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专家建言恢复五一黄金周 为扎堆旅游“泄洪”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  刘思敏 社会学博士,中国社会科学院旅游研究中心特约研究员。长期致力于对中国旅游产业运行的观察与研究,从社会视角密切关注中国旅游业的焦点、难点、热点问题,是假日改革黄金周存废之争的“挺黄派”代表人物。

Dr. LiuSiMin sociology,The Chinese academy of social sciences tourism research center special researcher.Long-term commitment to China's tourism industry operation of the observation and research,From the social perspective pay close attention to the focus of China's tourism industry/difficulties/Hot issues,Golden week holiday is the reform with the struggle of the waste"Pretty yellow pie"Representative figure.

  戴斌 经济学博士,现任中国旅游研究院院长,博士生 导师、教授。主要研究当代旅游发展理论,大众旅游发展阶段的政策取向,基于预警的旅游经济宏观调控体系与游客满意度推介导向的微观监督体系等。

Dai bin dr economics,The current China's tourism research institute President,Doctoral tutor/professor.The main research of contemporary tourism development theory,Mass tourism development stage of the policy orientation,Based on the early warning of the tourism economic macro-control system and tourist satisfaction promotion oriented micro supervision system, etc.


This year's golden week holiday,China's more scenic spots appear passenger flow"blowout".Far from the Forbidden City during the period of the record worst passenger volume 182000,to"Huashan, befriending the event",To the gulangyu island"fall",Know many,Why still want to travel gathers together?"Holiday thirst for"What is the reason behind the,Holiday, befriending the scenic spot will be how to from the system level to solve?This dialogue experts in the field of tourism,In the hope of looking for the answer to the question above.



  长城日接待近8万游客 低头看不到城砖全是人脚

The Great Wall, receive nearly 80000 tourists lower the head to see ChengZhuan is full of people feet

  华山上万游客2日晚被困 发生打斗事件

Tens of thousands of huashan tourists 2 days late trapped fight event

  敦煌鸣沙山骆驼连续两天现过劳死 每天8000人骑

Dunhuang camel singing for two consecutive days now karoshi every 8000 people ride

  鼓浪屿原住民纷纷"出逃" 为安静过国庆黄金周

Gulangyu island aboriginal in succession"escape" National Day golden week for quiet


Tourism viewpoint:Golden week take you to see"People mountain people sea"


扎堆出游更多是无奈 Travel gathers together is more helpless


Jinghua times:Tourists from the psychological terms,Why clearly know peak or want to go?With a view of such travel itself is not rational,How do you see?


LiuSiMin:This view is completely wrong.The concentration of the golden week travel in fact is a kind of rational choice.Why do you say that?Judge a behavior is rational two standard:Whether informed and whether voluntary.Golden week has 10 years,Mass media age,The golden week is congestion the earth person all know;secondly,Golden week travel,Not forced,Love is not under/Factors such as folk,Is entirely voluntary.Usually not paid vacation,The Spring Festival to back,ZhongChangTu tourism wish if it's not in the holiday,When it's time to achieve?And compare,Each year the number is on the increase,Last year went to the imperial palace,Isn't this year than to go to clever?Don't think that people are fool only an expert intelligent.They are also after the calculation,This is a kind of helpless choice.


Dai bin:Now the national a year only two was thirty short several holiday,People's travel time is limited.Plus paid holidays did not carry out,People are golden week travel choice,Window period is limited.From this situation,In the first half due to reasons such as natural disasters, etc,Travel demand a certain degree of suppressed,Eleven concentrated release;This year the car and free/Part scenic spot price/The weather is sunny to boosting the will of travel,So this year to form the high peak.


Jinghua times:There is a saying,Said now China's tourism with the world the gap has not,But leisure vacation areas with developed countries in four hundred and fifty is even poorer.How do you see?Is different from the home crowd people look/Get on sleep/Off photographic,Then get to the next attractions tourist way more worth recommending?


LiuSiMin:Around three hundred to five hundred km within tourism,Through the weekend/Small long vacation can satisfy the,But in the long distance travel will need.Remote tourist are in pursuit of differences,The so-called no scenery near,Scenery in the distance,That is the sightseeing tourism.In the industry,"From sightseeing to vacation tour transformation"That actually, in my opinion, is a misleading.Both just function is different,No level of the points.The former satisfy people's curiosity,The latter to achieve the purpose of physical and mental relaxation.To make a sea of those days that the peasant fishermen to leisure,Go to the beach in the sun,People don't scold you sick?


Dai bin:International and leisure tourism/Holiday travel/Special tourism,Especially there are no attractions tourism.That is to a city,Join the city leisure,Involved in the local residents' life style inside.National tourist consciousness haven't reached such a level,Think to a place from tourist attractions is not travel.China's tourism has a long gap with international.From the international point of view,Popular tourism development stage in the 1940 s to 50 s,And we slowly from 1999 to enter.International with a tourist group is not many,F.I.T travel more common.To a place,In the sun drink beer,To participate in some local activities,We haven't arrived at this stage.


建议恢复五一黄金周 Suggest recovery 51 golden week


Jinghua times:11 golden weeks,Many tourist attractions, befriending appear.Huashan events such as,Befriending the formation - retention - plugging - more vicious cycle of detention.Investigate its reason,What are the main places need to reconsider?


Dai bin:Travel is mainly the window period limited,Reservation spending habits have not been formed/Early warning mechanism not fully established and the current limit/Shunt measures imperfect and so on three aspects reasons.


