMES"。"LIMES"堡垒绵延180千米,横亘法兰肯地区。法兰肯地区的小镇的起源大部分都可以追溯到中世纪,他们的迷人的吸引力与大城市相比毫不逊色。比如: Kronach, Prichsenstadt, Ochsenfurt 和Miltenberg都会用他们的防御工事,塔楼和尖塔,狭窄的鹅卵石小巷和浪漫的庭院来让游客意乱情迷。你依旧可以感受到德国人经常挂在嘴边的那种"闲适"和慵懒。

Flange Ken is four United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization the authentication of the world cultural heritage, the seat of the landscape:Exquisite wurzburg castle,Romantic class berger's old town,Bayreuth's marquis opera house and Roman frontier fortress"LIMES"."LIMES"Fortress is continuous 180 kilometers,Which flange Ken area.Flange Ken area of the origin of the small town most can be traced back to the middle ages,Their charming attractive compared with big cities is by no means inferior.For example: Kronach, Prichsenstadt, Ochsenfurt and Miltenberg will use their fortifications,Tower and spire,The narrow cobbled alleys and romantic garden to let visitors lush life.You can still feel the germans often hung on the side of the mouth of that"Leisurely and comfortable"And languid is lazy.

  造访这里的任何一处自然温泉都是躯体、精神和灵魂的三重享受。这里共有17个温泉或SPA水疗中心,其中大多数都有悠久的历史,但是却都配备了现代的设施。比如高档的Bad Kissingen是德国最著名的健康疗养中心,此外Staatsbad Bad Steben以高质量温泉而久负盛名,而Bad Königshofen则是德国第一处提供自然疗养和药理度假湖区的疗养胜地。

Visit here any point in natural hot springs are body/Spirit and soul triple enjoy.There are 17 hot springs or SPA SPA,Most of them have a long history,But are equipped with modern facilities.Such as high-grade Bad Kissingen is Germany's most famous health health center,In addition Staatsbad Bad Steben with high quality hot springs and long enjoyed a good reputation,And Bad KöNigshofen is Germany first place to provide natural health and pharmacological holiday lake health resort.

  无疑,对于每一个来法兰肯旅游的人来说,当地的美食绝对是锦上添花。广受赞誉的当地美食囊括了所有的区域性特产,这里的啤酒厂多于世界上任何一个地区,不得不提的还有扬名世界的法兰肯葡萄酒。在当地一家时尚酒店Vinothek或某家舒适的葡萄酒小酒馆品尝当地的葡萄酒,绝对是一次难忘的经历,当然,同样使人印象深刻的还有法兰肯瑞士、班贝格和库尔姆巴赫的小型啤酒厂新鲜酿造的啤酒。早已准备就绪的当地美食一定会圆了所有到访者的美食梦。你可以选择当地的传统小吃"烤猪肘(Schäufele)",也可以尝试一些口味略轻一些的、更加精致的美食,比如竹笋和特色羊肉。作为饕餮之旅的压轴好戏,你一定要尝遍当地特制的水果饮品。再次引用Karl Leberecht Immermann的一段话:"无论谁想要体验德国最隐秘最不为人所知的美景,那就来法兰肯吧。"

undoubtedly,For each flange Ken tourism to the people,Local food is definitely icing on the cake.Wide acclaim of the local food made a clean sweep of all regional speciality,The brewery more than anyone in the world a district,Have to raise also has the famous world flange Ken wine.In a local fashion hotel Vinothek or a house comfortable wine bistro tasting the local wine,Absolute is an unforgettable experience,Of course,Also make the person impressive and flange Ken Switzerland/Class's office and kool Bach's small beer brewery fresh brewing beer.Had already prepared for local food will be round all the visitors of food dream.You can choose the local traditional snacks"Roast pig elbow(Schäufele)",Can also try some taste of slightly less/More delicate food,Such as bamboo shoots and features mutton.As a gluttonous tour against the play,You have to taste all the local special fruit drinks.Karl Leberecht Immermann again quoted a paragraph:"No matter who want to experience the most secretive Germany the most unknown beauty,Then to flange Ken it."


For more information please contact:


Flange Ken tourism administration

Postfach 44 04 53, D-90209 Nürnberg

Postfach 44 04 53, D - 90209 Nurnberg

Phone +49 (0)911/94151-0, Fax +49 (0)911/94151-10

Phone + 49 (0)911/94151-0, Fax + 49 (0)911/94151-10

info@frankentourismus.de, www.frankentourismus.de

info@frankentourismus.de, www.frankentourismus.de
