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主流景区又现涨价声 旅游线路或跟风涨价(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中秋国庆黄金周将至,景区涨价声又起:不久前四川峨眉山风景区宣布调价,其中旺季从150元/人次涨至18 5元/人次,淡季从90元/人次涨至110元/人次,新的门票价格半年之后执行。新闻一出诸多消费者纷纷表示不满,今年以来,多个知名景区涨价或宣布涨价,涨幅大都在20 %以上。有旅行社表示,这或许又将导致国内游价格上涨,国内市场越来越难经营。

Mid-Autumn festival National Day golden week will come,The sound and the rise in price:Not long ago sichuan mount emei scenic spot announced price adjustment,Which season from 150 yuan/people up to 18 5 yuan/visitors,Off-season from 90 yuan/people rose to 110 yuan/visitors,The new ticket prices after half a year execution.The news a many consumers are expressed dissatisfaction,Since this year,Many well-known scenic spot prices or announced rises,Most of the increase in more than 20%.A travel agency said,Perhaps this and will lead to domestic tourism prices,The domestic market has become more and more difficult operation.


景区:今年整体涨幅过快 Scenic spot:This year the overall rise too fast


Although mount emei and not in the National Day rise in price,But in the past five months,There are many scenic spots have announced price,The mark-up are in more than 20%,Such as shandong penglai pavilion tickets may rise in price from 100 yuan to 140 yuan.The rise in price is not only a mount emei,Yangzhou scenic spot will from this year October 10 tickets began to rise to 120 yuan,Off-season 60 yuan than before/Peak season 90 yuan prices by 33% ~ 100%.Guangdong scenic spot prices,This year"The May Day"eve,Sanshui lotus world fare from $50 to 60 yuan rise,Shunde long deer farms from the original 80 yuan rose to 100 yuan.


消费者:门票花费成最大开支 consumers:Tickets cost into the biggest expenses


After several rounds of"Rise tide"after,Reporter found that literally a well-known scenic spot ticket price can shoot 100 yuan even nearly 300 yuan.Such as mount tai adult C area sabingga sukdun dergici jimbi adults are 298 yuan.Huangshan adult ticket prices are up to 230 yuan.Reporter random interviewed some citizens,The freedom ride more people think that in his own expenses in,Attractions tickets/Transportation costs which have a large proportion,Second is the shopping/catering/Accommodation, etc.Scenic spot ticket increase rate more than the traffic.


 旅行社:很多游客会逐步向东南亚线靠拢 Travel agency:Many visitors will gradually to southeast Asia line draw together


With the rise in price in succession,Travel agencies said"Be unable to stand".One does not wish to be named, the personage inside course of study says,Ticket prices will bring tourism prices,And this year"The May Day"Have been before and after the rise in price,At that time has caused many consumers antipathy,Now a mount emei this mainstream scenic area have all appreciated in value,Estimated effect will be larger.At this development,A lot of domestic tourists will gradually to southeast Asia line draw together.


The author:CaiXianLi
