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2011年全国资助经济困难生980亿 惠7800万学生--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网9月6日电国务院新闻办公室今天就《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》颁布实施两年以来的教育改革发展情况召开新闻发布会。教育部部长袁贵仁在谈到教育经费分配问题时指出,2011年,全国对家庭经济困难生的资助达到980亿元,惠及7800万学生Beijing on September 6, the state council information office today[National medium and long-term education reform and development plan outline(2010-2020)]Since the promulgation and implementation of the two years of education reform and development situation at a news conference.The ministry of education minister yuan guiren indicated in when it comes to education budget allocation problems pointed out,In 2011,,The national economic KunNanSheng funding to the family reached 98 billion yuan,7800 students benefit.


"We have to improve the graduate student aid standard,Recently we will introduce more graduate education system reform file,In the reform of file,To family economic difficulties graduate funding will be more efforts than it is now."Yuan guiren indicated says,The ministry of education has opened hotline,Always listen to the difficulties and problems.


Yuan guiren indicated introduced,The party and the government has always been to family economic difficulties students problems are more concerned about/attention,Especially after the outline issued,Our country has set up complete family economic difficulties the student financial assistance system.


For compulsory education,Yuan guiren indicated said,Compulsory education have"Two free for a"policy,"Two free for a"Policy exempt tuition and fees,Family economic difficult exempt from textbook,At the same time to family difficult boarder implementation subsidy policy.Outline issued after,Two consecutive years increase family economic difficulties boarder living subsidies standards,Nearly two years per person a day increased by 2 yuan,Annual subsidy standard,Pupils from 500 yuan/year increased to 1000 yuan/year,Junior high school into from 750 yuan/year increased to 1250 yuan/year.Family economic difficult boarding primary and middle school students daily can get four to five dollars for life.At the same time,The ministry also implement"Nutrient food engineering",Of 680 counties,2600 students practice nutrition allowance per person a day 3 dollars."If the student boarding and enjoy the nutrition allowance,Every day is 7-8 dollars,Ensure that they need not pay tuition and fees,Also solved the problem of life difficult."Yuan guiren indicated said.


In addition,Yuan guiren indicated also pointed out that,Preschool education from planning outline after issued proposed financial aid policy,The central provinces to award to fill.High school,The first is secondary vocational education,The nation to take encouraging policy,The national probably more than 90% of the students every year the average born 1500 yuan living subsidies,At the same time a free policy."So far,The secondary vocational students in addition to outside living subsidies,On the city/Rural needy students and related specialized student free tuition,This year we are prepared to put all rural students in secondary vocational schools, all included in the scope of the free",Yuan guiren indicated says,"Ordinary high school according to the proportion of 20%,According to 1500 yuan per person per year of the standard of subsidies,480 students benefit."


Yuan guiren indicated in present higher education stressed,According to some students admitted to later home can't afford it,Don't study the question,The ministry of education to university students whose families are financially difficult to support.Plan for since issued,Improve the funding criteria,Per person per year increased from $2000 to $3000,On college students not only implemented living subsidies."We this summer on the central government to take out money,From home to school for their money on subsidies",Yuan guiren indicated introduction says,"If I get advice,I have no money from home go to school by train,The central subsidies granted.Various universities all practice green channel,You really not a penny,Help you travel to the school,Then the school again according to your family,Give living subsidies,School good future will be rewarded,Then can also in his hometown or school for student loans,Ensure that their four years to fully complete their studies."

  袁贵仁说,总理在今年政府工作报告里讲,我们国家已初步建立了完整的家庭经济困难学生资助体系。“ ‘完整’就是说覆盖面,都覆盖了。‘初步’,我想应该是我们的工作还有待提高,工作要做得更细。”袁贵仁说。(据中国网文字直播整理)

Yuan guiren indicated said,Prime minister in this year the government work report says,Our country has initially established a complete family economic difficulties the student financial assistance system." ‘complete’Coverage is,Covers a.‘preliminary’,I think it should be our work needs to be improved,Work to do more fine."Yuan guiren indicated said.(According to China text live finishing)
