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白领突击休假掀出游高峰 未休获三倍工资--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  中新网12月7日电  临近年底,“休年假”热潮再次来袭,不少白领选择在年假被“清零”之前突击休年假,加之机票、酒店等价格正处于低谷,不少人选择出游度假。虽然年假一般不做跨年度安排,而对于应休未休的年假,企业应该按照三倍工资标准支付报酬。 December 7 (Reuters)  Near the end of the year,"Hugh annual leave"Boom to attack again,Many white-collar selection in annual leave is"reset"Before assault Hugh annual leave,Together with the ticket/Hotel prices are low,Many people choose to travel on holiday.Although annual leave don't usually do split year arrangement,And to be Hugh did not rest of annual leave,Enterprise should according to three times the salary standard pay.


年假“过期作废”? 应休未休年假可获三倍工资 Annual leave"expire"? Should Sue did not rest annual leave for three times the salary


[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees]specified,Job full 1 year employees have the right to take paid annual leave,the,Accumulated work is full with 1 year ten years,5 days annual leave;Already full ten years with the twenty years,10 days annual leave;Already full twenty years,15 days annual leave.The worker is in during the annual vacation enjoy and normal during the work the same wage income.


With New Year's day is the dividing line"Paid annual leave"Gradually into the"expire"countdown.All along with the end of the year approaches,"Assault Hugh annual leave"Tide again incoming.


Paid annual leave will not"expire"?If HeXiu about years,Our country in 2008 and issued[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees].regulations,Unit according to the production/The specific circumstances of work,And consider the individual preference,Overall arrangement in the annual leave of employees.Annual leave within one year can focus on arrangements,Can also block arrangement,Generally does not split year arrangement.


At the same time,regulations,To the worker should Sue time-off annual leave days,Units shall, in accordance with this worker, 300% of the wage income paid annual leave salary reward.It also means,Although the paid annual leave can be"reset",But for his annual leave no divorced,Employees can get three times the salary reward.


 上班族纷纷赶趟出游 香港已无千元以下星级酒店 An office worker in Hong Kong GanTang travel has no less than RMB one thousand yuan star hotel


In addition to annual leave may be"reset",Favorable peak travel price is also attracting white-collar assault Hugh annual leave of one of the important reasons.Near Christmas,Hong Kong/Europe and the United States and other businesses to sell at a discount greatly,Attract many white-collar workers to sweep goods.Although most office workers at present the rest of the annual leave not much,But about five days of annual leave with two weekend before and after,Complete enough a long journey.


Beijing evening news reported,Europe and the United States Christmas New Year long term tour products almost booked up.Hundred trip network manager GuoXue says,Christmas and New Year's brand name products will have 5 fold to 7 fold preferential,recent"The New Year festival crazy shopping season"line,Including the United States more shopping network,A lot of drive Hugh annual leave white-collar are reserved and shopping related line.


This year, Hong Kong dollar exchange rate depreciation,Before and after Christmas and a variety of goods,Even a little discount big line will be the lowest discount,Hong Kong is still the most popular white-collar workers shopping tour destination.[Beijing evening news]Reports say,Hong Kong one thousand yuan of the following star hotel, it is difficult to reserve.The hotel is near Christmas the higher price,The December twenty days or so,Hotel than now price will rise 20% to 30%.


Even if"Assault Hugh annual leave"Boom slowly subsidise,But following New Year's day/The Spring Festival holiday will also make outbound tourism/Reverse season swim etc hot line high fever is not retreated.A financial channel reporters from several tourist site found,Although the distance the Spring Festival in 2013 and two months,But the Spring Festival outbound tourism products in advance already"shelf".The personage inside the tourism remind,Into 12 months,Hong Kong is expected to popular destinations such as hotel room will gradually to the saturated state,Want to self-help travel consumers,Still need to reserve a hotel as soon as possible,In order to avoid because of the full schedule and influence.
