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中国带薪休假制度落实旱涝不均 私企最差--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  党的十八大报告中提出,“建立兼顾各类人员的社会保障待遇确定机制和正常调整机制。”休假权是社会保障待遇的一部分,应体现公平。2008年开始施行的《职工带薪年休假条例》对带薪休假办法做出了明确规定。该条例执行5年来,是否给劳动者带来劳逸结合、张弛有度的生活方式?带薪休假究竟是“皆大欢喜”还是形同虚设? The party's eighteen big report put forward,"To establish all kinds of personnel give attention to two or morethings social security treatment sure mechanism and the normal adjustment mechanism."The right to leave is part of the social security treatment,Should reflect the fair.Started in 2008 the enforcement[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees]To paid holidays measures made specific provision.The regulations for five years,Whether to give laborer brings a dull boy/Allfunction way of life?What is paid vacation"All's well that ends well"Still exist in name only?


国企员工许之杰 Soe employees make the jie


只要不是最忙的时候,领导一般都会准假 As long as not the most busy time,Leadership will generally furlough


36 years old of xu jie in guangzhou a large state-owned enterprises work,Consisting of,Has 13 years.


13 years ago,Hebei handan native of the xu jie from guangzhou a university graduation,The state-owned enterprise become an employee.In 2008,[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees]Just when it comes time to execute,According to the regulation,Xu jie can enjoy the annual leave for five days.Because this was the first implementation of the paid vacation,Colleagues also not too orientation,Almost no one put into action.


Xu jie said the,Mood at that time,So far I have recalled.Leadership don't leave,Subordinate vacation can be approved?Colleagues are not mention,To apply for their own separate,Will not give personal image minus points?


later,The company has formulated the detailed rules for the implementation of paid vacation,Just let make the jie and his colleagues avoided"False difficult Hugh".


The company,Like many of the jie so,Hometown far field colleagues a few.Every Spring Festival,They should not only by the long journey and time-consuming to flounder,Also face a ticket is hard to find/Have your tickets suffer the embarrassed.Considering the difficulty of employees,Plus the Spring Festival is the company's business off-season,The company decided to paid vacation time in two,Line out 3 days increased to the Spring Festival and seven-day holiday,Remaining time disposal.


so,To return home for the New Year stagger the peak,Paid vacation also fell on feet,The xu jie and his colleagues are particularly approve of.gradually,Colleagues no longer worry about how to carry it off,Vacation needs has become increasingly strong.


Xu jie said the,The two years the company's paid vacation rules also more and more standardized.Personnel department has formulated the leave application form,Two weeks in advance of the application,As long as not the most busy time,Leadership will generally furlough.


This year,The xu jie has 10 days annual leave,He took son go to yunnan for a visit,Is very fun.


外企员工吴玲玲 WuLingLing foreign enterprise employee


公司鼓励员工主动休假,同事休年假也都很积极 The company actively encourage employees leave,Colleague Hugh annual leave are also very active


Shanghai pudong,A large foreign office,With the German headquarters of video meeting was in progress.


33 years old WuLingLing from time to time to do the record.She came to the German soldier do financial work has been more than 10 years time.After the meeting is tense and busy work,WuLingLing smiled and said that he has been used to go out early and return till late/Coffee accompanied work life.but,Let her pleasure,Hugh annual leave application has been approved,She is coming off to enjoy the trip to Australia.


For employees paid vacation,The company has been the encourage attitude.Remember at the beginning of the appointment,WuLingLing have 5 days annual leave,But she is new,Embarrassed application.Nearly at the end of the year,The human resources department colleagues flew to remind her for annual leave as soon as possible,And told that won't affect wage and bonus,She was dismissed concerns.


WuLingLing said,The company not only encourage workers to take a vacation,Colleagues Hugh annual leave are also very active.Although the job is busy,Colleagues around every year holiday arrangements.Due to the long vacation time,In addition to the necessary to rest,Choose children summer and winter vacation tourism colleagues also many.


The busy work,The employee so long time of annual leave,Will not affect the normal work?


WuLingLing said,Each department has its own for duty list,If there is a colleague vacation,The leader can coordinate arrangements,Don't worry about the normal work is upset.


In addition,Company to paid holidays have to realize electronic management.WuLingLing said,Employees if there is demand on vacation,Can be first system of online application,Application will be sent to direct boss there,General will get approval.The system also automatically calculating the residual annual leave days,Easy to employees better arrangement vacation.


With foreign colleagues chat,WuLingLing found that European countries in the paid vacation system have more human side.German employees enjoy 30 days paid vacation.7/August is the European tourist season,Institutions and enterprises will arrange the child small staff priority vacation,Will advance two or three months determine employee holiday schedule,On summer job to make appropriate adjustments.In order to alleviate the holiday traffic pressure,The German states school also implement wrong peak in turn off system.


私企员工郑友晨 ZhengYouChen private enterprise employees


权利斗不过“饭碗”,无奈“自觉”放弃带薪休假 Right bucket but"Rice bowl",but"consciously"Give up paid vacation


Late at night when the,Beijing chaoyang district a the 19-storey office give pinpricks of light,And turned the moonlight enhance each other's beauty.


By the end of November,Outside is already the cold wind howling,18 layer north to office,Discussion is in full swing.In order to catch a design draft,ZhengYouChen has and colleagues fought 16 day and night.Is work overtime of several people,With a design ideas.


