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  世卫组织发现类SARS新型病毒 The W.H.O. found that kind of SARS new virus

  全球只确认两个病例,一名卡塔尔男子和一名沙特男子 The global only confirmed that two cases,A Qatar man and a Saudi man

  科学家称目前阶段不用过分担心 Scientists say this stage need not worry too much about


On September 23,The world health organization through its"The global outbreak alert and response system"Issued a statement,A Qatar man confirmed to be infected with the similar to an SARS(Infectious atypical pneumonia)New coronavirus,The patient is sick, before he went to Saudi Arabia tourism.After the new virus has led to a people dead.


发病前曾去沙特旅游 Before the disease went to Saudi Arabia tourism


The world health organization says,This name, 49 of the patients,From Saudi Arabia's tourism after back to Qatar,September 3 appear have a fever/Difficulty in breathing, such as SARS symptoms.On September 11,,The patients from Qatar emergency transfer to Britain for treatment,Already appear the phenomenon of renal failure.Patients confirmed to be infected with the a new coronavirus,The virus and previous large-scale outbreak of SARS virus belong to a virus families,And before and found coronavirus types are not all the same.British health management institution 22 bulletin of the world health organization.

  同样病毒致一人死亡 The same viruses cause one death


after,A 60 cadastral Saudi man for infection coronavirus death.British scientists found after comparison,After the death of cadastral Saudi man lung tissue to isolate virus gene sequence,And the name of the virus gene sequences Qatar patients almost completely consistent.Two people clinical manifestations are acute respiratory infection complicated with acute renal failure.The world makes sure that the two cases.


At present, including medical staff all the contact person does not appear suspected infection,But according to the British health experts said,At present the hospital has the name Qatar the man"Serious respiratory isolation",Responsible for the nursing staff were also wear the protective equipment.


 传播途径有待掌握 Transmission way yet to take hold


At present,The scientists to this virus risk is uncertain."The new virus is to escalate into a SARS,Or just silently disappear no harm,We are not clear.",The university of Minnesota flu experts oster herm said,He thinks that the urgent task is to determine the severe cases and the size of the mild cases.


Oster herm emphasized,Would like SARS spread as through close contact,About this virus transmission way of information remains to be master.His account of the virus has killed one person to expressed concerns about,"The common cold is not fatal,This let us have to consider,It is more like SARS."2002 outbreak of SARS swept across the world more than 30 countries,More than 800 patients died,Mortality rate nearly 10%.

  措施 measures

  沙特卡塔尔未发旅游警告 Saudi Qatar did not send travel warning

  世卫组织在声明中称:“世卫组织目前仍在收集更多的信息,以确定其可能对公共卫生造成的影响。” 因此,世卫组织尚未对沙特或卡塔尔等国发出旅游警告。

The world health organization said in a statement:"The world health organization are still collect more information,To determine the possible influence of the public health cause." therefore,The world health organization has yet to countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar issued travel warnings.


At present,British/Saudi Arabia/Qatar and other countries, the department of health is considered a preliminary investigation,The two patients are case.The world health officials also worry,Next month will start the annual hajj activities,May provide for virus away.Imperial college London, respiratory infections, director of the center for auburn shaw think,The present stage,People also need not worry too much about this new virus.But he stressed that if continue to have found through the everyone contact and signs of infection,"Then it should be cautious,Is there another similar the SARS virus is spread."
