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香港再曝药店坑内地客事件 口头说500却要8000--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
According to Hong Kong wen wei Po reported,Hong Kong is a shopping paradise,But in recent years, often bursts clip joint pit tourists event.A mainland passengers complain to the media,Refers to the earlier in Tsim Sha Tsui a Chinese herbal medicine store,Be not mention computing unit clerk,Oral lobbying to buy"$500 glue",But in the flower glue after chop,Charge for eight,000 yuan,Doubt is the clerk cheating.
In fact, this is not a single case,Hong Kong wen wei Po reporter in yesterday in the area,Also found that the mainland passengers claimed that buy 268 yuan per catty(Purchase a half jins of)Flower glue to chop after,Be charge for 4,000 yuan,And the clerk after several disputes,Final pay 2,000 yuan interest things.Hong Kong cc remind,The store may have violation[Trade descriptions ordinance],If consumers doubt swindled,Should be real-time alarm for help.
A mainland passengers complain,Refers to the earlier to Tsim Sha Tsui haiphong road a Chinese herbal medicine shop when shopping,Be clerk lobbying to buy flower glue,At the shop assistant said the flower glue, only for 500 yuan,But never mentioned during any computing unit.When members of mistake flower glue sold for 500 yuan a kilo,Think Hong Kong shopping good reputation,Believe that even if be cheat,500 yuan also is only a small number,So in the security under a catch,Decide to buy a kilo flower glue with credit card and sign the bill.The clerk in the members of the consent,Then will take glue to chop and packaging;The Lord also not pay attention to the clerk of the input amount,Random password input credit card payment.
不过,在事主签收信用卡单据时,却发现已被店方收取8,000港元,与原本500元的预算相差甚远,故实时质疑店员有关花胶的售价是否500元一斤。 由于怀疑被店员以“斤变两”的手法欺骗,事主遂要求退款及离去;惟店员却声称,因花胶已被切碎及包装,故不能退款,更坚持收取事主8,000元,否则不可离去。
but,The members of the credit card receipt documents,But found that has been deemed the charge,Hk $000,With the original budget of 500 yuan is far,When questioned about flower shop only improve e-bank service quality of rubber whether the price is 500 yuan a kilo. Due to the suspect was the clerk to"Jin become two"'s trick,Members and ask for a refund and leave;But the clerk but says,Because of the flower glue has been cut up and packaging,So you can't get a refund,To collect more members of eight,000 yuan,Will not leave.
Although members of the heart has unwilling,But in order to pour oil on troubled waters and catch the bus period,In all but the clerk to pay high amount,And going to the home to the relevant institutions after complaints.But only to find,Not only in the Lord be cheat,Hand-held documents also does not show the names,To be cheat again the subject of back up.
readings:Development and reform commission (NDRC) for half a year in the tourism price special inspection

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