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  高力国际近日发表「2012年中期全球零售焦点」物业报告,涵盖全球129个以时装为主的购物大道顶级零售热点,报告指出虽然经济持续欠明朗,但全球大部份购物大道的租金继续录得强劲的按年升幅。纽约第五大道(Fifth Avenue)稳守全球租金最高购物大道的位置,香港皇后大道中及广东道则紧随其后。

High strength international recently published "by the middle of 2012 global retail focus" property report,Covers 129 mainly as a fashion shopping road top retail hot spots,The report points out that although the economy continues to owe clear,But the global most shopping avenue rent continue to record the strong increase in years。New York's fifth avenue(Fifth Avenue)Maintain global shopping the position of the highest rent avenue,Hong Kong in the queen's road and guangdong way is followed。

  在调查涵盖的129个顶级零售地点中,51个的平均租金按年有上升,49个则持平。至于在全球铺租最高的五个地点,只有香榭丽舍大道(Avenue des Champs-Élysées)的租金持平,其余四个均录得双位数字的按年增长。报告分析,零售商在开拓新市场时,不论是已发展及发展中市场,仍继续以一个或两个顶级购物地点为目标,藉此对冲风险,因而导致竞争商铺的情况转趋激烈,使租金大幅上升。 

In the 129 survey covers a top retail location,51 the average press year has rise,49 is roughly the。As for in the global spread of the highest rent five locations,Only the champs Elysee avenue(Avenue des Champs-Élysees)Rent at,The four other are recorded in the double digits in growth。According to the analysis,Retailers in developing new markets,Whether it has developed and developing market,Still continue to one or two top shopping site for the target,Through the hedge risk,Thus lead to competition of shops turn noticeable,Make the rent has soared。

全球时装购物大道铺租最高的首五位  数据来源:高力国际 Global fashion shopping avenue shop of the highest rent first five  Data sources:High strength international


Looking to the future,Wealthy consumers shopping to weaker now,Started to influence the income of the retailers,Next year's rent growth or reflect will be flat。


In Asia,Among the world's first five in the outside Hong Kong,Tokyo ginza the central avenue、Singapore orchard road, Shanghai and nanjing road rank respectively the global 14 th、25 th and a 31。In a survey,Most Asian retail location of the record growth or rent levels,Of Hong Kong、Beijing and bangalore robust performance,A record increase in the double digits。The following is a major Asian retail market survey results of the key。


中国大陆 China


Shanghai top retail area shakedown for daily average rent every square metre 52.7 yuan RMB,Is the fourth quarter of 2011 rose 2.9%。Want to expand to the second line、Three or four lines of the city for brand line,Shanghai still is the ideal pilot market。Domestic and international retailer in shops needs accumulates,Will the rental and ChuZuLv stability in the relatively high level of enterprises。

  北京地铺的平均固定租金按季上升3.97%。由于当地居民的可动用收入增加,以及北京进一步国际化,预期北京零售物业市场将持续强劲。虽然估计新发展项目将为北京额外带来312,000平方米的零售商铺面积 ,但大部份购物中心的预租率高企,反映增加供应的影响有限。

Beijing on the average fixed the rent by season rose 3.97%。Since local residents of disposable income of increase,And Beijing further internationalization,Expected Beijing property market will continue to enjoy strong retail。Although estimates the development project will bring extra for Beijing 312,000 square meters of retail shops area ,But most of the shopping center or rent rate high,Reflect the influence of the increased supply is limited。


The average rent coating the guangzhou keep stable,Per month per square metre is 757.7 yuan RMB。Looking ahead to 2012 the year,Local will add 629,000 square meters area shops,Is expected to push the high market vacancy rate。


香港 Hong Kong


Although peripheral environment of the growing challenges,In 2012 the international fashion into Hong Kong and senior consumer brands and no sign of abating,And then drive the Hong Kong retail rent up。The Hong Kong market still leading by the owner,The new tenants rent up competition with each other,And the old tenants in order to in central、Causeway bay、Tsim Sha Tsui, such as shopping center, mong kok and traditional find the best units,Also content to yield to rent surge。Full year 2012 is expected to,Hong Kong's traditional shopping area shakedown of average rent will increase by 12%。


日本 Japan


Japan's top shopping avenue retail shop rent taken 2010 years after falling steadily,In late 2011,And in 2012 started to hasten liters。The rent of the central avenue Tokyo silver shall be 10% growth this year。Along with the leisure fashion popularity to rise,Tenants in the competition for top shopping avenue in shops tend to actively。


韩国 South Korea

  首尔中央地区的租金按年增长2.5%至每年每平方呎约250美元的水平。在过去数年,韩国的「一站式」购物地点概念由大型的地区市场(例如:首尔的东大门和南大门),扩展至西式的综合大楼。例如:在2011年第三季开幕的D’Cube City便包含百货公司、酒店及写字楼,而同类的项目将陆续有来。此外,全球的快速时尚品牌正主导韩国零售市场的扩张步伐。

Seoul central region according to rent in grew by 2.5% a year to about $250 per square foot of level。In the past few years,South Korea's "one-stop" shopping site concept by large areas of the market(For example:The east gate of Seoul and joint),Extended to western-style building complex。For example:In the third quarter 2011 opening of the D’Cube City will contain the department store、Hotels and office buildings,And the same kind of project will be in in succession。In addition,Global fast fashion brand is the leading South Korea retail market expansion of pace。


新加坡 Singapore

  新加坡顶级零售地点乌节路的黄金地铺租金曾经两年靠稳于每月每平方呎约38.5坡元,其后于2011年第四季下跌至每月每平方呎38.3坡元,主要是受到2009至2010年落成的新商铺所影响。在2012年第二季至年底期间,估计将有约200,000平方呎的新零售商铺面积流入市场。展望未来,零售租金将持续相当稳健,向下调整幅度维持在3%之内。那些位于市郊区位置优越的商场店铺也能够实时吸引消费者及继续吸引零售商; 因此,仍可稳占优势。预计其租金表现将较乌节路的商铺租金靠稳。

Singapore's top retail location orchard road gold shakedown by two years on rent once per month per square feet to about 38.5 slope yuan,Later in the fourth quarter of 2011 down to 38.3 per month per square foot slope yuan,Mainly by 2009 to 2010 for completion in affected by the new shops。In the second quarter of to 2012 by the end of the year period,The estimate is about 200,000 square feet of new retail shops area into the market。Looking to the future,Retail rent will last quite robust,Downward adjustments in the 3% range maintain within。Those in a suburb of the position is superior mall stores can also attract consumers continue to attract the real-time and retailers; so,The dominant can still be firm。The rent is expected to show a orchard road on stability of shops in the rent。


印度 India

  报告指出,班加罗尔著名购物地区Brigade Road的零售租金按年上升18%,空置率极低,而新德里Khan Market的租金则微升4.8%。零售物业市场的发展并不限于主要城市,二线及三线城市亦不例外。除了孟买和新德里外,其余43个城市的人口超过100万。与此同时,消费优惠及产品折扣令网上零售业务备受欢迎,但印度的基建发展不足,影响运输及货运的效率,因而造成限制。

The report points out that,Bangalore famous shopping area of retail rent Brigade Road according to the years up 18%,Vacancy rate is extremely low,And new Delhi Khan Market rent is edged 4.8%。Retail property market development is not limited to major cities,Second line and three city also no exception。In addition to mumbai and new Delhi outside,The rest of the 43 of the city has a population of more than 1 million。At the same time,Consumption preferential and products to discount online retail business, very popular,But India's infrastructure development shortage,Influence of freight transportation and efficiency,Therefore cause limit。