Three years ago,Undergraduate course graduation ZhengYouChen full of gets a vision of the joined the private design company.Over the past few years the company business in a straight line,ZhengYouChen as the couple also is able to craziness,He attached to participate in several big projects,But trouble come also


Three years,ZhengYouChen have lost count of how many times travel day and night to go home,How many students can't attend to the party,How many should have the rest of the weekend,The body that should drag exhaustion,Crowded subway/In bus,Through most of the cities,In the site and the relations between the office.


ZhengYouChen said,Many students in the busy of remaining still can use paid vacation traveling abroad,He be green with envy.In their circumstances,Not only the weekend is often occupy,National legal paid vacation is not enjoyed.


sometimes,The work is too busy too tired,ZhengYouChen not wanted to try it for yourself paid vacation rights,But helpless"A radish a pit",The boss said that if employees leave at will,Will upset the whole team's progress,He had to do.


ZhengYouChen heard,If the annual vacation time-off,There will be three times by the regulation pay compensation,This in their company also a talk.Haven't heard about colleagues in order to these and the boss of the fight it out,After all, to find a job is not easy,Who will be for a few days vacation and compensation and cause"Rice bowl"Don't keep it?


出租车司机何光威 Taxi driver HeGuangWei


多劳多得,休假不仅没有收入,还要倒贴份子钱 More pay for more work,Leave not only have no income,Also DaoTie member's money


Woke up at six in the morning/Joint car/drive,At 6 PM handover/eat.The day that,Nanchang city taxi drivers have been repeated HeGuangWei for three months.before,He is a night shift duty,And the day shift duty time just inverted.


HeGuangWei engaged in this line has 10 years of time,Every year from the open to the end,In all weathers,Minor illness can endure the pain is also endure.In order to support a family,Ten years,He rest days may add up to less than a month.


To be honest,HeGuangWei also is not to rest.They do this,Cultured is more pay for more work.Weekends and holidays,Business better than usual,Is he the most busy time.Other time if off,Besides having only a little money,Also DaoTie"Member's money",Cost is too high.Company rules monthly 2 days have holidays by turns time,HeGuangWei will also find other driving a taxi to continue.Paid vacation is that white-collar business,He just can't afford to rest ah.


Day after day,Year after year,Which job let HeGuangWei deeply be unable to stand.Because sedentary,His shoulder weeks now/The spine are throbbing.but,His most worry or security issues.Every 12 hours shuttling back and forth in the streets,Say fatigue driving is a little too much.When the YeBanChe more easily trapped,He is afraid that the oneself the blurred out point what accident,Years of hard can were in vain.


HeGuangWei said,His family has been heart guilty.She was in junior high school,size,He didn't like other father like that,Give daughter coaching lessons,chat,Even the city park don't have time to take my daughter to play,Let alone the whole family travel.


was"Member's money"Pressure body and do not rest,HeGuangWei of hard but recognizes"'s"The bitterness of the.


HeGuangWei said,He is now the most hope,Is able to cancel the day off"Member's money",Let him also can set his mind at to enjoy monthly fixed day of rest,This is not only for yourself and your family,But also for the passengers' safety.


我国带薪休假制度落实情况“旱涝不均”(延伸阅读) Our country paid vacation system implementation"Uneven flood and drought"(readings)


According to January 1, 2008 and started the[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees],Labourers who have kept working more than one year,Can enjoy paid annual leave.the,Accumulative total job full 1 year and less than 10 years,Annual leave five days;Already full 10 year and less than 20 years,Annual leave 10 days;Already full 20 years of,Years off 15 days.however,Our country paid vacation system to carry out the situation is evident"Uneven flood and drought".


recently,The China youth daily social survey center a study of 3913 people to the result of the investigation shows that,Is in an unit to implement paid vacation of respondents shortage half(40.6%),50.4% said they place unit nonperformance paid vacation.Specific unit in nature,74.3% of the people think that private companies paid vacation a worst case,Followed by individual and industrial and commercial door(60.1%).


In the past few years,State-owned enterprises paid vacation system gradually implement,Run mode also more and more flexible,To meet the different needs of employees leave.Foreign companies paid vacation system more standard,Not only wage bonus according to take not by accident,And vacation time is relatively long.


but,Accounts for more than the private enterprise staff and dispatch work,Most cannot enjoy paid vacation treatment.Some industry structural surplus labor is more outstanding,Laborer is in labor relations often are at a disadvantage,Not only paid vacation become will be hard-pressed to match"luxury",Time-off three times the annual salary compensation is also difficult to cash.


Compared with the foreign again,Our country paid vacation system more"Rebuilding the".

  前不久,国外某机构以被调查国家和地区“一周工作5天并有10年工龄”的企业员工为样本,得出一份各国“带薪假期”时间长短的排行榜:排名榜首的巴西 “带薪假期”为41天,包括国家法定带薪假日为11天、带薪年假为30天。美国带薪年假15天、国家法定带薪假日10天,共25天。而中国职工每年带薪年假为10天、国家法定带薪假日11天,全年共21天,是上榜国家和地区中“带薪假期”时间最短的。

Not long ago,A foreign institution by survey countries and regions"Work five days a week and have 10 years seniority"Enterprise employees for the sample,Draw a countries"Paid holiday"The length of time the list:In the Brazilian "Paid holiday"For 41 days,Including the national legal holiday with pay for 11 days/Paid annual leave for 30 days.The United States paid annual leave 15 days/National legal holiday with pay 10 days,A total of 25 days.And China each year worker paid annual leave for ten days/National legal paid holiday 11 days,Throughout the year a total of 21 days,Is the list of countries and regions"Paid holiday"shortest.