LiuSiMin:Now the most important task is"Flood discharge".The May Day holiday after the cancellation,"Flood discharge"Cut less.I suggest that restore the May Day holiday week,Or in the may set a new long vacation,To meet the desire of people go on a journey.Of course every 11 golden weeks for a provincial tourism income account for a very big proportion,Some managers in subconscious in the revenue in the first place,Lack of matching reception/Service capacity and countermeasures.


Jinghua times:Advance booking has been the way,But why is not always a good popularity?Foreign countries can have the experience of the use for reference?


Dai bin:Foreign is mainly aimed at the team to take this way,Especially hot spots,Such as the Louvre/The Eiffel Tower, etc.Can buy a ticket as as,To set the more people the appointment of preferential,This, in fact, to tourism consumption form have very good guidance function.


LiuSiMin:This is a technical means,But we do it is necessary to make an appointment walk on the road,Training the concept of travel booking.Can choose the three scenic spots ahead with the appointment:WenBao scenic point/Ecological scenic point and safety management difficult scenic spots,At the same time to realize the protection of the allocation of scarce resources fair.


Jinghua times:Now many scenic area is a day after tourism statistics shows a data,Only by that time didn't know the scenic area to the many people.Is it possible to realize real-time statistics?


Dai bin:Now have two kinds of cases,Let us have not been able to be real-time warning.The first was that there are a lot of tourist attractions have not the number of tickets into;The second is statistics have hysteresis quality,Get data.Set a bottom line/Real-time statistics/Once beyond the baseline no longer ticket theory is as it should be,But are in urgent need of hardware construction,But direction must be so go.No matter how to say life above landscape,No matter how to be more than the most a lot,Should be to take certain measures.


Jinghua times:We are a lot of scenic spots exactly have the bottom line number?If there is,Why most scenic spot never announced,Few know?


Dai bin:Each scenic spot in the planning when have the best let capacity and maximum capacity and appropriateness two index.Many places not announced I want to have two reasons,The first one is may these two index itself is a process of groping,Is still not fully curing down;The second tourist attractions also have a psychological,Many people come in more benefit.Open the bottom line must have necessity,But it is not so good.


Jinghua times:We see in fact also is not necessarily attractions, befriending the bearing capacity to congestion,Some congestion also may be internal thoughtless reception in.


Dai bin:yes,Such as tourist attractions in the inside like labyrinth walk,Can't find a place to,Formation backflow phenomenon,Cause congestion.This kind of situation need to build clear indicator system.Another popular scenic spots such as the hot area,Can take special measures,Such as the time limit/Strengthen counseling, and other.Such as the Forbidden City,People want to see taihe palace inside the emperor's dragon what kind of,Crowded together scramble to photography,Very easy to accident.So during this period the Forbidden City took taihe palace temporarily closed,Let a person flow up,Through the audio Tours/Introduction of guide way attractions,Compensate for regret.


《国民休闲纲要》将推动带薪休假 [National leisure outline]Will promote paid vacation


Jinghua times:High-speed free/Scenic spot price……Introduced in good tourist stimulus policy at the same time,How to work with the bearing/Reception capacity phase matching?Between various departments if we can have certain synergy,And then through scientific calculation,On the policy of the package?


Dai bin:Our country has a JiaRiBan,The office is in the national tourism administration,Involves the transport of/Civil aviation/railway/religious/tourism/Culture and other related departments.Passover is doing the bulletin,Taken measures.If no word of these measures,This year the plugging/Security may be more of a problem out.


LiuSiMin:The government we want,The starting point is right,Should be supported.Just policies need comprehensive effect evaluation.I suggest 11 golden weeks later don't avoid the toll,Into every may and November when the tourist season,According to the policy efforts to every month,Take out time off from toll,The navigator around is great to promote.And of course based on interests under the premise of complementary mechanism.The Spring Festival is just need to go home,Can keep free policy.


Jinghua times:Long vacation system itself may have improved?Some analysts pointed out,Years ago countries launched the golden week pull the mainland consumption/The purpose of cultivating tourism market has reached,Now more should guide people to travel reason/Rational consumption,At the same time perfect holiday system and labor regulations,Let the golden week gradually"Grow up"Into gold months or golden years.How do you see?


Dai bin:In the long run,Paid vacation is a direction.Now we are driving[National leisure outline]Come on stage.The National People's Congress has also completed[supply]first-instance,Enter the second investigation before.It should be said that these system come on stage can help to alleviate this situation.


Jinghua times:[National leisure outline]After many years of hot debate,The implementation of paid vacation system to become a public expectations.Can you tell us a bit about content and schedule?


Dai bin:It's hot discussion of wrong peak holiday skin speak is paid vacation reality performance.This should not be merely the law has a regulation/Generally speaking you have the rights of can,Need more detailed rules.now[National leisure outline]Has drafted the,All ministries and commissions will also has signed the,Go is the state council for examination and approval procedures.Its main content is a will guide the national tourism leisure consciousness,Security of the national tourism leisure rights;The second is to develop the national tourism leisure some concrete index and goals;The third is to boost paid vacation,Allow local governments to do some corresponding system innovation;Other I bad expatiate.


Jinghua times:Implement paid vacation system there are specific schedule?After the state council regulations with the compared,the[National leisure outline]Belong to government documents,From the counterparts to see no more than regulation,But why is to look forward to?


Dai bin:The timetable still bad specific said.Can only say,At present,Many departments are to make every effort to push,guangdong/Beijing, etc are actively promote.Compared to the regulations of the state council,It is more practical,And it is through the implementation of the administrative to.


Our reporter ZhangRan

  作者:张然 (来源:京华时报)

The author:ZhangRan (source:Jinghua times)
