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十一黄金周旅游 你最担心什么?--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


1 year 11 golden weeks you plan to travel?

  • 周边游
  • Peripheral swim
  • 国内游
  • Domestic tourism
  • 出境游
  • Outbound tourism
  • 旅游
  • Don't travel
  • 还没想好呢
  • Haven't think good?


2. The golden week when you travel,Your pain is what?

  • 人多
  • many
  • 价格高,机票,火车票、门票……
  • Price high,ticket,Train ticket/tickets……
  • 选择太多,不知道去哪
  • Too much choice,Don't know where to go
  • 回来之后得了节后综合症
  • After coming back after got syndrome
  • 高速免费,自驾游怕堵车
  • High-speed free,Navigator fear of traffic jam
  • 想坐火车旅游,票难买
  • Want to travel by train,Ticket doesn't buy
  • 其它
  • other


3. During the golden week,You see the most scenic spot which one?

  • 故宫
  • The imperial palace
  • 长城
  • The Great Wall
  • 天安门
  • tiananmen
  • 西湖
  • The west lake
  • 九寨沟
  • jiuzhaigou
  • 外滩
  • bund
  • 宽窄巷子
  • Lane width
  • 南京夫子庙
  • Nanjing Confucius temple
  • 乌镇
  • wuzhen
  • 丽江古镇
  • Lijiang ancient town
  • 青岛栈桥
  • Qingdao pier
  • 厦门鼓浪屿
  • Xiamen gulangyu island
  • 秦始皇兵马俑
  • Qin shihuang terracotta warriors and horses
  • 三亚天涯海角
  • Sanya the ends of the earth
  • 泰山
  • Mount tai
  • 华山
  • huashan
  • 周庄
  • zhouzhuang
  • 其它
  • other


4. Do you have what kind of unpleasant travel experience?

  • 购物时间太多
  • Shopping too much time
  • 被野导或当地人忽悠多花了钱。
  • Be YeDao or locals flicker spend the money.
  • 被宰,甚至被恐吓,发生肢体冲突。
  • slaughter,Even scared,Clashes happen.
  • 发生意外,被抢、被盗、生病、意外伤亡等。
  • accident,robbed/stolen/sick/Accident casualties, etc.
  • 航班延误,没得到及时妥善解决。
  • Flight delays,Didn't have to solve them promptly and properly.
  • 投诉无门或不了了之。
  • TouSuWuMen or disappear.
  • 人多,玩不好。
  • many,Play bad.
  • 其它
  • other


5. You visit scenic spots or journey most often meet scam is what kind of?

  • 打着各种旗号算命的。
  • Under the flag of all kinds of fortune.
  • 本以为是免费的旅游项目,参与完才发现是要收费的。
  • This thought is free tourism projects,Participate in the found that there will be a charge.
  • 买到货不对板的特产。
  • Buy arrival wrong plate specialties.
  • 花高价买假货
  • Spend high price to buy fake
  • 其它
  • other


6. The most common journey to the uncivilized behavior what?

  • 随地吐痰
  • spitting
  • 乱扔垃圾
  • litter
  • 不注意洗手间卫生
  • Do not pay attention to the bathroom health
  • 不论场合,席地而坐或就餐
  • Whatever occasions,People.the or repast
  • 有点小冲突就爆粗口
  • A little small conflict it burst coarse mouth
  • 不尊重当地人风俗习惯
  • Don't respect local customs
  • 不遵守公共秩序,闯红灯、不排队
  • Don't observe public order,Through a red light/Don't line up
  • 其它
  • other
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