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女孩天心阁拍照摔下高墙 抢救无效身亡--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

(9月24日,长沙市天心阁,从哈尔滨赶来的家长等待善后。实习生 骆毅 摄) (On September 24,As pavilion in changsha city,From Harbin to parents waiting for rehabilitation.Interns LuoYi perturbation)

  本报9月24日讯 “换个姿势再来一次。”是热衷拍照人的口头禅,对于湖南涉外经济学院大一的小陈而言,这句话却给他带来难以抹去的阴影。22日下午,小陈和同学然然(化名)在长沙市天心阁景区拍照,然然在换姿势过程中,失足掉下十多米高的城墙,导致抢救无效死亡。

This newspaper on September 24, - "Change the posture try again."Is keen to take pictures of pet phrase,For hunan foreign-related economic college freshman year for Chen,This sentence is brought him difficult to erase the shadow.22 afternoon,Chen and classmates ran ran(alias)In changsha, as pavilion scenic spot photos,Ran ran in the change in the process of posture,Slip dropped more than ten meters high walls,Lead to rescue invalid death.


景区拍照掉下10米城墙 The photo under 10 meters off the wall


"In order to change the posture to take a picture,Her head up a,dropped."This morning,Hunan foreign-related economic college freshmen Chen, and her voice was shaking recall scene.


Two days ago,Chen and ran ran to changsha as pavilion,And in the entrance spend 16 yuan to buy the tickets.More than 3 PM,Two people come to is located in the scenic spot of ancient city wall in changsha"around".Ran ran up to the wall of the sitting on the fence,Chen in four or five meters outside the place to help her photos.Finishing after a,But however want to change the posture to take a picture.suddenly,Her foot slipped,Fell down 10 meters high walls.


"Only a few seconds of things,I didnt reaction."Chen said,But however break the wall,Falls on bluestone road,A head injury can't move,Is around the visitors help call the emergency phone.


then,But however was sent to the nearby changsha third hospital,But the intracranial injury,Rescue invalid death.


景区:竖立警示牌文物不能攀爬 Scenic spot:Erect warning sign of cultural relics can't climb


The reporter interviewed as cultural relics in changsha city pavilion scenic area management coco changsha wei.ShaWei told reporters,But however things have been public security department as an accident,As the park they"In line with the humanitarian"Attitude is positive treatment.


"Tourists in the notes to clear not allowed to climb,The location of the accident victims also labeled"Please do not climb on the,Pay attention to safety"Warning sign,And everyone knows that cultural relics are not climbing."ShaWei posted by wicket visitors notice told reporters,The event scenic area has been done to remind responsibility.


In order to prove that the said,ShaWei will reporter to the site of the incident,And give reporters see spots in the corner of the safety warning sign.In the field,The reporter sees steep stone steps along the ancient city wall down,Around the marble fence,Of ground laid the blue brick joint between full of weeds,Go in new-fallen on the steps of the rain,Can obviously feel the foot of the skid.


Even now posted scenic spots have safety sign,But ShaWei said still being witnesses and the families of the negative.Chen very firmly told reporters,"Sure without any warning signs,When taking no staff reminded the".To appear in the place safety warning signs,Ran ran mother ms xu think,"This is after the incident,Park temporary added."

  律师说法 Lawyers said


Can't burden already do one's duty,Shall bear the responsibility


Hunan jinzhou lawyer XieDeHui said:"Witnesses and family insists the place without any warning sign of the case,As a scenic area should burden the warning signs from time to tome,Otherwise, want to assume corresponding responsibility."


At the same time,Solution lawyers think,Even if the scenic spot can prove you had posted warning signs,But if the warning mark is not enough to cause tourist attention,Also should bear the responsibility.In under the condition of warning signs,Attractions also shall take necessary measures to rescue.If did not take,Also should bear corresponding responsibility.


Of course,If scenic spot in the warning marks and rescue measures are not to blame,You do not need to assume responsibility.

  他山之石 Stones from other hills


Tourists yuelu academy hurt scenic area bear responsibility 40%


On April 9, 2008,Henan people WeiEnHui along with the travel agency to changsha tourism.During a visit to the yuelu academy HeXi Taiwan tourist attractions,From the stage fall down to the ground below tablets,Lead to level of disability.afterwards,WeiEnHui will yuelu academy and travel agencies to court.


After the court thought,Yuelu academy as HeXi table management unit,To visitors do not security management obligation,The WeiEnHui hurt,Shall be liable for the economic losses of 40% of the civil liability for compensation,Travel agencies shall be liable for the economic losses of 40%;WeiEnHui as full capacity for civil conduct people,Because of neglect negligence,The occurrence of damage and 20% shall bear responsibility.
