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资料图中国科学三号海洋调查船 Material chart China science 3 oceanographic vessel
  日本防卫省10月23日称,3艘中国军舰组成的编队当天出现在冲绳本岛和宫古岛之间的海域,从太平洋驶向东海,没有前往钓鱼岛的迹象。日本《朝日新闻》称,这次中国舰队中有一艘最先进的“旅洋”级导弹驱逐舰,这艘军舰被称为中国版宙斯盾舰,也是日本海上自卫队首次确认中国拥有该军舰。《环球时报》记者23日下午就“3艘中国海军舰艇驶向冲绳毗连水域”的报道向中国国防部提问,国防部新闻事务局回应称,中国海军舰艇在相关海域进行训练和航行,是正当的、合法的,“我们希望有关方面能够客观理性看待,不必小题大做”。 Japan's defense ministry said on October 23,,Three Chinese warship formation of the day appeared in Okinawa waters between the island and the miyako,From the Pacific to the east China sea,Not to signs of diaoyu island.Japan[Asahi shimbun]says,The Chinese fleet has a ship the most advanced"Brigade the"Stage guided missile destroyer,The ship is called the Chinese version ZhouSiDun ship,Japan's maritime self-defense forces for the first time confirmed that China has the warships.[Global times]Reporter 23 afternoon"Three Chinese naval ship to ship Okinawa adjacent waters"Report to the department of defense questions,Defense news bureau response says,Chinese naval ship in the relevant waters training and navigation,Is justified/legal,"We hope that we can see the objective and rational,Don't make a mountain out of a molehill".


According to the Japanese news network reported,Japan's defense ministry staff identity prison department 23 published announcement to say,Local time, 22, xu 5 p.m,Japan at a distance of 470 kilometers of sea areas the main island of Okinawa on,Find 3 Chinese ship navy destroyer and frigate,respectively"Brigade the"Stage guided missile destroyer no. 168/"Brigade the"Stage missile destroyer and no. 171"JiangKai"Level frigate.[Asahi shimbun]says,the"Brigade the"Stage guided missile destroyer is China's navy has the most advanced naval vessels,Is the first time appear in the waters.[Yomiuri shimbun]says,China's fleet by two destroyers and a ship guard ship composition.NHK said,Of a naval patrol machine confirmed that the emergence of China's fleet.Japan's defense ministry says,23 at 1 PM,These three ship with Chinese naval ship through the main island of Okinawa and miyako between waters,XiangDongHai travel from the Pacific Ocean.Reports say,China's fleet no Japanese territorial waters near the water.Chinese naval vessels several times each year through the waters,In the Pacific Ocean and training.


Chinese warships over Okinawa the news that the Japanese media panic unceasingly.NHK said,This month 16 days,Chinese naval ship for the first time through and that kingdom island and west table between island,Had to diaoyu islands route navigation.This month 4,7 ship with Chinese navy ships through the open sea.this,Japan's chief cabinet secretary fujimara digging holes built in 23 afternoon news conference stressed,Will China take warships"Perfect warning surveillance".He also said"In recent years,China's Marine activities continuously enlargement and active change,This is a fact.We think,China will continue to expand areas of activity,Try to form ocean activities of the normalization."


On the same day,China's Marine survey ship"Science 3"Into the diaoyu islands"Territorial waters"12 the sea adjacent waters,Also cause Japanese media a piece of exclaimed.[Yomiuri shimbun]A website source said,23 morning 10 about 30 points,China"Science 3"Enter the diaoyu islands islands of the taisho island northwest waters.Reported, citing Japanese 11th prefecture sea security headquarters as saying,"Science 3"Entrance diaoyu islands in the sea areas or for the first time.meanwhile,There are four Chinese ship HaiJian ship with the waters navigation.NHK television said,China's HaiJian ship and Marine survey ship at the same time in the diaoyu islands sea voyage or for the first time.According to[Sankei shimbun]reports,On the 20th of this month since,China HaiJian ship has four consecutive days appeared in connection with the Japan sea.China HaiJian ship in formation,In the face of the maritime safety agency patrol boat warning response said,"Diaoyu island and its subsidiary island is China's inherent territory".The report also says,Japan maritime safety agency of a lot of people in learning Chinese,China is in order to ship propaganda,"To these security officer should respect".


Another notable trend is,According to[The Japanese economic news]reports,22,Japan and India to defense interview stage dialogue,The two countries to strengthen cooperation in the battle against China.Reports say,At the end of this month will be held at the japan-american print the dialogue,Is Asia situation of extensive exchanges,At the same time, strengthen the union between southeast Asian countries,The formation of China's surrounded by a network.23,Japan's kyodo news agency reported,Visiting Japan now a small country in Central America, panama's President says,Support for Japan's position on the problems in the diaoyu islands.Panama and Taiwan keep"diplomatic"relationship,With mainland China has not established diplomatic relations.Chinese foreign ministry spokesman 23 statement said,The diaoyu island question in the attempt to pull the third party intervention practices don't enhance Japan's so-called sovereignty position,Is futile.The countries concerned should not in any form hand diaoyu islands sovereignty dispute,Damage the interests of China.


Since September a Japanese government has announced it will diaoyu islands"nationalization"/And insists diaoyu islands sovereignty"Not controversial"after,The various communication bottomed,Chinese tourists spontaneous boycott of Japanese tourist began to let Japan be unable to stand.According to[Sankei shimbun]reports,Japan sightseeing director GuanJing hand xian wen 23 says,In September, China tourism than Japan earthquake happened before the September 2010 decreased by 10.1%,"October situation worse,A cancellation constantly,No signs of improvement".He also says,The day has sent officials visit to spread propaganda work,Will work with all over China travel service consultation,Through the advertise means such as Chinese tourists to visit Japan.
