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  钓鱼岛事件对中日两国经贸旅游的冲击仍在延续,中日来往航班上座率持续低迷。在此背景下,昨日记者从国内知名廉价航空公司春秋航空了解到,该公司现已推出上海往返日本佐贺以及上海往返日本高松“0元人民币”特价机票,旨在提高相关航班上座率。 Diaoyu islands events between the two countries on the impact of trade and travel still continues,The flight with attendance sustained downturn.In this context,Yesterday reporters from domestic famous cheap airlines in the spring and autumn airlines to know,The company has launched Shanghai round Japan saga between Shanghai and Japanese takamatsu"0 yuan"Special ticket,Aiming at the improvement of the relevant flight attendance.


Company officials say,Since the 15th evening this promotional activities online to 16 in the afternoon,Related ticket has sold more than 1000 zhang.


每个航班限量50张 Each flight set limit to 50

  春秋航空发言人张武安昨日告诉记者,“0元机票”(不含燃油附加费、机场建设费。如上海飞佐贺两者合计560元)促销活动时间为10月15日至12月20日,每个航班限量为50张。如果用人民币购买,就是0元。 如果用日元购买,就是1日元。春秋航空官网显示,目前上海-佐贺和上海-高松航线均为每周三班。

In the spring and autumn airlines spokesman ZhangWuAn yesterday told reporters,"0 yuan ticket"(Does not contain the fuel surcharge/Airport construction fee.Head and shoulders above saga both amounted to RMB 560 in total)Sales promotion activity time is October 15, to December 20,,Each flight set limit to is 50.If the yuan to buy,Is 0 yuan. If you use the yen to buy,Is 1 yen.In the spring and autumn airlines's official website display,At present Shanghai - saga and Shanghai - takamatsu route are three a week.


ZhangWuAn said,Influence by the diaoyu islands events,In the spring and autumn airlines flying Japan route 客座率 serious decline,Face reduce the class and grounded.In the spring and autumn airlines flying Japan has three routes,In addition to the special price promote sales have two route outside,And Shanghai - of ibaraki(Tokyo)route.


He introduced,After Shanghai - saga/Shanghai - takamatsu two route 客座率 is 80% - 90%,Shanghai - of ibaraki route 客座率 at around 90%.Sino-japanese relations after nervous,Three routes are two-way 客座率 drop to 40% - 50%.


"Hope the sales promotion activity can make 客座率 have rebounded."ZhangWuAn said.


春秋承担促销成本 The spring and autumn period and the bear the cost of sales promotion


According to reporter understanding,Shanghai - saga route previous economy class fare is in 500 yuan to 900 yuan,The cheapest is 239 yuan(All the above does not contain the fuel surcharge/Machine built fee).


Media reports said,The spring and autumn airlines promotional cost by the Japanese local government"subsidies".ZhangWuAn yesterday it has not been a positive reply,But says the promotion was a ZuoHeXian by the Japanese government/Japan sweet sichuan county government support.Promotional activities in the saga held,In China there is no propaganda,No activity.And 0 yuan promotion's main purpose is to attract more Japanese people come to China.


Because only in the spring and autumn airlines opened Shanghai - saga route,ZuoHeXian government does not want to local nantou citizen and correspondence of Shanghai commerce people travel inconvenient,At the same time hope in the spring and autumn airlines try not to cut flights.


He introduced,Special ticket sales promotion costs by the spring and autumn airlines bear.Because 0 yuan promotion has just started,By the afternoon 16,,Related ticket has sold more than 1000 zhang,But can you make the flight"milder"There is still difficult to estimate.


只可官网购票 Tickets can only's official website


In fact,This time the spring and autumn period and the 0 yuan Japan route promotional activities rather low-key,Not a network publicity,But yesterday,Reporter view in the spring and autumn airlines that's official website,It's hanging out the above 0 yuan special ticket sales promotion advertising,And told 0 yuan special ticket can only through the website to buy.


In the spring and autumn airlines said,Because of recent sino-japanese relations tension,Special ticket did not appear"nervous"phenomenon.If the domestic need to purchase this special ticket,Should not be difficult to buy.(Reporter ZhaoJiaNi)

  作者:赵嘉妮 (来源:新京报)

The author:ZhaoJiaNi (source:The Beijing news)
